
Work study information for department heads

Call for project proposals for the 2024/25 work study program

The call for proposals memo is distributed by email, however those interested in participating in the program, do not need to receive the memo to submit a proposal.

These part-time jobs are spread throughout the campus, providing opportunities for departments to gain student expertise and assistance, and providing students with much-needed earnings and experience.

Work study proposals with clerical, technical or child care duties as the primary focus of the job will be considered CUPE 951 jobs. Students hired into these jobs will be assessed union dues. Work study jobs may not displace regular institutional employees.

Departments will receive a work study call for proposals memo by email. This memo includes all links to information necessary to participate in the program. Department secretaries, chairs, directors and heads are asked to forward the memo to all interested parties within their department.

Program details

Department Heads must prioritize the department's proposals and list them in rank order on the proposal priority list. Please contact Maria Ferreira, Financial Aid and Work Study Assistant, at , if you have any difficulty opening this document.

The proposal priority list, completed contracts, and all job postings must be received by email to no later than May 27, 2024.

If multiple jobs are requested by the same supervisor, then only one contract per supervisor need be completed.

Only those jobs the department head, or designate, has listed on the departmental proposal priority list will be considered.

Once all submissions have been vetted, and all departments have been allocated a level of funding, we will advise each department head of the status of their department's requests by memo via campus mail.  Proposal submissions received after the deadline cannot be considered.

Jobs approved for funding will be published on the Student Awards and Financial Aid Work Study website on September 4, 2024.

The work study program is available September to April each year. There is no work study during the summer term (May - August).

Work Study Students and BC Employment Standards Act Paid Sick Days

It is the hiring Department and Supervisor’s responsibility to educate themselves about paid sick leave legislation in the BC Employment Standards Act.  Questions should be directed to the UVIC HR consultant for their department. Any sick days indicated on work study time sheets will reduce the amount of hours available in the position. There is no additional funding available to cover statutory holidays or sick days.


For more information, please contact: