
In-course scholarships and awards: application required

Application-required scholarships and awards require students to submit either a paper or online application as well as supporting documentation.

Scholarships marked with an asterisk (*) are administered by the 番茄社区 Foundation.

To be considered for the following scholarships and awards complete the in-course scholarship application, available through Online tools. The online application for students currently attending is open April 1 - May 31.

Any supporting documentation required for the following online application must be submitted by email to incourse@uvic.ca by May 31.

Aaron Learmont Memorial Scholarship

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

One scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student entering third or fourth year in the Department of Political Science. Preference is given to a student with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards based upon the recommendation of the Department of Political Science.

Alan J. Hodgson Memorial Scholarship in Music*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering or transferring into second, third or fourth year of the Bachelor of Music program. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Alec Maclean Annual Award in Economics

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to transferring or continuing undergraduate students in the Department of Economics with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipients is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Economics.

Alexander and Glenda Kirk Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Up to a maximum of three awards are given to students in a Major or Honours program in the Department of Chemistry who have a minimum 7.0/9.0 GPA. Preference is given to single parents or caregivers with demonstrated financial need and personal circumstances that prevent them from participating in co-op and/or work terms.

If there are no eligible Chemistry students then the award may be given to students in a Major or Honours program in Biochemistry. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Departments of Chemistry or Biochemistry and Microbiology

All Our Relations Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to Indigenous, Métis or Inuit undergraduate students in the Faculty of Human and Social Development entering the final year of their undergraduate program who demonstrate meaningful contributions to the well-being and resurgence of Indigenous Peoples during their academic program. These contributions may occur during community service with a particular First Nation or with Indigenous, Métis or Inuit peoples in an urban setting, or during fieldwork, co-op, practicum, community-engaged research, or other experiential learning.

Applicants must provide a letter outlining a) their reasons for taking their chosen HSD program, and b) their connections with and contributions to the well-being and resurgence of Indigenous Peoples during the course of their academic program. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Human and Social Development.

The awards will rotate from year to year, in this order, between following HSD Schools: Public Administration, Nursing, Public Health & Social Policy, Social Work, Health and Information Science, and Child and Youth Care.

Allan and Elizabeth McKinnon Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a senior student of high academic standing engaged in a Major or Honours program in Canadian history who would find it difficult to resume studies without financial aid.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of History.

Allardice Lancaster Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student entering the fourth year of an Honours program in the Faculty of Humanities. Academic standing and participation in university and community activities will be considered.

Allen P. James Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 2

Two scholarships, one in the Department of Biology and one in the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering fourth year who have a declared Major in a program offered in those departments. Applicants are required to submit a 300-500 word statement that describes their interest in pursuing basic science research either through graduate studies and/or a career in research. Students must have demonstrated financial need. Applicants must apply through the Student Awards and Financial Aid online in-course application accessible each year between April 1 and May 31.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Departments of Biology and Biochemistry and Microbiology.

Andrew Soles Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to outstanding students who are registered in a B.A. program at the 番茄社区, and who are or were a resident in the Kootenay region of British Columbia.

Angus and Marjorie McPherson Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student in the Faculty of Engineering. Preference will be given to mature students who have served in the Canadian Military or whose parent(s) have served in the Canadian Military and who demonstrate volunteer community service. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering. Applicants must complete the online application by May 31.

Anna Isabelle Allen Undergraduate Scholarship in Social Work*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering, continuing or transferring into the School of Social Work. Preference will be given to students with an interest in child welfare in the Province of British Columbia.

Anthany Dawson Award*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

One award is given to a Canadian-born Indigenous undergraduate or graduate student taking courses in a discipline related to justice in any of the following: Social Work, Child and Youth Care, Law, Political Science, Institute of Dispute Resolution, or Indigenous Governance. Students must submit a one-page letter outlining their community or leadership involvement. Undergraduate students may apply via the online application by May 31st

Graduate applications may be obtained from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Office of the Dean and must be submitted to that office by September 15th.

In the case of an undergraduate student, approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE). In the case of a graduate student, approval of the recipient will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of IACE.

Antony Legdon Education Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

One award of $1,500 is given to an undergraduate or graduate student in the Faculty of Education who focuses on special education studies. Preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipient will be made by either the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee or the Senate Committee on Awards, upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Education.

The award is disbursed to an undergraduate or graduate student in alternating years starting in 2020 with an undergraduate student.

Award for Student Refugees

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards, between $500 to $2,000 each, are given to undergraduate students with protected person or permanent residency status (under one of the Refugee Application Class categories) who are not currently supported by the World University Service of Canada (WUSC).

Applicants must submit a letter from an immigration consultant (RCIC) in the UVic International Centre for Students that confirms protected person or refugee status. Part-time students (a minimum of 6.0 units) are eligible for this award. WUSC students, in their first year of study, are not eligible as they are supported by other funding.

Barbara J. Shenton Scholarship

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate mature student (23 year of age or older) who is a single parent studying education. Preference will be given to an eligible student with a background in social work or community work.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Education.

Barkley Sound Field School Student Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards of $1,000 each are given to undergraduate students in the Department of Anthropology who have completed at least one course in archaeology in the last academic year, are attending the Barkley Sound Field School and have demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Anthropology.

Baynes Award in Engineering*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

An award has been made available by G.E. Baynes, Consulting Engineer. The award will be made to an outstanding undergraduate student in Engineering (who is a Canadian citizen) who has demonstrated strong qualities of leadership combined with active participation in sports. As part of the selection process, the Faculty will consult with the Engineering Students’ Society. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering. Applicants must complete the online application by May 31.

BC Paraplegic Association/Rotary Club of Victoria Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships will be awarded to academically outstanding students with a physical disability with permanent mobility impairments.

Beier Memorial Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students entering second year in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science who have demonstrated financial need. Students with a GPA of 4.0 and above are eligible. Preference will be given to students raised by a single parent.

Betty Anne Montgomery Memorial Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards of at least $1,000 each are given to entering, transferring or continuing undergraduate students with a visual impairment and demonstrated financial need, with a preference for a mature student.

Betty Jamie Chung Scholarship in Anthropology*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships will be awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students in the Department of Anthropology. Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Anthropology.

Betty Jamie Chung Scholarship in Psychology*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships will be awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students in the Department of Psychology. Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Psychology.

Bit Quill Technologies Scholarship for Women in Computer Science and Software Engineering*

Value: Varies | Number: 3

Three scholarships, of at least $1,000 each, are awarded to undergraduate women students who are entering second, third or fourth year in the Bachelor of Science Major or Honours program in Computer Science or the Bachelor of Software Engineering program. Applications for the scholarship should reference volunteer service in the community and/or demonstrated leadership in or outside of the classroom. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering. Applicants must complete the online application by May 31.

BME Elevate Award

Value: $2,000 | Number: 2

Two awards of $2,000 each are given to undergraduate students in the Biomedical Engineering program in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and are members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity, including, but not limited to:

  • First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and all other Indigenous peoples;
  • members of groups that commonly experience discrimination due to race, ancestry, colour, religion and/or spiritual beliefs or place of origin;
  • persons with visible and/or invisible (physical and/or mental) disabilities;
  • persons who identify as women; and
  • persons of marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.

Applicants must submit a personal statement (minimum 500 words, maximum 4,000 words) that outlines their financial or personal challenges and how they have overcome, or are currently overcoming, these challenges and also speaks to their academic and career goals.  Preference is for students who demonstrate financial need.  Approval of the recipients is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Biomedical Engineering Program.

