
Creating tasks

Tasks allow content managers and contributors to create and organize their to-do lists in Cascade CMS. Tasks can be associated with all Site Content area assets including pages, files, blocks, and formats. You can create tasks for yourself or assign them to other Cascade users.

To create a task:

  1. Go to the main Dashboard in Cascade by clicking on on the Cascade icon in the left of the window, beside Go to a Site.

    click on cascade icon to go to dashboard
  2. There you will see My Upcoming Tasks.

    My upcoming tasks displayed on Dashboard
  3. Click on Add a Task.

    click on add a task
  4. Enter a name for the task and include a description.

    enter a task name and description
  5. You'll see that your name has appeared as the assigned user. If you're assigning the task to yourself, leave your name as is. If you're assigning the task to someone else, you can click in the Assigned User box to search for a different user.

    click in assigned user box to assign a user 
  6. Once you've located the user, click on the radio button beside their name and then click on Choose.

    click radio button and choose
  7. You'll see that the user has been selected. Indicate the priority and select a due date.

    user selected priority due date
  8. Click on Choose Site Content and navigate to find the related content for the task.
    click on Choose Site Content
  9. Click in on the radio button next to the folder to select it.

    select the folder
  10. And then click on Choose.

    click on choose
  11. You'll see chosen folder appears in the Related Content box.

    the folder is chosen
  12. When you are finished, click on Create.

    click on create