
Dump and Run

Dump and Run photo
Lots of unwanted items were dropped off at the Dump and Run
Project Name: Dump and Run
Project Cost: $1,500
Money Provided: $1,000
Project Leaders:

Josie Simpson (student)

Matt Greeno (Sustainability Coordinator)

Nadia Ariff (Waste Reduction Manager)

Status: Completed April 2018

Project summary

This collaborative project created a Dump and Run event in the UVic Residence precinct on April 15th, 2018. The goal of the event was to capture re-usable items that would otherwise end up in the landfill waste bins during the residence move out period.

Summary of Successes

  • Diverted unwanted furniture and food items from the landfill
  • Donated much of what was collected to the UVSS Food Bank and Free Store
  • Facilitated the reclaiming of items on site by those who needed them
  • Engaged volunteers to help run the event
  • Raised awareness of waste diversion among students living in residence