
When mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads connect to UVic's Microsoft Exchange email and calendar service, they store a local copy of email messages and attachments on your device. In order to minimize risk in the event of theft or loss of mobile devices, it is very important that your device enables reasonable security features including:

  • Automatically locking your device after a period of inactivity
  • Requiring a reasonable passcode/passphrase to unlock your device (i.e. not 1234)
  • Enabling built-in device encryption
  • Setting device to self-erase in the event of too many incorrect passphrase attempts

In accordance with information security policies, the above settings are mandatory on all devices capable of supporting them. This enhances security of access to university mail, calendar, and contact information on mobile devices and protects your information from abuse by unknown and unauthorized persons.

For more information on securing your mobile device, see Secure your smart phone & tablet.