
Campus clubs and organizations

UVic is home to a number of sustainability-focused student groups. Whether you are interested in learning more about sustainability, want to meet like-minded folks, or make a difference on campus, there is a club for you.

Res Green Team 


The Res Green Team is funded by the Campus Planning and Sustainability office and led by our office's work-study student. The team is open to all students living in UVic's Residences.

Through the Res Green Team, you will: have access to campus sustainability volunteering opportunities, be empowered to create group initiatives, receive access to training in sustainability, receive a reference letter upon completing your commitments to the program, and more.

The Res Green Team has started up again!! Join the instagram to stay up to date with upcoming meetings, events, and opportunities! @uvicresgreenteam

UVic student clubs and groups 

See the links below to find out more and get involved with the student sustainability movement on campus. For a full list of student clubs and groups, please visit  and . 

Community-based Research Lab

The (CBRL) is a knowledge hub created by Dr. Gutberlet in 2005 and located in the Department of Geography at the 番茄社区. The CBRLab hosts a group of researchers and students that are committed to participatory oriented and community-based research in Canada and abroad.

Campus Community Garden

The Campus Community Garden grows food and offers garden plot rentals for UVic staff, faculty and students. It hosts weekly volunteer parties and free workshops on a variety of garden related topics. Learn more .

Coastal Research, Education, and Advocacy Network

CREAN empowers vulnerable youth through research, education, and advocacy. Community-based research informs CREAN’s services, with the intention of deepening connections and improving the lives of youth, families, and their communities. Learn more . 

Community Cabbage

The Community Cabbage serves a free weekly hot meal to the campus community prepared from reclaimed food – edible but unsellable food donated by grocery stores. A crew of volunteers turn these ingredients into a healthy and delightful vegetarian meal at a community kitchen. Learn more . 

Divest UVic

Divest UVic is advocating for the 番茄社区’s divestment from fossil fuels while building a student movement to take on climate change. In addition, Divest is seeking divestment of UVic’s Endowment funds from Fossil Fuel extraction, transportation, and refinement companies. Learn more . 

Dogwood Initiative

Dogwood UVic’s mission is to return decision-making power over land, air, and water back to students and faculty and the greater community. This is achieved through education, student, faculty, and staff engagement, and events, which foster community resilience. Learn more . 

Ecological Restoration Volunteer Network

ERVN is a group of UVic students working to remove invasive plant species, and plant native species in ecosystems on the UVic campus. In doing so, ERVN offers opportunities to engage in discussions, share resources, and gain practical skills. Learn more . 

Edible Campus

Edible campus is a group of UVic students, staff and faculty with a vision to make the UVic campus a more vibrant and productive place through permaculture designs, food productivity and restoration. 

Engineers Without Borders, UVic Chapter

Engineers Without Borders Canada is a registered charity working towards systemic changes to help alleviate extreme poverty in Africa. Learn more . 

Environmental Studies Student Association

ESSA is the Undergraduate Course Union for Environmental Studies students at UVic. Alongside countless cool events and workshops, ESSA also allows ES students to learn about volunteer and job opportunities. Learn more 

Global Water Brigades

GWB is a global non-profit organization with chapters in universities all over the world. The GWB student’s goal is to work alongside local communities and technicians to implement clean water systems in the developing world. Learn more . 

Greater Victoria Green Team

The GVRT is a regional-wide environmental volunteer program. They run monthly restoration volunteer activities in Mystic Vale. Learn more . 

Sacred Ecology

Sacred Ecology is a campus group focused on holistic and mindful interactions between humans and their environment. Activities led during weekly meetings allow for folks to connect and create community motivated by change towards greater ecological harmony and well-being. 

Surfrider UVic

The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's oceans, waves, and beaches. Surfrider UVic offers events such as local beach cleanups, movie nights, and other cool initiatives. Learn more . 

Turning the Tide

A community of students and allies around a shared love for the Salish Sea and human-powered marine recreation, with fun and meaningful events building toward the annual Turning the Tide: Peoples’ Paddle for the Salish Sea! Learn more . 

UVic Food Bank and Free Store

The Food Bank & Free Store is run by a team of dedicated staff and volunteers and offers all UVic students access to food essentials and free household items. This initiative is meant to provide some financial relief in times of rising costs of tuition, housing, childcare, and food. Learn more . 

UVic Ocean Students Society

The OSS is made up of faculty and students across the UVic campus who are passionate about the ocean. By sharing scientific knowledge through interdisciplinary communication and collaboration, the OSS hopes to aid in the professional and academic development of students. Learn more . 

UVic Parks Club

UVic Parks Club is a dedicated collective of nature lovers that want to make an impact by getting out and exploring regional, provincial, and federal parks. They participate in conservation projects around southern Vancouver Island and learn about this breathtaking place through a number of awesome adventures. Learn more . 

UVic Sustainability Project

The UVSP runs a variety of initiatives promoting environmental choices in hopes of re-conceptualizing sustainability on campus. Their projects are tangible and accessible to all. Learn more .