
Approved Campus Sustainability Fund Projects

In Progress Projects 


Composting Toilet 

This collaborative project between UVic Civil Engineering and the Community Garden will serve as a testbed for an innovative water use reduction practice and increase the awareness of the global sustainability issue of sustainable sanitation. Read More

Eco Box Program

This collaborative pilot project between UVic Food Services and the Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability involves the introduction of an opt-in reusable container exchange program called the "ECO BOX" program. 

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Completed Projects 


Garry Oak Ecosystem Restoration Project
The aim of this student-led project was to restore the UVic Garry Oak Meadow ecosystem through participation efforts from the UVic Ecological Restoration Club (UVic ERC). The overarching restoration goal of this project was to support the understory plant community, while also connecting students with experiential learning opportunities within the campus living laboratory. Read more
Nov, 2022
Supplier Sustainability Assessment Tool

This collaborative pilot project between UVic Purchasing Services and the Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability involved acquiring and evaluating  as a supplier sustainability assessment tool in a 1-year pilot. Read more

Nov, 2021
Default Veg

This project identified the greenhouse gas emissions of food on campus and the percentage of plant-based items available at campus outlets. A pop-up food event was created to raise awareness of the environmental impacts of food. Read more

Nov, 2021

Sustainability Community Virtual Workshop Series

This graduate student-led project, in partnership with the Global PAX Collective and the International Pax Collective of Women Artists on Climate Action and Social Change promoted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)on UVic's campus through a virtual workshop series. Read more

Dec, 2020

Ecology Speaker Series part 2

The funds were used to continue the Speaker Series started in 2017/18 to help create a community among student and faculty working on ecology related issues. Read more

Aug 2019

Repair Cafe Part 2

This project is facilitating the second Repair Cafe at UVic. The event integrates community members and furthers the development of repair cafes at UVic. Read More

Apr 2019

Sharing Sustainability 

The project provided zero-waste tote bags, purchased bus tickets, and rented bikes from SPOKES for the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers 2019 conference. Read More

Apr 2019

Enviro Roundtable 

This project created a networking event for those interested in environmentalism at UVic. Read More

Feb 2019

ELW Energy Audit 

This project used infrared thermography to detect air leaks, identify poorly installed insulation panels and map moisture ingress to visualize energy losses. Read More

Feb 2019 

UVic Good Food Coordinator 

The coordinator identified opportunities to increase the purchase of "Good Food" including local and sustainable options in UVic Food Services. Read More

Dec 2018 

Waste Diversion in UVic's Family Housing 

This project brought Sorting-at-Source into Family Student Housing by providing printed UVic standard signage and colour coded sorting bins to select units. Read More

Dec 2018

Bike Locks at the Law Library
This project expands the bike lock borrowing model in the McPherson Library into the Law Library. Read more
Nov 2018

Hybrid waste-to-energy pilot 

This project evaluated the design and implementation of an integrated waste to energy system for renewable energy recovery. Read More

Nov 2018 

Dump and Run 

This collaborative project created a Dump and Run event to reduce landfill waste during the residence move out period. Read More

Apr 2018

Bike Locks at UVic Libraries 

The Library purchased bicycle locks for UVic cyclists to borrow. Read More

Apr 2018

UVic's First Repair Cafe

This project facilitated the first Repair Cafe at UVic. The event integrated “clients” with "fixers" in a repair-process of broken or malfunctioning items the "clients" bring in. Read More

Jan 2018

Waste Reduction video series 

This project created three 15 to 30 second ‘instructional’ videos, concentrating on one key message pertaining to recycling sorting stations. Read More

Oct 2017

Healthy Food, Healthy Minds 

This project established a workshop series through the local Food Skills Connection. Read More

Sept 2017 

Sensitive Ecosystems 

Building on the Invasive Species Management plan, this project created individual management plans for the priority sensitive ecosystems. Read More

June 2017

District Energy 

Mobilizing the knowledge of emerging technology held by faculty and graduate students at UVic to enable the university to plan the integration of non-natural gas technology into our district energy system. Read more

Apr 2017

Ecology Speakers Series 

The Fund provided resources to the Ecology Club to bring two celebrated ecologists to campus during the 2016/17 academic year to share their experiences in ecological sustainability. Read more 

Apr 2017

UVic Biodiversity Enhancement

The project engaged with the Ecological Volunteer Network, local community members and the UVic Residence Green Team to enhance biodiversity in Cunningham Woods. Read More

Apr 2017 

Invasive Species Brochure 

Building on the Invasive Species Management plan, this project provided a summary brochure to engage the campus community in the program. Read More

Jan 2017 

Women and Trans Bike Repair 

A workshop series catered to women and trans folks to access repair skills to build confidence and keep biking. Read more

Oct 2016

Edible Campus 

Created an Edible Campus Group with the goal of installing and maintaining edible features at UVic. Read more

Oct 2016

Invasive Species Management plan 

Provided coordination for invasive species removal and developed an Invasive Species Management Plan that identifies priority areas for action. Read more

Oct 2016