

Join the conversation

Maybe you've often wondered about some of the issues that we face as a society, such as:

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  • ?
  • ?

Or perhaps you find yourself pondering over some of the more timeless inquiries, like:

  • ?
  • ?
  • ?

You might also find yourself thinking about , , or .

We've thought a lot about these questions and issues too, and you can join the conversation in our classes.

View descriptions of all philosophy courses (PHIL) in the UVic Academic Calendar.

Please note: if you wish to take a course for which you do not have the pre-requisites, please start by reviewing this form and emailing the instructor of the course.


View our Fall 2024 timetable and our Spring 2025 timetable.

Please note: These are subject to change. Please check back regularly. 

Course outlines

FALL 2024

Course #

Course title


PHIL 100


Introduction to Philosophy

 J. Young 

PHIL 100


Introduction to Philosophy

 D. Scott 


PHIL 100


Introduction to Philosophy

 K. Brown 


PHIL 100


Introduction to Philosophy

 K. Brown 


PHIL 201

Critical Thinking

 C. Klatt


PHIL 203

Elementary Formal Logic

A. Yap


PHIL 204

Traditions of Asian Philosophy

C. Goto-Jones


PHIL 208

Introduction of Islamic Philosophy

C. Roberts


PHIL 210

Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy

T. Land


PHIL 211

Introduction to Existentialism

N. Belmonte 


PHIL 225

Death and Dying

 K. Stockdale


PHIL 232 A01

Moral Problems of Contemporary Society

S. Woodcock


PHIL 232


Moral Problems of Contemporary Society

P. Dietsch


PHIL 235

Ethics of Violence, War and Terrorism

C. Holder 


PHIL 290 

Selected Topics: Philosophy and Science Fiction

E. Kluge


PHIL 301 


C. Roberts


PHIL 306

The Rationalists

D. Scott


PHIL 309


T. Land


PHIL 330

Professional and Business Ethics

P. Dietsch


PHIL 331

Issues in Biomedical Ethics

E. Kluge


PHIL 333 A01 = 30 (x ED 314 =30)

Philosophy and the Environment (Ecophilosophy, Subjectivity, and Ecotherapy)

C. Goto-Jones


PHIL 339 Theories of Justice

C. Macleod


PHIL 351 Epistemology

P. Rysiew


PHIL 352  Metaphysics

M. Raven

PHIL 375 A01 =25 (x Math 375 =25) Philosophy of Mathematics

M. Raven

PHIL 390  Selected Topics: Ethics and Art

S. Woodcock


PHIL 440  Topics in Philosophy: Aesthetics J. Young
PHIL 433  Topics in Philosophy: Advanced Social and Political Philosophy: Collective Responsibility

A. Yap 


PHIL 541 Topics in Philosophy: Aesthetics J. Young
PHIL 535 Topics in Philosophy: Advanced Social and Political Philosophy: Collective Responsibility

A. Yap


PHIL 591 Graduate Seminar, Research Methods Seminar

K. Stockdale


PHIL 592/598

PHIL 693/699

For Graduate Students

Spring 2024

Course #

Course title


PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 J. Young 

PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 D. Scott 

PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 K. Brown 

PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 K. Brown 

PHIL 201

Critical Thinking

 G. McComb (outline)

PHIL 201

Critical Thinking

T. Land (outline)

PHIL 203

Elementary Formal Logic

 M. Raven ()

Death and Dying

 K. Stockdale (outline)

PHIL 232

Moral Problems of Contemporary Society

S. Woodcock (outline)

PHIL 235

Ethics of Violence, War and Terrorism

C. Holder (outline)

PHIL 239 

Philosophy and Feminism

K. Stockdale (outline)

PHIL 303 


D. Scott (outline)

PHIL 306

The Rationalists

 T. Land (outline)

PHIL 308

The Empiricists

J. Young (outline)

PHIL 331

Biomedical Ethics

 E-H. Kluge (outline)