BMO Alliance for Women in Business Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

One award of $1,000 is given to an undergraduate student who identifies as a woman, who is continuing in the Bachelor of Commerce program at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business and who has paid or volunteer experience in ‘lifting the women up’ in her community. This could include, but not be limited to: work at transition houses, friendship centres or events focused on women’s health or economic status. Applicants must submit a statement (maximum 300 words) describing their paid or volunteer work. Preference is for an Indigenous student. Graduating and part-time students (registered in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit in two terms) are eligible for this award. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

Bob Worth Award in Economics*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

An award of at least $2,500 is given to an undergraduate student entering third year in the Department of Economics who has:

a) demonstrated financial need;
b) successfully completed COM 240;
c) a strong interest in pursuing a career in business; and
d) a minimum GPA of 5.5

The award may be renewed for the recipient's fourth year of studies. To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in two terms of study between May and April in the previous academic year and maintained a grade point average of 5.5/9.00 or higher on their best 12 units. A student whose grade point average falls below 5.5/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the award.

Students registered in co-op or a work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 5.5/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience/work-term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit the award. 

Bonnie and Ken Putt Award*

Value: $2,000 | Number: Varies

One or more awards of $2,000 each are given to transferring undergraduate women students entering second or third year or continuing undergraduate women students in any year in an Engineering degree program in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. Students must have demonstrated leadership in an educational or community setting. Preference will be given to students who are the first-generation in their immediate family to attend post-secondary. Immediate family is defined as parents or grandparents.

Applicants must submit:
• a cover letter (maximum 500 words) describing their leadership skills in an educational or community setting,
• a letter of reference from someone (who is not related to the applicant) who can attest to the leadership activity.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Campus Dental Centre Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to single parent undergraduate students in the Faculty of Social Sciences with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who intend to pursue a career in health care.

Canadian Society of Senior Engineers/Engineering Institute of Canada

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards of at least $1,000 each are given to undergraduate students, entering their second or third academic year in any accredited undergraduate engineering program (registered in 2A or higher) who:

a) are Canadian citizens or permanent residents

b) have graduated from a high school on Vancouver Island

c) have completed the previous year with at least a 6.0 or equivalent grade point average.

Preference will be given to students in the following order:

a) demonstrated financial need

b) demonstrated participation in campus activities or volunteer and community service

Students must also submit a brief biography including the above criteria, as well as hobbies, career aspirations, and name(s)/contact information of relevant references. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering.

Candis Graham Writing Scholarship, Lambda Foundation Fund*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate and/or graduate students in the Department of Writing who achieve excellence in writing that demonstrates originality, accessibility, creativity, or impact. Preference will be given to students with involvement in, or who are supportive of any lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, intersex, asexual, queer, or questioning communities.  

In the case of a graduate award, approval will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the Department of Writing. In the case of an undergraduate award, approval will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Writing.

Carol Ann Mitchell Undergraduate Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding transferring or continuing undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need. Preference shall be given to mature students.

Catherine O. Cameron Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded by the Canadian Federation of University Women Victoria to an academically outstanding undergraduate woman student entering second, third or fourth year in the Department of Geography. Preference will be given to students with financial need.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

CFUW Victoria Doreen Sutherland Indigenous Scholarship in Faculty of Human and Social Development*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate Indigenous women students in the Faculty of Human and Social Development.

CFUW Victoria Doreen Sutherland Scholarship in the School of EPHE*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Two or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate women students in the School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education, with preference given to an Indigenous student for one of the awards. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education within the Faculty of Education.

Chair in Transgender Studies Undergraduate Research Scholarship for Trans, Non-Binary and Two-Spirit Students

Value: $500 | Number: Varies

Two or more scholarships of $500 each are awarded to academically outstanding trans, non-binary or Two-Spirit undergraduate students entering third or fourth year who are pursing a degree in any field. Priority will be given to students whose studies are trans-related. Further preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Gender Studies.

