
Holiday Shutdown

Give your electronics a break this Holiday Season!
Give your electronics a break this Holiday Season!

Switch it off! Did you know leaving electronics plugged in can still use power? Turn off and unplug your  electronics to help save more energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part of UVic’s Holiday Closure, when temperatures in major buildings are typically lowered to 16 degrees on campus from December 23th, 2023 to January 2nd, 2024. 

Campaign update:

Gear up for the 2023-2024 Holiday Shutdown!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Holiday Shutdown campaign in 2022! We had 73 UVic employees participate, and we were able to save 1309 kWh of energy through this campaign. Let's do even better this year!


Turning off, unplugging, and powering down electronics are simple actions that help reduce energy consumption, while saving money. 

Whether you're working on campus or at home, before and during the holiday break don’t forget to: 

  • Shut down
    Monitors, lights, and all electronic devices. Leave your computer(s) in sleep mode for security updates.
  • Unplug
    Cell phone chargers, radios, speakers, clocks, printers/copiers, coffee makers, tea kettles, microwaves, mini fridges, and other kitchen appliances. Don’t forget to “unplug” mentally, too!
  • Turn off
    The lights! 
  • Close
    All windows and doors and shut the blinds.