PHIL 335

Contemporary Moral Philosophy

K. Brown (outline)

PHIL 337

Ethics: Theory and Practice

S. Woodcock (outline)

PHIL 339

Theories of Justice

P. Dietsch (outline)

PHIL 352


M. Raven ()

PHIL 356

Philosophy of Science

E. Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 358

Theory of Perception

P. Rysiew (outline)

PHIL 360

Philosophy and Film

N. Belmonte (outline)

PHIL 362

Philosophy of Mind

E. Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 379

X GRS 379

Early Greek Thought

C. Roberts (outline)

PHIL 383

X GRS 380

The Life and Times of Socrates

C. Roberts (outline)

PHIL 390

Selected Topics: Philosophy and Climate Change

T. Heyd (outline)

PHIL 431

X PHIL 500 A02

Topics: Advanced Biomedical Ethics: MAiD and Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Ethical Considerations

E. Kluge (outline)

PHIL 433

X PHIL 535

 Topics: Advanced Social and Political Philosophy: The Political Philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

P. Dietsch (outline)

PHIL 436

X LAW 343

X PHIL 500 A01

Topics: Advanced Philosophy of Law: The Right to Truth

C. Holder (outline)

Fall 2023

Course #

Course title


PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 J. Young (outline)

PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 D. Scott (outline)

PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 K. Brown (outline)

PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 K. Brown (outline)

PHIL 201

Critical Thinking

 G. McComb (outline)

PHIL 201

Critical Thinking

C. Roberts (outline)

PHIL 203

Elementary Formal Logic

 A. Yap (outline)

PHIL 208

Introduction to Islamic Philosophy

E-H. Kluge (outline)

PHIL 211

Introduction to Existentialism

 N. Belmonte (outline)

PHIL 220

Introduction to Philosophy of Science

E. Hochstein (outline)


Death and Dying

 K. Stockdale (outline)

PHIL 232

Moral Problems of Contemporary Society

S. Woodcock (outline)

PHIL 236

Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy

 C. Holder (outline)

PHIL 240 

Introduction to Philosophy of Art

J. Young (outline)

PHIL 251

Knowledge, Certainty and Skepticism

P. Rysiew (outline)

PHIL 252

Introduction to Metaphysics

M. Raven

PHIL 260

Introduction to Philosophy of Mind

E. Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 261

Philosophy of Religion

C. Goto-Jones (outline)

PHIL 290

Selected Topics: Love, Sex and Friendship

A. Yap (outline)

PHIL 301


C. Roberts (outline)

PHIL 303


D. Scott (outline)

PHIL 309


 T. Land (outline)

PHIL 314

19th Century Philosophy

 T. Land (outline)

PHIL 330

Professional and Business Ethics

S. Richard (outline)

PHIL 331

Biomedical Ethics

 E-H. Kluge (outline)

PHIL 333

X ES 314

Philosophy and the Environment (Eco-philosophy, subjectivity, and ecotherapy)

C. Goto-Jones (outline)

PHIL 336

Philosophy of Law

 C. Holder (outline)

PHIL 338 


S. Woodcock (outline)

PHIL 430

X PHIL 534

Advanced Ethics: Feminist Ethics

 K. Stockdale (outline)

PHIL 490

X PHIL 500

Advanced Topics in Philosophy: On Human Nature: A Study of Raymond Tallis’ The Explicit Animal

