
Current work study job postings

All 2024/2025 Work Study Program funded jobs will be made available to eligible students on September 4, 2024.  Jobs remain posted for the duration of the program until filled.

Students must have applied for and been approved to participate in the work study program prior to accessing the work study job postings.

To apply for the work study program, please sign into your UVic Online tools. Full applications instructions.



ADSV - Advancement Services

ANTH - Anthropology




ARTH - Art History and Visual Studies

ATRS - Athletics and Recreation

ATWP - Academic and Technical Writing Program

BIOC - Biochemistry and Microbiology

BIOL - Biology

BUDG - Budget Campus Planning and Sustainability

BUSI - Business

CANA - CanAssist

CAPI - Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives

CARD - ONECard Services

CERE - Ceremonies

CFAL - Centre for Accessible Learning

CFGS - Centre for Global Studies

CGRO - Community and Government Relations

CHAP - Multifaith Centre

CHIL - School of Child and Youth Care

CIRC - Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement

CISR - Canadian Institute of Substance Use Research



CIVE - Civil Engineering

COOP - Co-op and Career Services

CSRS - Centre for Studies in Religion and Society


DAYC - Child Care Services

DEVT - Development

DMSC - Division of Medical Science

ECON - Economics

EDCD - Curriculum and Instruction

EDUC - Education

EENG - Electrical and Computer Engineering

ENGL - English

ENGN - Engineering

ENVI - Environmental Studies

EOSC - School of Earth and Ocean Sciences

EPHE - School of Exercise Science, Physical and Educational Health

EPLS - Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

EQHR - Equity and Human Rights


FACU - UVic Faculty Association

FINE - Fine Arts

FORB - Forest Biology

FREN - French Language and Literature

GEOG - Geography

GERU - Germanic and Slavic Studies

GNDR - Gender Studies

GRRS - Greek and Roman Studies

HCMC - Humanities Computing and Media Centre

HEIS - Health Information Science

HISP - Hispanic and Italian Studies



HIST - History

HSDF - Human and Social Development

HUMS - Humanities


IACE - Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement

IALH - Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health

ICSS - International Centre for Students

IGOV - Indigenous Governance Program

LAST - Latin America Studies Program

LAWF - Faculty of Law

LEGA - Legacy Art Galleries

LIBR - Libraries

LING - Linguistics

LTSI - Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation

MALA - Malahat Review

MATH - Mathematics and Statistics

MEDI - Medieval Studies

MENG - Mechanical Engineering

MUSI - School of Music

NURS - Nursing


SCIE - Faculty of Science

SOCI - Sociology

SOSC - Social Sciences

SWEL - Student Wellness

THEA - Theatre

UCAM - University Communications

UNEX - Continuing Studies

UNIC - University Centre Auditorium




UVSS - UVic Student Society


uvss1 - office assistant 1

uvss2 - HR development assistant

uvss3 - information officer 1

uvss4 - food bank and free store assistant

uvss5 - cinecenta promotions officer

uvss6 - WUSC local committee cooridinator

uvss7 - administrative assistant

uvss8 - ombudsperson office research and support assistant

uvss9 - administration and campaigning assistant

uvss10 - graphics coordinator assistant

uvss11 - AVP project assistant

uvss12 - outreach officer

uvss13 - education coordinator

uvss14 - SSD programs and outreach student coordinator

uvss15 - project assistant 1

uvss16 - gender empowerment resource coordinator

uvss17 - PRIDE resource coordinator

uvss18 - NSU programs assistant

uvss19 - CFUV accessibility programming producer

uvss21 - BOD archivist assistant

uvss22 - office assistant 2

uvss24 - project coordinator

uvss25 - SSD media and marketing student coordinator

uvss26 - project assistant 2

uvss28 - PRIDE communications assistant

uvss29 - land based learning coordinator

uvss30 - CFUV campus podcasting coordinator

uvss31 - design director

uvss32 - peer support centre assistant

uvss33 - SSD events student coordinator

uvss34 - Gender Empowerment Centre coordinator

uvss35 - PRIDE volunteer coordinator

uvss36 - CFUV communications coordinator

uvss37 - staff editor

uvss38 - CFUV equitable broadcasting coordinator


VISU - Visual Arts