
Staff Sustainability Network

The Staff Sustainability Network creates a platform for sustainability leaders from all departments and faculties to come together and collaborate on green solutions for the UVic campus. Interdisciplinary leadership allows for transformative and holistic approaches to sustainability initiatives.

In the past, the Staff Sustainability Network has run the Dump and Run campaign for the residence move out, the shake and fold campaign for paper towel usage, the holiday device shutdown campaign, and the printwise campaign.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the network, please email action@uvic.ca and ask to be included in our NEW Microsoft Teams Team. Get in on the Climate Action!

About the SSN

Your role

  • Inform your colleagues about Sustainability events, campaigns, and volunteer opportunities
  • Provide the Sustainability Office with feedback on campaigns, initiatives, and sustainability related issues you observe or have reported to you in your offices
  • Inspire colleagues to make sustainable choices by acting as a role model
  • Orient new staff on sustainability practices and programs

Benefits to you

  • Receive social marketing and communications
  • Access to resources to implement sustainability initiatives
  • Gain leadership experience
  • Make a difference


Your commitment

  • Attend the 1 hour monthly lunch meetings
  • Share what you learn with your colleagues
  • Eat free lunch!