D. Scott (outline)

Summer 2023

Course # Course title Instructor
PHIL 201 A01

Critical Thinking

May 15 - June 30

ONLINE - asynchronous

C. Klatt


PHIL 232 A01

Moral Problems of Contemporary Society

May 15 - June 7 MTWRF 10:30-12:20


K. Brown



Spring 2023

Course # Course title Instructor
PHIL 100 A01 Introduction to Philosophy J. Young (outline)
PHIL 100 A02 Introduction to Philosophy D. Scott (outline)
PHIL 100 A03 Introduction to Philosophy K. Brown (outline)
PHIL 100 A04 Introduction to Philosophy K. Brown (outline)
PHIL 201 A01 Critical Thinking C. Klatt (outline)
PHIL 201 A02 Critical Thinking T. Land (outline)
PHIL 203 Elementary Formal Logic M. Raven  
PHIL 208 Introduction to Islamic Philosophy C. Roberts (outline)
PHIL 210 Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy D. Scott (outline)
PHIL 225 A01 Death and Dying K. Stockdale (outline)
PHIL 225 A02 Death and Dying G. McComb (outline)
PHIL 232 Moral Problems of Contemporary Society P. Dietsch (outline)
PHIL 235 Ethics of Violence, War and Terrorism C. Holder (outline)
PHIL 251 Knowledge, Certainty and Skepticism P. Rysiew  (outline)
PHIL 261 Philosophy of Religion C. Goto-Jones  (outline)
PHIL 306 The Rationalists E. Kluge (outline)
PHIL 311 Existentialist Thinkers C. Goto-Jones (outline)
PHIL 314 19th Century Philosophy T. Land (outline)
PHIL 330 Professional and Business Ethics P. Dietsch (outline)
PHIL 331 Issues in Biomedical Ethics E. Kluge  (outline)
PHIL 336 Philosophy of Law C. Holder (outline)
PHIL 337 Ethics: Theory and Practice K. Brown (outline)
PHIL 352 Metaphysics M. Raven 
PHIL 354 Philosophy of Language A. Yap (outline)
PHIL 360 Philosophy and Film N. Belmonte (outline)
PHIL 362 Philosophy of Mind E. Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 383

X GRS 380

The Life and Times of Socrates C. Roberts (outline)
PHIL 390 Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Wittgenstein P. Rysiew (outline)

PHIL 440

X PHIL 541

Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Aesthetics J. Young (outline)

PHIL 490 A01

X PHIL 500 A01

Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Philosophy of Psychiatry E. Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 490 A02

X PHIL 500 A02

Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Hope and Despair K. Stockdale (outline)

Fall 2022

Course # Course title Instructor

PHIL 100 A01

Introduction to Philosophy J. Young (outline)
PHIL 100 A02 Introduction to Philosophy D. Scott
PHIL 100 A03 Introduction to Philosophy K. Brown (outline)
PHIL 100 A04 Introduction to Philosophy K. Brown (outline)
PHIL 201 Critical Thinking C. Klatt (outline)
PHIL 203 Elementary Formal Logic A. Yap (outline)
PHIL 204 Traditions of Asian Philosophy C. Goto-Jones (outline)
PHIL 207A Introduction to Ancient Philosophy T. Heyd (outline)
PHIL 211 Introduction to Existentialism N. Belmonte (outline)
PHIL 223 Introduction to Philosophy of Social Sciences P. Dietsch (outline)
PHIL 232 Moral Problems of Contemporary Society S. Woodcock (outline)
PHIL 236 Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy C. Holder (outline)
PHIL 239 Philosophy and Feminism K. Stockdale (outline)
PHIL 240 Introduction to Philosophy of Art T. Heyd (outline)
PHIL 260 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind E. Hochstein (outline)
PHIL 301 Plato C. Roberts (outline)
PHIL 303 Aristotle D. Scott
PHIL 305A Early Medieval Philosophy E. Kluge
PHIL 308 The Empiricists J. Young
PHIL 309 Kant T. Land (outline)
PHIL 316 History of Analytic Philosophy M. Raven 
PHIL 321 Philosophy of Medicine E. Hochstein (outline)
PHIL 331 Issues in Biomedical Ethics E. Kluge
PHIL 333 Philosophy and the Environment T. Heyd (outline)
PHIL 335 Contemporary Moral Philosophy C. Macleod
PHIL 339 Theories of Justice C. Holder (outline)
PHIL 351 Epistemology P. Rysiew (outline)
PHIL 358 Theories of Perception P. Rysiew (outline)
PHIL 375 Philosophy of Mathematics M. Raven 
PHIL 390 Topics in Philosophy: Moral Character K. Stockdale (outline)
PHIL 390 Topics in Philosophy: Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology C. Goto-Jones (outline)

