
Revolving Sustainability Loan Fund

Revolving Fund Graphic
Money paid out though the for energy and water saving projects comes back in the form of utility savings.

The Revolving Sustainability Loan Fund (RSLF) provides $250,000 to fund conservation projects on campus that provide a return on investment. The loans are paid back with the savings from utility or operating costs. Through loan repayments, the fund is able to reinvest the capital to fund additional sustainability projects on campus.

Application process 

  • Development stage: individual or group works with OCPS staff on project idea, application is invited once the project feasibility is determined with Facilities Management and necessary adjustments are completed 
  • Evaluation stage: 
    • Applications are reviewed by Revolving Loan Fund Committee and recommended for approval 
    • All recommended projects are reviewed by AVP Financial Planning and Operations for final approval
  • Download the application here

Successful Projects

The Revolving Sustainability Loan Fund has supported six great projects that have reduced UVic's demand for either energy or water:

  • Replacement of aspirators in the Department of Chemistry labs with portable electric vacuum pumps (2012)
    • Cost: $29,200
    • Estimated Water Savings: 4,400 cubic meters/year
    • Estimated Cost Savings: $8,400/year
  • Installation of new carbon monoxide sensor system in the University Centre underground parkade (2012)
    • Cost: $7,300
    • Estimated Electricity Savings:38,000 kWh/year
    • Estimated Cost Savings: $2,900/year
  • Replacement of water fixtures in the Business & Economics and David Strong buildings with low flow versions (2013)
    • Cost: $30,100
    • Estimated Water Savings: 3,600 cubic meters/year
    • Estimated Cost Savings: $8,500/year
  • Upgrades to the UPS systems in the Enterprise Data Centre 2 (EDC2) building (2013)
    •  Cost:$19,900
    • Estimated Electricity Savings: 508,000 kWh/year
    • Estimated Cost Savings: $38,100/year
  • Replacement of lamp standards in front of the Campus Services Building with 50 watt long life induction lighting (2014)
    •  Cost:$5,900
    • Estimated Electricity Savings: 10,300 kWh/year
    • Estimated Cost Savings: $800/year
  • Bundling the retrofit of the kitchen exhaust hood, installation of occupancy sensor, and improvement of the ventilation system's schedule in the Student Union Building (2015)
    • Estimated Cost: $73,000
    • Estimated Energy Savings: 66,800 kWh/year (electricity) & 1,400 GJ/year (natural gas)
    • Estimated Cost Savings: $26,300