
Archiving news

To archive a news item:

  1. Your Archived news can be found on the News index page under the Archived news tab.

    archive news tab
  2. You'll also see over in Navigator that the archive news folder is located in the news folder which is in your site's home folder.

    archived news folder in navigator  
  3. To archive a news item, you can click, hold and drag it from the current folder into the archive folder, and then let go.

    drag archived news item into current folder
  4. Be sure to leave the box beside Unpublish Content selected.

    leave unpublish content selected
  5. Then click on Move.

    click on move
  6. You'll see that the item has been moved successfully.  You can also view a full report on the unpublishing on the main Dashboard under Notifications.
      you'll see the item has been moved successfully
  7. Now that your news item has successfully been moved to the archive folder, you are ready publish. You will need to publish the entire news folder.

    publish entire news folder
    Note: Due to the nature of RSS feeds, there is sometimes a caching delay, but if the rss-feed is published, you should see the update within a few hours on your live site.