PHIL 426

X PHIL 500 A01

 Major Figures in Ancient Philosophy: Plato's Republic C. Roberts (outline)

PHIL 430

X PHIL 500 A03

Advanced Ethics: Utilitarianism S. Woodcock (outline)

PHIL 490

X PHIL 500 A02

Advanced Studies in Early Modern Philosophy: Kant, Critique of Judgment T. Land (outline)

Spring 2022

Course # Course title Instructor
PHIL 100 A01 Introduction to Philosophy J. Young
PHIL 100 A02 Introduction to Philosophy S. Woodcock
PHIL 100 A03 Introduction to Philosophy K. Brown
PHIL 100 A04 Introduction to Philosophy K. Brown
PHIL 201 A01 (ONL - A) Critical Thinking C. Klatt (outline)
PHIL 201 A02 Critical Thinking T. Land (outline)
PHIL 203 A01 Elementary Formal Logic M. Raven (outline)
PHIL 207A A01 Introduction to Ancient Philosophy T. Heyd (outline)
PHIL 232 A01 Moral Problems of Contemporary Society T. Heyd (outline)
PHIL 232 A02 Moral Problems of Contemporary Society P. Dietsch (outline)
PHIL 236 A01 Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy C. Holder (outline)
PHIL 239 A01 Philosophy and Feminism K. Brown (outline) 
PHIL 251 A01 Knowledge, Certainty and Skepticism P. Rysiew (outline)
PHIL 260 A01 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind E. Hochstein (outline)
PHIL 290 A01  Introduction to Selected Topic: Philosophy of Sex, Love and Friendship A. Yap (outline)
PHIL 305B A01 Later Medieval Philosophy C. Roberts (outline)
PHIL 306 A01 The Rationalists E. Kluge (outline)
PHIL 308 A01 The Empiricists J. Young (outline)
PHIL 309 A01 Kant T. Land (outline)
PHIL 311 A01 (ONL - B) Existentialist Thinkers C. Goto-Jones (outline)
PHIL 314 A01 19th Century Philosophy N. Belmonte (outline)
PHIL 331 A01 Issues in Biomedical Ethics E. Kluge (outline)
PHIL 337 A01 Ethics: Theory and Practice S. Woodcock (outline)
PHIL 352 A01 Metaphysics M. Raven (outline)
PHIL 356 A01  Philosophy of Science E. Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 379 A01

(X GRS 379)

Early Greek Thought C. Roberts (outline)

PHIL 390 A01

(X PSYC 391)

(ONL - B)

Topics in Philosophy: Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology C. Goto-Jones (outline)
PHIL 390 A02 Topics in Philosophy: Tax, Property, and Inequality R. Tonkin (outline)

PHIL 427 A01

X PHIL 500 A01

Advanced Studies in Early Modern Philosophy: Thomas Reid P. Rysiew (outline)

PHIL 433 A01 

X PHIL 535 A02

Advanced Social and Political Philosophy: The Equity-Efficiency Trade-Off P. Dietsch (outline)

PHIL 436 A01

X LAW 343

X PHIL 535 A01

Advanced Philosophy of Law: International Human Rights C. Holder (outline)

Fall 2021

Course # Course title Instructor
PHIL 100 A01 Introduction to Philosophy J. Young (outline)

PHIL 100 A02

(ONL - S)


Introduction to Philosophy


S. Woodcock (outline)
PHIL 100 A03 Introduction to Philosophy K. Brown (outline)
PHIL 100 A04 Introduction to Philosophy K. Brown (outline)

PHIL 201 A01

(ONL - A)

