
Create news - internal

There are two different types of news items you can create for your site: internal news (from your own department) and external news (from another UVic website). In this example we will show how to create an internal news item.

  1. Your site's News and Events are displayed in the side bar on the right under STAY INFORMED. Typically this sidebar appears on all of the pages in your site. Here you will see up to five current news items displayed. You'll note that external news items have an icon (style) beside them. This way users will know clicking on that news item will take them to an external website. To view all of the current news items, you can click on More news.

    stay informed
  2. Clicking on More news brings you to the News & events index page. Each of the news items are listed along with a short description. You can also view your archived news and events on this page. Clicking on Read more will take you to the full news item.
    News index page
  3. You'll see over in the Navigator that the News folder is located in the Home folder for your site.  You will also see separate folders for current news and archive news, as well as RSS feeds and the index page.

    news folder expanded
  4. To create an internal news item, click on Add Content.

    Click on add content
  5. Click on UVic Pages.

    select uvic pages
  6. Select News item.

    select news item
  7. You will see in the Placement Folder that the current folder is already selected.  Enter a Display Name for your news item. The display name will form part of the URL.
    enter display name
  8. Enter a News title in the field provided. The news title will appear at the top of the news item and in on the News index page.
    enter news title
  9. Enter a short title for your news item and include a short description. The short news title appears under News in your site's sidebar - under STAY INFORMED.
    enter short title and description
  10. Copy the text from your short description and paste it in the full news description area below. Then you can add additional information.

    full description
  11. When you are finished creating your internal news item, click on the ellipsis and then click on submit.

  12. You will see that your internal news item has been created successfully.

    news item created successfully
  13. And it appears under the News tab in your site's sidebar.

    news item appears in sidebar

You'll also see the news item has been added to the current folder under news in your site.

Update site news feeds

Now that your news item has been created, you are ready publish. You will need to first publish the news item and then republish the current-news-rss-feed that updates the list of news. The current-news-rss-feed will be in the /news/folder.


Due to the nature of RSS feeds, there is sometimes a caching delay, but if the rss-feed is published, you should see it within a few hours.