
Sharing Sustainability

Free Bikes
Student volunteers providing free bike rentals, bus tickets, and zero waste tote bags for WDCAG 2019 conference.

Project Name:

Sharing UVic Sustainability

Project Cost:


Money Provided:


Project Leaders:

Wynnie Harvey (Undergraduate Student)


Completed April 2019


 Final Report

Project summary

This project proposed to supply alternative transportation options to the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers 2019 conference and limiting the amount of plastic waste found in the registration bags. The project proposed to rent 30 bikes from SPOKES, purchase discounted BC Transit bus tickets for attendees, and purchase zero waste items for conference registration bags.

Summary of successes

  • Ran a successful bikes table for the entire conference March 7-9, 2019.
  • Provided 240 bus tickets to conference attendees.
  • Provided zero waste registration gifts to conference attendees.