Critical Thinking C. Klatt (outline)

PHIL 203 A02

(ONL - A)

Elementary Formal Logic A. Yap (outline)
PHIL 220 A01 Introduction to Philosophy of Science E. Hochstein (outline)
PHIL 223 A01 Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Sciences K. Brown (outline)

PHIL 225 A01

(ONL - B)

Death and Dying K. Jahn (outline)
PHIL 232 A01 Moral Problems of Contemporary Society T. Heyd (outline)
PHIL 240 A01 Introduction to Philosophy of Art J. Young (outline)
PHIL 252 A01 Introduction to Metaphysics M. Raven 
PHIL 260 A01 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind E. Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 261 A01

(ONL - B)

Philosophy of Religion C. Goto-Jones (outline)
PHIL 290 A01 Introduction to Selected Topic: Science Fiction and Philosophy E. Kluge (outline)
PHIL 301 A01 Plato C. Roberts (outline)
PHIL 303 A01 Aristotle D. Scott (outline)
PHIL 305A A01 Early Medieval Philosophy C. Roberts (outline)
PHIL 330 A01 Professional and Business Ethics T. Heyd (outline)
PHIL 331 A01 Issues in Biomedical Ethics E. Kluge (outline)

PHIL 333 A01

X ES 314 

Philosophy and the Environment T. Heyd (outline)
PHIL 335 A01 Contemporary Moral Philosophy C. Macleod (outline)
PHIL 338 A01 Meta-Ethics S. Woodcock (outline)
PHIL 360 A01 Philosophy and Film N. Belmonte (outline)
PHIL 370 A01 Theoretical Logic A. Yap (outline)

PHIL 450 A01

X PHIL 552

Advanced Metaphysics: Based and Baseless Truths M. Raven 

PHIL 460 A01

X PHIL 514

Advanced Philosophy of Mind: On Human Nature: A Study of Raymond Tallis' Explicit Animal D. Scott (outline)

PHIL 490 A01

X PHIL 500

Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Philosophy, Climate and the Anthropocene T. Heyd (outline)


Summer 2021

Course # Course title Instructor
PHIL 201

Critical Thinking

May 10 - June 15

fully asynchronous

C. Klatt


PHIL 232

Moral Problems of Contemporary Society

May 10 - June 2 MTWRF 10:30-12:20


K. Brown



Spring 2021

Course #

Course title


PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 J. Young (outline)

PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 S. Woodcock (outline)

PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 K. Brown (outline)

PHIL 100

Introduction to Philosophy

 K. Brown (outline)

PHIL 201

Critical Thinking

 C. Klatt (outline)

PHIL 203

Elementary Formal Logic

 M. Raven 


Introduction to Ancient Philosophy

 T. Heyd (outline)

PHIL 211

Introduction to Existentialism

 N. Belmonte (outline)

PHIL 232

Moral Problems of Contemporary Society

 T. Heyd (outline)

PHIL 235

Ethics of Violence, War and Terrorism

 A. Yap (outline)

PHIL 236

Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy

 C. Holder (outline)

PHIL 239

Philosophy and Feminism

 K. Stockdale (outline)

PHIL 308

The Empiricists

 J. Young (outline)

PHIL 309


 T. Land (outline)

PHIL 331

Biomedical Ethics

 E. Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 336

Philosophy of Law

 C. Holder (outline)

PHIL 337

Ethics: Theory and Practice

 S. Woodcock (outline)

PHIL 351


 P. Rysiew (outline)

PHIL 354

Philosophy of Language

 M. Raven 

PHIL 358

Theory of Perception

 P. Rysiew (outline)

PHIL 390

Selected Topics: Hellenistic Philosophy: Epicureans, Stoics & Skeptics

 C. Roberts (outline)

PHIL 490

X PHIL 500 (A01)

Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Plato’s Republic

 C. Roberts (outline)

PHIL 490

X PHIL 500 (A02)

Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Conceptualizing and Categorizing Phenomena in Science

