
Ecology Speaker Series Part 2

A Golden Eagle (an apex predator) circles the skies.


Project name: 

UVic Ecology Speaker Series

Project cost:      


Money Requested: 


Project Leaders:

 Sara Wickham (Graduate Student)

Sandra Frey (Graduate Student)

Status:                 Completed August 2019

Project summary

This project support several graduate level students who have formed an “ecology club” in an effort to mitigate the divided nature of ecology related education at UVic. However, the club does not belong to any specific department and thus has difficulties securing funding to initiate events and to engage a broader audience. The funding will be used to continue the Speaker Series started last year to help create community among student (especially undergraduates) and faculty working on ecology related issues. Funding would also be used to provide food for two informal social events hosted by the group.

Summary of successes

  • Hosted public lecture by Dr. Jim Estes, a distinguished ecologist who explored the role of apex predators in structuring ecosystems.