
2nd Repair Cafe

A Golden Eagle (an apex predator) circles the skies.


Project name: 

2nd UVic Repair Café: Strengthening and expanding the idea

Project cost:      


Money Awarded: 


Project Leaders:

 Dr. Jutta Gutberlet (Associate Professor, Geography)

Juliana Amauchi (Student)

Status:                 Completed April 27, 2019
Documents Final Report

Project summary

The Repair Café is a free gathering place that serves local communities where clients can meet expert volunteers to help fixing their various personal household items that would end up in the landfills once damaged. This iteration of the UVic Repair Café will create partnerships with the UVSS Food Bank & Free Store. This Repair Café is intended to expand and strengthen the networks in support of creating a sustainable initiative. The project leader also intends to conduct research on the impacts that repair café events generate.

Summary of successes

  • Created a supportive network between different socio-environmental student clubs from UVic
  • Brought together individuals from outside of UVic, including involvement from the Fairfield and Greater Victoria Public Library Repair Cafes
  • Achieved official club status, making the UVic Repair Cafe a club at UVic