
Hybrid Waste-to-Energy Pilot System/Process

The process by which waste could be converted to energy at UVic.

Project name:      

Edible Campus Group (Phase 1)

Project cost:      


Money Requested: 


Project Leaders:


Dr. Mehdi Bagheri (Instructor and Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Civil Engineering)

 Dr. Chris Kennedy, (Professor and Chair, Department of Civil Engineering)

Status:                 Completed November 2018

Project Summary

This project is aimed to build on the previous campus researches and projects by evaluating the design and implementation of an integrated waste to energy system (i.e., combination of gasification and co-digestion) for renewable energy recovery while offering students and faculties with a unique learning and research opportunity to further improve the system operation. This includes evaluating the potential of gasification and or co-digestion of university food and agricultural wastes to supplement the natural gas boiler for the Saunders Building Complex District Heating System.

Summary of Successes

  • report produced
  • report has been reviewed by university administration