
Add an accordion to a page

To add an accordion to a page:

  1. Navigate to the desired page and click on Edit.
  2. Scroll down to the Main Content section.

    scroll down to main content section
  3. Click on the green plus (+) icon on the right to add a new Content Group. The empty section will be added directly below.

    click on green plus icon
  4. At the bottom of the new content group you will see Page Block Content.  To add the accordion, click on Choose Block.

    choose block
  5. If you just created the accordion it will be shown in the history displayed. Click to select it, and then click choose.

    select accordion from history
  6. Or, if you don't see your accordion in the history, you can click on Browse and navigate to find it.

    click on browse
  7. Once you have selected the accordion, click Choose.
    click on choose button
  8. Once your accordion has been selected, you will see it's path displayed.
    accordion has been selected

  9. When you are finished editing the page, click on the ellipsis and then click on Submit.


  10. You will see that your accordion has been added to the page.

    accordion displayed