
Undergraduate Students

Why study philosophy?

In philosophy, you'll explore the most fundamental questions of life, the questions that people across all ages and cultures have always asked themselves about the world and their place in it:

  • What is the meaning of life?

  • Are there objective standards of right and wrong?

  • Is there life after death?    

Studying philosophy improves your writing and verbal acuity, sharpens your critical thinking and helps you communicate your thoughts about challenging and inspiring questions.

The skills you gain in philosophy can give you the edge on standardized tests such as the LSAT and GRE.  By studying philosophy, you equip yourself for a variety of careers in academia and beyond

In our popular Minor in Applied Ethics you’ll gain the practical and theoretical resources to deal with the wide-range of ethical challenges you may encounter in your personal and professional life.

See our program overview for more information. Look for answers to frequently asked questions and check out what kind of courses you can take in philosophy. Whether you want an honours, major, or minor degree, or just want to take some of our courses, we're here to answer your questions

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