
Hide a page and folder

Sometimes you will want to hide a page and folder from your site while you are working on creating new content. This lesson will cover unpublishing existing pages and folders, and setting them so they cannot be published accidentally.

  1. To hide an existing page and folder, you will first need to unpublish it. Right-click on the folder containing the page and select Unpublish from the shortcut menu.

    right click on folder and select unpublish

  2. Make sure all of the server destinations are selected and then click on Submit.

    leave servers selected and click submit
  3. A message will appear at the bottom of your screen that reads Un-publish message sent successfully.
  4. Next, we are going to change the settings to make sure the page doesn't accidently get published again. Right-click on the folder and select Edit from the shortcut menu.

    right click on folder and select edit
  5. Uncheck the boxes labelled Include when publishing and Include when indexing and then click on Submit.

    deselect publishing and indexing

  6. A message will appear at the bottom of your screen that reads Edit successful.
  7. Last, we are going to hide the page from the navigation on your website. Right click on the folder one level higher. In this example, fruits is one level higher than apples, and then select Publish.

    right click on fruits folder
  8. Leave all of the server destinations selected and click on Publish.

    leave all servers selected and click publish
  9. A message will appear at the bottom of your screen that reads Publish successful.
  10. Now the page and folder are fully hidden on your site and you can work on the page without publishing it accidently.

To republish the page

  1. Right click on the folder containing the desired page and select Edit.

    right click on folder and select edit
  2. Check the boxes labelled Include when publishing and Include when indexing, and then click on Submit.

    select publishing and indexing and then click on PUblish.

  3. A message appears at the bottom of the screen that reads Edit successful.
  4. Right click on the folder one level higher. In this example, fruits is one level higher than apples, and then select Publish.

    right click on fruits folder
  5. A message appears at the bottom of the screen that reads Publish successful.
  6. Now the page and folder appear in your site again.