Internal hyperlinks
Before we get into creating an internal hyperlink, let's look at the difference between an internal hyperlink and an external hyperlink:
Internal hyperlinks
Internal hyperlinks are used to create links to pages or documents within the same site (i.e. PDF documents).
- You will note when creating an internal hyperlink, there is no "internal" class selection.
- To link to a PDF document, it must already be uploaded to your site's docs folder which is in the assets folder. Remember, when creating a link to a PDF document, select the "PDF" class. This will put a document icon next to the link.
External hyperlinks
External hyperlinks are used to create links to pages that exist on external websites or other UVic sites.
- When creating external hyperlinks, remember to select the "external" class. This will put an icon next to the link that looks like an arrow bouncing off a page.
- The URL for the link should include the full "https://".
To create an internal hyperlink:
- Navigate to the desired page and click on Edit.
- Select and highlight the text you wish to hyperlink.
- Click on the chain link icon.
- Leave Internal selected and click on Choose File, Page, or Link to link to a page.
- Click on Browse and navigate to find the page in your site.
- Once you have located the page, click on the radio button beside it to select.
- Then click on Choose.
- And click Ok.