
Generic Remote Desktop

Computers and softwareComputers and software

The UVic Generic Remote Desktop service provides a secure and compatible environment for accessing UVic systems and applications while working from home, or working from computers which cannot support enterprise applications such as BANNER or FAST.

The service includes the following software:

  • Microsoft Office 2016
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Banner WebExtender
  • Adobe Acrobat DC (for license holders)
  • 7-zip
  • KeePass
  • Remark bubble sheet grading

Who can use this service?

  • Faculty
  • Staff

How do I request or access this service?

By completing the Generic Remote Desktop request form.

What is the cost for this service?

$2.00 per person per month.

When is this service available?

This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except during scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. You can be informed of service interruptions by subscribing to .

How do I get help with this service?

For assistance with this service, please contact the Computer Help Desk:

Telephone: 250-721-7687
In person: Clearihue A037