
Publishing a page

In Cascade you can publish to either the:

  • Test (preproduction) servers
  • Live (production) servers
  • or both at the same time.

When you submit a publishing job, it gets placed in a queue and will go to any one of the servers selected. A single page can publish quite quickly, however, larger publishing jobs (such as publishing a folder or your entire site) can take much longer. If you need to publish your entire site, we ask you to wait until 4:30 pm to do so. This way the server isn't tied up for other publishing jobs.

To publish a page:

  1. Click on the Publish tab at the top right of the window.

    click on publish tab
  2. Or you can right click on the page in the navigator and select Publish from the drop-down shortcut menu.

    right click and select publish
  3. Click on the arrow beside View Publish settings to expand the list of publishing destinations.
    view publish settings
  4. Select the desired destinations. Note: If you only want to publish to the test destinations, be sure to deselect the live (prod) destinations.
    select publish destinations
  5. Then click on Publish again

    click on publish again