
Classroom Technology tutorials

Media Services offers free demonstrations and tutorials in any classroom on campus.

The tutorial will include how to: Access and turn on the classroom technology, use the classroom technology with the resident computer or your own personal laptop, effectively use the projection system, use of the lavalier lapel microphone, use the document camera, use Echo360 Capture in the classroom, use collaborations tools, and use room specific technologies where appropriate. We ask that you plan for tutorials to take a minimum of 20 minutes in order to fully cover all aspects. 

Tutorials are not offered when you are already in your classroom with students or guests.

All tutorials must be booked in advance. Please ensure tutorials are scheduled at least two days in advance of the session to allow us to plan accordingly

To book a classroom technology tutorial, first contact the Office of the Registrar. and request the classroom that you would like a tutorial in.  Book at least a 1/2 hour time slot. Then contact Media Services at 250-721-8292 to let us know when to meet you there. As long as the time is between Monday to Friday 8:00-5:00 we will be able to schedule you in.  Remember to bring your personal laptop or other teaching device if you plan on using one so we can assist with setting it up.

Note: These free in-room tutorials must be scheduled and carried out in advance of classes, without students present, to allow for more effective knowledge transfer.

Classroom equipment

    •  (Step 1 to 3)
    •  (Step 4) 
    •  (Step 5) 
    •   (Step 6) 
    •  (Step 7) 

Room-specific Tutorials

Rental equipment

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