
Site files and folders

You can view your site's content by clicking on the folders to expand and collapse.

Important notes about system names:

Each of the folders in your site has what's called a "system name". This forms part of the URL. Acceptable uses:

  • Lowercase letters.
  • Numbers
  • Hyphens (-)

Not acceptable uses:

  • Dates (application2018.pdf)
  • Spaces
  • Underscores (_). Links are usually underlined, and underscores are difficult to see
  • Special characters such as exclamation points (!), question marks (?), and percent signs(%)

Keep your system names descriptive, short and simple.

  1. Click on your site's main folder in the preview panel on the right:

    click on folder in dashboard
  2. Or, you can click on the arrow beside the folder in the Navigator:

    click on arrow
  3. The folder contents will be displayed in both the Navigator on the left and the preview panel on the right.

    folders displayed
  4. To view the contents of a folder, click on the desired folder to expand.

    view folder contents
  5. The folder contents will be displayed.

    folder contents displayed
  6. To view the contents of a specific page, click on the page  icon.

    view page contents
  7. The page content will be displayed on the Dashboard on the right.

    page content displayed