 E. Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 490

X PHIL 500 (A03)

Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Hope and Despair

 K. Stockdale (outline)


Fall 2020

Course  Instructor
PHIL 100: Introduction to Philosophy James Young (outline)
PHIL 100: Introduction to Philosophy Scott Woodcock (outline)
PHIL 100: Introduction to Philosophy Karen Brown (outline)
PHIL 201: Critical Thinking Carrie Klatt (outline)
PHIL 201: Critical Thinking Thomas Land (outline)
PHIL 203: Elementary Formal Logic Audrey Yap (outline)
PHIL 223: Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Sciences Karen Brown (outline)
PHIL 225: Death and Dying Katie Stockdale (outline)
PHIL 232: Moral Problems of Contemporary Society Scott Woodcock (outline)
PHIL 240: Introduction to Philosophy of Art Thomas Heyd (outline)
PHIL 251: Knowledge, Certainty and Skepticism Patrick Rysiew (outline)
PHIL 260: Introduction to Philosophy of Mind Eric Hochstein (outline) 
PHIL 301: Plato  Clifford Roberts (outline)
PHIL 303: Aristotle David Scott (outline)
PHIL 306: The Rationalists David Scott (outline)
PHIL 316: History of Analytic Philosophy Michael Raven 
PHIL 321: Philosophy of Medicine Eric Hochstein (outline)
PHIL 330: Professional and Business Ethics Thomas Heyd (outline)
PHIL 331: Issues in Biomedical Ethics Katie Stockdale (outline)

PHIL 333: Philosophy and the Environment

X ES 314

Thomas Heyd (outline)

PHIL 335: Contemporary Moral Philosophy

Colin Macleod

PHIL 339: Theories of Justice

Cindy Holder (outline)

PHIL 352: Metaphysics

Michael Raven  

PHIL 360: Philosophy of Film

Nina Belmonte (outline) 

PHIL 371: Logic

Audrey Yap  (outline) 

PHIL 379: Early Greek Thought

X GRS 379

Clifford Roberts (outline)
PHIL 390: Wittgenstein Patrick Rysiew (outline)

PHIL 440: Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Advanced Aesthetics

X PHIL 541

James Young (outline)

PHIL 451: Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Mind and World

X PHIL 551

Thomas Land (outline)

PHIL 490: Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Self-Determination of Peoples

X PHIL 500

X LAW 343

Cindy Holder (outline)


Summer 2020

Course Instructor
PHIL 201: Critical Thinking Di Yang (outline)
PHIL 232: Moral Problems of Contemporary Society Karen Brown (outline)


Spring 2020

Course Instructor


 Brown (outline)

Scott (outline)

Young (outline)

Klatt (outline)

Raven (outline)

Heyd (outline)

Heyd (outline)

Holder (outline)

Stockdale (outline)

Young (outline)

Rysiew (outline)

Hochstein (outline)

Kluge (outline)

Roberts (outline)

Yap (outline)

Belmonte (outline)

Kluge (outline)

Brown (outline)

Yang (outline)

Rysiew (outline)

Belmonte (outline)

Yap (outline)

Roberts (outline)

Raymond Tallis' Explicit Animal

Scott (outline)

Blame, Anger, and Forgiveness

Stockdale (outline)

Philosophy of Psychiatry

Hochstein (outline)


Fall 2019

Course Instructor

Brown (outline)

Scott (outline)

Young (outline)

Klatt (outline)

Hochstein (outline)

Yap (outline)

PHIL 208: Introduction to Islamic Philosophy

Kluge (outline)

PHIL 211: Existentialism

Belmonte (outline)

PHIL 220: Introduction to Philosophy of Science

Brown (outline)

Stockdale (outline)
Woodcock (outline)
Heyd (outline)
Holder (outline)
PHIL 252: Introduction to Metaphysics

Raven (outline)

Hochstein (outline)

PHIL 301: Plato Roberts (outline)

