
Page regions

Page regions are specific areas on a page that display template blocks.

All changes to template blocks must be done through Communications & Marketing, as changes to these blocks can break styling throughout your site. For assistance please contact webcoor@uvic.ca

See descriptions below.


01 - BANNER - This block displays the name of your department and appears on every page in your site.

02 - TITLEBAR - This block also displays the name of your department (in a much larger font), and is where buttons can be used (as shown above). 

03 - MARKETING-FEATURE - This block is optional and it is most often used for a promo button (as shown above), and it is typically set to display on every page in your site. 

04 - RELATED-CONTENT - This block is used to display news and events, popular links, other links and links to social media, and it is typically set to display on every page in your site. 

05 - ADDITIONAL-MARKETING - This block is optional and it is most often used for a promo button (as shown below). It is typically set to display content on every page in your site. 

06 - BILLBOARD - This block displays the billboard rotator for your site, and it appears only on your site's main index page.

07 - FOOTER - This block appears at the bottom of every page in your site and is used to display contact, copywright and accessibility information, as well as links to social media.