
PAX + SDGs + UVic = Sustainability Community Virtual Workshop Series

SDGs 2,3,11,12, 13,14, 16 were discussed in the Sustainability Community Virtual Workshop Series
Project name: PAX + SDGs + UVic = Sustainability Community Virtual Workshop Series
Project cost: $1,800
Money awarded: $950
Project leaders:

Matty Cervantes (Graduate Student)

Olvie Li (Graduate Student)

Status Completed Dec 2, 2020
Documents Final Report

Project summary

This Virtual Workshop Series is intended to offer sustainability information and resources to the UVic community. This will be accomplished by fostering the mobilization of knowledge, capacity-building, and engagement surrounding the topic of Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations as a Call to Action. The three workshops topics will be based around specific UN SDGs (Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life below Water). The workshops will highlight how each of the chosen SDGs relate to the University Community. They will also outline practical resources and skills, and guidelines to take sustainability action on UVic's campus. 

Summary of success

Information to come!