Scott (outline)

PHIL 308: The Empiricists Young (outline)
PHIL 330: Professional & Business Ethics

Heyd (outline)

Kluge (outline)

Heyd (outline)

PHIL 335: Contemporary Moral Philosophy Macleod (outline)
PHIL 338: Meta-Ethics

Woodcock (outline)

PHIL 351: Epistemology Rysiew (outline)
PHIL 426: Major Figures in Ancient Philosophy: Stoicism: Metaphysics and Epistemology Roberts (outline)
PHIL: 427: Advanced Studies in Early Modern Philosophy: Thomas Reid Rysiew (outline)

PHIL 462: Advanced Philosophy of Language: Language and Attitude Problems

Raven (outline)


Spring 2019  

Course Instructor

Klatt (outline)


Jahn (outline)
Heyd (outline)
Jahn (outline)


Yap (outline)

Rysiew (outline)

Barnes (outline)


Land (outline)

Barnes (outline)

Land (outline)

Kluge (outline)

Kluge (outline)

Heyd (outline)

Holder (outline)


Hochstein (outline)

Rysiew (outline)

Barnes (outline)

If you do not have the prerequisites for this course, please contact the department

Yap (outline)

Holder (outline)

Scott (outline)

Hochstein (outline)

Fall 2018 

Course Instructor

Jahn  (A01 outline)

Scott (A02 outline)

Brown (A03 outline)

Brown (A04 outline)

Jahn (A05 outline)

Klatt (outline)

Hochstein (outline)

Land (outline)

Yap (outline)

Heyd (outline)

Barnes (outline)

Hochstein (outline)

Woodcock (outline)

Heyd (outline)

Jahn (outline)


Barnes (outline)

Roberts (oiutline)

Kluge (outline)

Scott (outline)


Heyd (outline)

Kluge (outline)

Brown (outline)




Yap (outline)

Roberts (outline)

Summer 2018

Course Instructor

Klatt (outline)

Klatt (outline)

Brown (outline

Spring 2018

Course Instructor

Roberts (outline) 
Hochstein (outline)

Raven (outline)
Kluge (outline)
Belmonte (outline)
Woodcock (outline)
Yap (outline)
Barnes (outline)
Young (outline)
Jahn (outline)
Belmonte (outline)
Heyd (outline)
Kluge (outline)
Heyd (outline)
Brown (outline)
Woodcock (outline)
Macleod (outline)
Rysiew (outline)
Raven (outline)
Barnes (outline)
Yap (outline)
Jahn (outline)
Rysiew (outline)
Scott (outline)
Hochstein (outline)
Roberts (outline) 

Fall 2017

Course Instructor

Jahn (outline)

Scott (outline)

Brown (outline) 

Young (outline)

Roberts (outline)

Klatt (outline)

Klatt (outline)

Yap (outline)

Woodcock (outline)
Heyd (outline)

Jahn (outline)
Heyd (outline)
Rysiew (outline)
Barnes (outline)
Barnes (outline)
Roberts (outline)
Scott (outline)
Kluge (outline)
Heyd (outline)
Kluge (outline)
Hochstein (outline)
Rysiew (outline)
Young (outline)
Yap (outline)

Summer 2017

Course Instructor
Brown (outline)
Klatt (outline)
Klatt (outline)
  Brown (outline)

Spring 2017

Course Instructor


Klatt (outline)

Roberts (outline)

Scott (outline)
Brown (outline)
Brown (outline)
Heyd (outline)
Jahn (outline)
Young (outline)
Barnes (outline)
Kluge (outline)
Jahn (outline)
Barnes (outline)
Belmonte (outline)
Heyd (outline)
Kluge (outline)
Heyd (outline)
Macleod (outline)
Woodcock (outline)
Raven (outline)
Barnes (outline)
Yap (outline)
Holder (outline)




Raven (outline)
Scott  (outline)

Yap (outline)