
Sensitive Ecosystems

Map of the many seperate sensitive ecosystems at UVic
Project name: Sustaining Sensitive Ecosystems on Campus

Project cost:      


Money Requested: 


Project Leaders:

Dr. Valentin Schaefer (Restoration of Natural Systems)

Ken Josephson (Geography)


Complete June 2017


Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (large file)    

Project summary

This project proposes to develop a Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory for the campus, develop restoration plans for the sensitive areas and produce curricular materials that enable classes to learn about these sensitive areas and engage in their restoration. We will also provide coordination for the restoration of sensitive ecosystems on campus. We will develop Sensitive Ecosystem Management Plan for the campus, identifying priority areas for action such as the woodland wetland by Bowker Creek, Garry Oak Ecosystems, mature second growth Douglas-fir forests, and all creeks - Hobbs Creek, Bowker, Cadboro and Finnerty. We will identify areas of sensitive ecosystems on campus where eradication of invasive species is advisable and develop management practices for other areas where the invasive species will be managed.

Summary of successes

  • Inventory of sensitive ecosystems created
  • Management plans created