
Create an email link

To create an email link:

  1. Navigate to the desired page and click on Edit.
  2. Scroll down to the main content area.
  3. Type the desired email address and then click the space bar on your keyboard. You will see that the hyperlink is automatically created.
    email address is linked
  4. To include the email style beside the email address (envelope icon), you will need to click your mouse anywhere on the email address to ensure it is selected, and then click on the Format drop-down menu in the WYSIWYG editor and select Formats.

    email format

  5. And then select Custom and email. Note: You won't actually see the envelope icon until the page has been submitted.
    select custom and email
  6. When you are finished, click on Save & Preview.
  7. You will see that your email address link has been created and it has the proper email style.

    email icon is added