Chaney Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to continuing or transferring undergraduate students in the Department of Chemistry. Preference is given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Churchill Foundation Vancouver Island Barry Gough Scholarship in English*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships, of at least $1,000 each, are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students who are majoring in English, entering third or fourth year and who demonstrate leadership, innovation and determination in their academics and community engagement. Applicants must submit a brief personal statement (maximum 500 words) that outlines the above criteria.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of English

Chris Lalonde Indigenous Wellbeing Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to Indigenous undergraduate students continuing in the Faculty of Social Sciences, with preference for students majoring in Psychology. Applicants must submit a statement (maximum 250 words) describing why they chose a major in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Cindy Player Award on Equity and Human Rights

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given in alternate years to undergraduate students continuing into third or fourth year in the Faculty of Social Sciences or the School of Social Work who:

  1. have demonstrated financial need, and
  2. are pursuing studies related to the subject of equity and human rights, and
  3. are members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity, including, but not limited to:
  • First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples and all other Indigenous peoples;
  • members of groups that commonly experience discrimination due to race, ancestry, colour, religion and/or spiritual beliefs or place of origin;
  • persons with visible and/or invisible (physical and/or mental) disabilities;
  • persons who identify as women; and
  • persons of marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.

Applicants must submit a letter outlining how their studies have or will relate to the subject of equity and human rights. Preference is for students who have worked or volunteered with a community service organization (such as transition houses, crisis centres or friendship centres).  Applicants wanting to demonstrate they have worked or volunteered with a community service organization must include a statement (maximum 300 words) describing their paid or volunteer work. The award is given on a rotating basis, beginning with Faculty of Social Sciences.

Part-time students (registered in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit in two terms) are eligible for this Award. Approval of the recipients is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of either the Faculty of Social Sciences or the School of Social Work.

Columbia Coast Mission Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to students in second, third, fourth or fifth year of a program leading to a first undergraduate degree. Preference will be given to students who have received all or part of elementary or secondary education while residing in the area served by the Columbia Coast Mission.

This area includes School Districts 46 (Sunshine Coast), 47 (Powell River), 71 (Comox Valley), 72 (Campbell River), 85 (Vancouver Island North), and Lasqueti Island in School District 69 (Qualicum).

Constance E. Hoyte Award in Music Education*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate Music Education students in the School of Music. Preference is for students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Cora Arenas and Carol Artemiw Award for Second Year Women in Engineering and Computer Science

Value: $2,000 | Number: Varies

One or more awards of $2,000 each are given to women undergraduate students entering their second year in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.  Applicants must submit a cover letter (max. 400 words) reflecting on their first year in UVic Engineering, in response to each of these questions:

  1. What did you experience in your first year that you would like to continue experiencing next year?
  2. What would you like to experience next year that you did not get to experience this year?
  3. What part of the first year UVic Engineering experience do you think could be improved?

Preference is for women students who are members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. 

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards based upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

CPA Education Foundation Diversity

Value: $2,500 | Number: 1

One award of $2,500 is given to an undergraduate student enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce program in the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business who demonstrates financial need and who intends to take the CPA exam. First preference is for Indigenous students.  Second preference is for members of other groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity, including, but not limited to:

  • members of groups that commonly experience discrimination due to race, ancestry, colour, religion and/or spiritual beliefs or place of origin;
  • persons with visible and/or invisible (physical and/or mental) disabilities;
  • persons who identify as women; and
  • persons of marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

CPA Education Foundation Inclusion Award

Value: $2,500 | Number: 1

One award of $2,500 is given to a woman undergraduate student enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce program in the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business who demonstrates financial need and who intends to take the CPA exam. Preference is for members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity, including, but not limited to,

  • First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and all other Indigenous peoples;
  • members of groups that commonly experience discrimination due to race, ancestry, colour, religion and/or spiritual beliefs or place of origin;
  • persons with visible and/or invisible (physical and/or mental) disabilities; and
  • persons of marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

CSSE/EIC Vancouver Island Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards of at least $2,000 each are given to undergraduate students, entering their second or third academic year in any accredited undergraduate engineering program (registered in 2A or higher) who:

a) are Canadian citizens or permanent residents
b) have graduated from a high school on Vancouver Island
c) have completed the previous year with at least a 6.0 or equivalent grade point average.

