
Uploading a document

The acceptable formats for uploading a document are:

  • .jpg
  • .PDF
  • .doc, .docx
  • .xls, .xlsx

Note: Only .jpg and .PDF documents will display in the preview panel in Cascade, but the other documents will not. Instead a message will be displayed indicating that the file cannot be previewed inside the system, but you can download it or preview it in a new tab (see image below). You can just ignore this message.


To upload a document:

  1. Click on Add Content.
    add content
  2. Click on Document Upload.

    click on document upload
  3. Leave the system name as is, as the document name will be whatever you named it as on your computer.  Leave docs as the Placement Folder.
    disregard the system name
  4. Drag and drop the document file from your computer in the area provided, or click on choose and navigate to find an image on your computer.

    drag and drop
  5. You will see that the document has been received.

    document received
  6. When you are finished, you can include some comments about the changes you've made, if you wish, and then click on the ellipsis and then click on submit.