Co-op and Career Portal
Business applications
The Co-op and Career Portal, available via My page, Online tools or at , is a database and tool that records and facilitates activities such as career development, work search, co-operative education
Co-op and Career staff (administrators of the portal)
- manage and record information related to the co-op program, career services, and related processes and activities
- export aggregated data for program management, statistical analysis
and enhanced planning for the department and university - facilitate and track interactions with other users (students, employers) in relation to programs and services offered
Students and alumni
- engage with the co-op program and other activities and services provided through Co-op and Career
- access and contribute to a record of the user’s experiential learning – amalgamated throughout the duration of their UVic experience
- access job boards (co-op-specific, career/general, volunteer, casual, tutors), create a
work registry or tutor registryprofile, and browse available events, workshops, co-curricular and curricular opportunities with an experiential learning component
Faculty and staff
- facilitate and promote co-curricular opportunities offered by or in support of their department/unit
- support students by contributing to the experiential inventory and validating experiences
- post job descriptions for co-op, career/general or volunteer opportunities and facilitate application/hiring processes
- engage with the co-op program when employing a co-op student during a work term
Community members
- post casual work opportunities for students and browse work/tutor registries for potential students to hire
For additional information, visit Co-op and Career.