
ELW Energy Audit

Project name:      

Energy Audit of Engineering Lab Wing

Project cost:      


Money Requested: 


Project Leaders:

 Harsh Rathod (Grad Student)

 Dr. Rishi Gupta (Faulty)

Status:                 Complete Feburary 2019
Document:  Final Report

Project summary

The aim of the proposed project is to visualize energy losses in the building by detecting air leaks from exterior windows and doors, identifying missing or badly installed insulation panels and mapping moisture ingress using drone-based and hand held infrared thermography. This project will serve as a demonstration project for UVic. Via this project, a sample inventory of exterior rooms will be created with information including heat transfer rate. This will allow the UVic maintenance crew to use the calculated values for targeting repair and maintenance of the building to reduce the energy consumption.

Summary of successes

  • 3D models of the ELW building were created to view the building's entire thermal envelope.
  • Project accurately assessed any air leakages and moisture ingress.
  • Successfully assess any air leakage identified areas of energy loss.