
Common questions

What can I apply for?

UVic has two types of entrance scholarships: scholarships based on admission average and application-based scholarships.

How do I apply for entrance scholarships based on admission average?

Most entrance scholarships based on admission average do not require an application. For more information on these entrance scholarships see the scholarships based on admission average information.

I don't have a mark in some of my Grade 12 classes yet as I just started the course, should I still self-report my marks?

Yes, if you are starting a course or are in the middle of the course we ask that you accurately predict your mark.  If you do not self-report before March 15th you will not be considered for scholarships based on admission average at a later date.

Please note, we will be reviewing your final marks in August before finalizing your scholarship. It is at this time adjustments may be made to your scholarship offer based on final marks. 

What if my final marks change from when I self-reported?

We will be reviewing all final marks in August before issuing scholarship funds. Please note, it is at this time that your scholarship may be upgraded, adjusted or withdrawn based on your final marks. If your final admission average falls below the minimum admission average required for the Winter Session in which you are entering UVic you will not be eligible for any entrance scholarships offered. UVic does not round up percentages.

Note: As early scholarship offers are based on self-reported marks, students need to maintain their self-reported marks to receive their original scholarship offer based on finals.

How will I be notified if my scholarship has been changed?

Students will receive an email in early August if there are any changes made to their original scholarship offer.

Can I appeal if my scholarship is withdrawn or adjusted?

Yes, if your scholarship has been withdrawn or adjusted and you have any extenuating circumstances you are encouraged to submit an appeal. Appeals should be accompanied by any supporting documents (for example, a letter from a doctor or school counsellor).

Students will receive an email containing appeal information and the deadline for submission in early August.  Please email your appeal letter and supporting documentation to the Entrance Scholarship Officer at awards2@uvic.ca.

Note: Appeals must come from the student, unless the student is unable due to medical circumstances. 

If I switch faculties will my scholarship offer change?

This depends on whether we can use the same courses to calculate the admission average that were used for your first choice of faculty and whether the terms of the scholarship offered are for a specific faculty. For example, a Faculty of  Engineering and Computer Science entrance scholarship will be withdrawn if the student switches to another faculty. Please contact the Entrance Scholarship Officer or Scholarship Assistant at the contact information below for more details if you have switched faculties.

How do I accept my entrance scholarship?

You must accept your scholarship via your UVic Online tools. For more information please see How to accept.        

Do I have to be enrolled 12.0 academic (graded) units to receive my scholarship funds?

Yes, to receive the full value of your scholarship you must be enrolled in a minimum of 12.0 graded units at the 番茄社区 in the Winter Session (September-April). Waitlisted courses are not included. If you drop below 12.0 graded units in the Winter Session, your scholarship will be withdrawn.


Students entering UVic in Term 2 (January to April) of the Winter Session or entering in the Summer Session (May to August) must register and maintain enrollment in a minimum of 6.0 graded units at the 番茄社区 to remain eligible for UVic scholarships.

Students who are transferring into UVic and require a co-op work-term in Term 2 (January to April) must register and maintain enrollment in a minimum of 6.0 graded units in Term 1 (September to April) to remain eligible for UVic scholarships. Please contact the Entrance Scholarship Officer if you will be on a co-op work-term in Term 2.

Students who are registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) are eligible for a reduced course load of a minimum of 6.0 graded units at the 番茄社区 over the Winter Session (September to April). Students are required to have a letter from CAL confirming they are registered with that office.

What if I withdraw from full-time studies, do I lose my scholarship?

Any student who withdraws from 12.0 graded units in the Winter Session (September-April) will have their entire scholarship withdrawn.

Can an exception be made if I am below 12.0 academic units?

Yes, in some cases you can still be eligible for your entrance scholarship if you are enrolled in fewer than 12.0 graded units.

  • You will need to write a letter to the Senate Committee on Awards regarding why you are enrolled in a reduced course load or, in some cases, why you are requesting a semester off. A request for a reduced course load due to medical reasons will require documentation from a medical professional, and a request for a semester off to volunteer will require an outline of the program.
  • Students with a disability do not have to write a letter to the Committee, but will need government documentation or registration with the Centre for Accessible Learning for a reduced course load, and must identify themselves to the Entrance Scholarship Officer or Scholarship Assistant at the contact information below.

If I am offered a scholarship, can I receive it if I decide to attend another institution?

No, entrance scholarships are valid only at the 番茄社区.

How do I check the status of scholarships I have applied for on the online application?

Students can view the status of their application through their UVic Online tools.

Please allow up to three business days for us to manually enter your documents into our system.

  1. Sign into your UVic Online tools using your
  2. Click on the link "Finances" (found on top menu)
  3. Click on "Awards and Financial Aid"
  4. Select "View the status of your awards"
  5. Enter the Year and Period of Study

Your award status will have one of the these three statuses:

  • Applied: An application has been received
  • In-Process: Processing of the application has begun
  • Not Awarded: Application for this award was not successful

This site will also let you know if there are any additional requirements for the scholarships you have applied for. If you click on the link "Additional Requirements" it will bring up what is needed for that particular scholarship and where to send the documents.

Note: if it does not say "additional requirements" nothing more is needed.

When do I receive my scholarship funds?

Your scholarship funds will be disbursed into your student tuition and fee account and applied to your Winter Session fees by September 30, provided you are registered in a minimum of 12.0 academic units or a minimum of 6.0 academic units if you are registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning. Waitlisted courses are not included.

Can I defer my entrance scholarship?

Yes, you will need to apply to Undergraduate 番茄社区 for a deferral of your admission to UVic.

Students can apply to defer their admission and scholarship for up to one year from Undergraduate 番茄社区. If the deferral request is granted by Undergraduate 番茄社区 your scholarship will automatically be deferred, provided we have reviewed final marks and the student is still in range of the scholarship offered.

Please contact the Entrance Scholarship Officer if you are requesting a deferral and we will make note on your scholarship account.

If a student's deferral request is not granted, the student can re-apply for an entrance scholarship in the following academic year as a secondary school graduate, providing the student did not attend another post-secondary institution in the gap year. Please see the guidelines on applying for entrance scholarships as a secondary school graduate.

Note:if you re-apply for an entrance scholarship, you are not guaranteed the same value of scholarship the next year.

Questions about entrance scholarships?

For more information, please contact: