
Personal home file storage

Storage and backupsServers & storage

Personal home file storage is available through the Central Storage Infrastructure (\\home.uvic.ca\NetLinkID>) to all UVic students, faculty, and staff. Personal home file storage can be used to store up to 5GB of documents related to UVic coursework for students and up to 20GBs for faculty and staff members. All of the workstations in UVic's computing facilities have Personal home file storage mounted, but you can also connect to it from your personal notebook or home computer, even from off-campus.

Who can use this service?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

How do I request or access this service?

In campus computer facilities, Personal home file storage is mapped on the Windows workstations and on the desktop of Macintosh workstations.

What is the cost for this service?

This service is provided free of charge. For information regarding how much data can be stored, please review the File storage terms of service.

When is this service available?

This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except during scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. You can be informed of service interruptions by subscribing to .

How do I get help with this service?

For assistance with this service, please contact the Computer Help Desk:

Telephone: 250-721-7687
In person: Clearihue A037

File storage options comparison

Personal home file storage

Departmental file storage


Personal home file storage is available to all UVic students, faculty, and staff

Large high-performance network file shares for UVic departments to store and share files

Online platform used for document management, storage, communication and collaboration among teams

Who can use it?

UVic students, faculty, and staff

UVic faculty, staff and departments

UVic faculty, staff and departments

Who administers it?


Managed by department

Managed by SharePoint site owner

How can you connect to it?

From workstations within UVic computing facilities or off-campus through VPN using a valid NetLink ID account

At UVic or off-campus through VPN using a valid NetLink ID account

Through any online connection at UVic or off-campus using a valid NetLink ID account

Does it support collaboration?

No sharing options are available

Files can be shared with other UVic personnel who have permissions to access a particular storage destination

Files can be shared with any UVic personnel having a valid NetLink ID account and SharePoint site access