
Biodiversity enhancement

Go team!

Getting their hands dirty.

The all important fences.

Tall fences were required to prevent the plantings from being decimated by invasive deer.

Project name:      

UVic Biodiversity Enhancement

Project cost:      


Money Requested: 


Project Leaders:

Jake Mentz (undergraduate student)

Alex Campbell (undergraduate student)

Status:                 Completed April 2017

Project summary

This project will unite members of the Ecological Volunteer Network (ERVN), local members of the community, and the UVic Residence Green Team in improving biodiversity on campus.  The project will focus on Cunningham Woods, an area that has seen substantial work by the ERVN in the past and will bring together these groups to increase the size of the invasive plant-free buffer zone around the core area, plant native plants, and install deer fencing to protect these plants. 

Summary of successes

  • Biodiversity of Cunnigham Woods increased
  • Engaged several new volunteers
  • Facilitated site use by instructors to help demonstrate restoration techniques