
Acquiring software for employees

Acquiring new software at UVic is a process that varies in complexity depending on your needs. This page will help you understand the different processes and how to get started on your software purchase. These processes apply to single-license software and software subscriptions.

All new software at UVic must get technical approval. Software renewals and version upgrades also require technical approval to make sure new features are still compliant.

Everyone at UVic is responsible for following data privacy and security policies.

Before you start

Before acquiring new software, look at the software licensed and distributed by UVic and Microsoft 365 apps that are available. We may already have something that meets your needs.

Free software

This section applies to you if you want to implement free software at UVic for a group of users and require them to create accounts or input UVic user data.

It’s important to remember that free software still requires technical approval.

If you’re planning to implement free software at UVic, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is your intended use of this software?
    • If you’ll be installing it on UVic hardware, talk to your department’s IT staff
  • What data will be stored on the software? Examples include:
    • personally identifiable information (PII)
    • research data
    • confidential information
  • Who will have access to the software?

Once you have gathered this information, you can request technical approval:

  1. Fill out the request for technical approval of software form
  2. the Technology Solutions Centre (TSC) and include your completed form as an attachment
  3. The TSC will either approve or deny your request

If your request is approved, you can proceed with your plan and implement the software.

If your request is denied, the TSC will set up a consultation with you and recommend alternative options.

Software/subscription for myself or my team

This section applies to you if you:

  • want to buy a single license or software subscription for yourself or another person
  • want to buy software for a group of users
  • want to buy software for your teaching curriculum

When choosing your software, consider the following questions:

  • What is your intended use of this software?
    • Will you be using it to teach in a computer lab?
    • If you’ll be installing it on UVic hardware, talk to your department’s IT staff
  • What data will be stored with the software?
  • Who will have access to the software?
  • How much will the software cost?
  • Will the purchase be a single payment or an ongoing subscription?
    • If it’s a subscription service, you should provide details to your department office for their budget records.

Once you have gathered this information, you can request technical approval:

  1. Find your funding source (probably a department FAST account)
  2. Fill out the request for technical approval of software form
  3. If you consulted with Information Security or the Privacy Office, you may have additional forms to fill in
  4. Use to submit a requisition
    • If you don’t have access to WebReq, your supervisor or admin staff can create a requisition for you. Include all your filled-out forms for them to attach to the requisition.
    • If you do have access to WebReq, create a requisition. Attach all your filled-out forms.
  5. The TSC will either approve or deny your request

If your request doesn’t meet the TSC’s requirements for privacy and security, we’ll set up a consultation with you. During this consultation, we can make alternative recommendations. If someone else has already purchased something comparable, we may suggest different options to save you time and money.

Large-scale software purchases

This section applies to you if you:

  • want to buy software that costs over $5,000
  • will be storing confidential or personally identifiable information
  • Intend the software to be used by a large group of users (including students or multiple groups/departments)
  • need implementation support, such as:
    • integration with UVic NetLink ID login
    • installation and maintenance on UVic servers
    • installation in computer labs for student use
    • installation on many department computers for employees

These types of software purchases should start with a consultation with the Systems Project Management Office. During your consultation, they can make recommendations about:

  • existing software that’s already being used on campus
  • getting necessary security and privacy information from vendors
  • custom software development options
  • resources for implementation project planning

Set up a consultation now

A consultation is the first step in making a large-scale software purchase. The rest of the process will include securing a funding source, getting technical approval and creating a project plan. The consultation will help you prepare for these next steps.

When choosing your software, consider the following questions:

  • What is your intended use of this software?
  • What data will be stored on the software?
  • Who will have access to the software?
  • What is your budget for this software?
  • How will the software be implemented?

Microsoft 365 add-ons

You can buy approved Microsoft 365 add-on licenses through the TSC. Current approved add-on licenses are:

  • A5 plans for affiliates and emeritus
  • Visio
  • Project

For other Microsoft 365 add-ons, . Add-ons licenses don’t require technical approval, but new apps must be reviewed and enabled by the Microsoft 365 admins. You can submit a Microsoft 365 feature request.

Self-help resources


For help selecting or sourcing software, .

For help with the purchasing or contracting process or FAST WebReq, contact Purchasing Services.