
Repair Cafe

fixing a coat at the repair cafe

Two participants at the Repair Cafe work together to fix a coat.

fixing headphones at the repair cafe

Participants of the Repair Cafe repaired a number of common items, including headphones, a kettle, and a lamp.

photo of participants

The Repair Cafe was a collaborative space for people to not only fix broken items, but also to talk about sustainability related issues.


Project name: 

Knowledge sharing and repairing: First Ever UVic Repair Cafe

Project cost:      


Money Requested: 


Project Leaders:

 Dr. Jutta Gutberlet (Associate Professor, Geography)

Florian Katerndahl (Student)

Status:                 Completed January 2018

Final Report

Reuse, Repair, Socialize - Experiences in the capital region of Victoria with Repair Cafes by Florian Katerndahl (large file)

Project summary

The Repair Café connects people to each other that probably wouldn't have met otherwise; these people mostly consist of the “clients” who bring broken or malfunctioning items to a repair session and “fixers” which offer their expertise to help “clients”. By integrating the “clients” in the repair-process and having them participating (if they want to), a Repair Café functions as an educational platform as well. The project created awareness among participants about all sorts of sustainability related topics and spread the idea of reusing and repairing instead of consuming new products or discarding or recycling old products.

Summary of successes

  • Held the first ever repair cafe at UVic
  • Approximately 20 participants
  • Four volunteers engaged to help with preparation and space setup
  • Numerous items including a kettle, headphones, lamp, and more repaired
  • Successfully facilitated diverse discussions about sustainability among participants