
Enviro Round Table


Enter the 2019 Enviro Round Table.


Participants enjoy some rescued and purchased food.

photo of participants

The participants meet, greet, and discuss issues important to them.


One of the participant groups, the 番茄社区 Sustainability Project.


The Round Table closes with a reading from a local poet.

Project Name:

Enviro Round Table

Project Cost:


Money Provided:


Project Leaders:

Megan Chan (Undergraduate Student)


Completed February 2019


 Final Report

Project summary

This event will include a period of interactivity with clubs, discussion and dinner. The event will begin with some selected environmental clubs hosting a small interactive activity at tables which are set up around the SUB upper lounge. As people are getting dinner we will arrange the tables in a way where each section has an environmental topic and people can sit down at the table which topic interests them. Over dinner we will encourage environmental discussion about the topics and how it is represented at UVic. We will be closing our event with a Student poet who will be presenting a poem about environmentalism.

Summary of successes

  • More than 70 attendees engaged
  • 9 student clubs involved
  • Event was organized and hosted entirely by UVic students