
Healthy food, healthy minds

Presenters and organizers at the first in a 7 part workshop series.


An example of the advertizing poster created for one of the workshops.

Workshop participants working away.

Project name:      

Healthy Food, Healthy Minds

Project cost:      


Money Requested: 


Project Leaders:

Courtney Striker (Undergraduate Student)

Jasmine Robertson (Undergraduate Student)

Status:                 Completed September 2017

Project summary

The project goal is to refocus Food Bank work from simply supplying resources, to actually facilitating peoples’ ability to become less food insecure by fostering the mobilization of knowledge, capacity-building, and engagement with the topics of sustainable food buying and cooking practices, waste diversion, and alternative ways of relating to food, food growing, and food security. The aim is to establish a workshop series through the local Food Skills Connection. Workshop topics include learning how to use specific food items, learning how to make specific meals, how to budget for food, how to efficiently shop for local food, and more.

Hosting 6 workshops through the Food Skills Connection to cover the topics and themes above. Additionally, the workshops will provide hard skills in the areas of food preparation and storage, budgeting, and waste reduction. The impact of the workshops will be measured by the amount of student engagement, respectful sharing of ideas and experience, and direct feedback though an evaluation process. Learning resources may be produced depending on topic.

Summary of successes

  • Developed and provided 6 workshops
  • Reached approximately 100 students through workshop.
  • Fully establish our organization and working standards, and create a solid foundation for an ongoing project.
  • Secured new based funding as of September 2017 based on foundational work.