Preference will be given to students in the following order:
a) demonstrated financial need
b) demonstrated participation in campus activities or volunteer and community service

Students must also submit a brief biography including the above criteria, as well as hobbies, career aspirations, and name(s)/contact information of relevant references.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Dave Ian Dunnet Music Education Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering their third or fourth year in the Bachelor of Music (Music Education) program who demonstrate a strong commitment to achieving excellence in teaching instrumental and choral music in the schools. Applicants must submit a letter (maximum 500 words) describing what inspired them to become a music educator. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

David Stanonik Pacific Northern Gas Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering third or fourth year in the Faculty of Engineering who have shown leadership qualities. Preference will be given to a student from Northern British Columbia in the areas served by Pacific Northern Gas. These scholarships are made in memory of David Stanonik who was a 1997 graduate of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Applicants must complete the online application by May 31.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering.

Donald and Evelyn MacLean Scholarship

Value: $2,500 | Number: 1

An annual scholarship of $2,500 is awarded to an undergraduate woman student raising a child (or children) as a single parent.

Donna Trenholm Staff Award in Humanities*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate or graduate students who are members of CUPE 951 at the 番茄社区 who hold a regular appointment and are taking one or more courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities. Students will be chosen based on the highest cumulative grade point average on all courses taken at the 番茄社区. Undergraduate applicants must complete the online application by May 31st. In the case of graduate students, applications must be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by June 15th. Approval of the graduate recipients will be made by the Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Humanities.

Doreen Moser Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding continuing undergraduate women students who have demonstrated financial need.

Doreen Sutherland Undergraduate Award for Permanent Residents, Protected Persons and Refugee Women in HEIS*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing women undergraduate students in the School of Health Information Science. Preference will be given in the following order:
1. students who have protected person or refugee status, with preference for students who have financial need
2. students who have Canadian permanent resident status, with preference for students who have financial need
3. all other students, with preference for students who have financial need
Applicants meeting preference #1 must submit a letter from an immigration consultant (RCIC) in the UVic International Centre for Students that confirms protected person or refugee status. 

Dr. Charlotte Loppie Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to Indigenous undergraduate students in the School of Public Health and Social Policy who demonstrate financial need, with preference given to mature (23 years or older) Indigenous women.  Part-time students (registered in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit in two terms) are eligible. Approval of the recipient(s) is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Public Health and Social Policy.

Dr. Douglas Earl Alcorn Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding 4th year undergraduate student who is pursuing a degree in Psychology and who demonstrates an interest in abnormal psychology. Preference will be given to a student considering a medical career.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Psychology.

Dr. Frank Parnell Memorial Award

Value: Varies | Number: 2

Two awards of at least $1,000 each are given to Canadian-born Indigenous undergraduate students entering second or third year. Preference will be given to students who were born in and/or graduated from a high school (or equivalent e.g. home school, distance education etc.) in Northern British Columbia (north of latitude 53.92). Further preference will be given to students in the Bachelor of Commerce program at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. Students with a GPA of 6.0/9.0 and above are eligible. Part-time students (minimum 3.0 units per term) are eligible.

Dr. Lorene Kennedy Environmental Studies Undergraduate Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students majoring in the School of Environmental Studies with demonstrated financial need. Recipients will be approved by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Environmental Studies.

Dr. Peter Montgomery Undergraduate Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering or continuing at the 番茄社区 with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to Roman Catholic students.

Dr. Valentine Guy Criswick Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to outstanding students who are proceeding to premedical studies at the year 3 or 4 level at the 番茄社区. Applicants must provide details of their plans for future medical school attendance on the application form.

Drs. Douglas and Anathalie Taylor Lee Memorial Award*

Value: Varies | Number: 2

Two awards are given to undergraduate students who intend to pursue a career in medicine. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Of the candidates who demonstrate the greatest financial need, preference will be given to the student with the highest academic standing.

Dryden Scholarship for Students with a Disability

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a student with a physical disability or a learning disability in an undergraduate program in the Faculty of Education on the basis of academic performance. Preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Education.

Edna and Jack Marshall Indigenous Fine Arts Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding Indigenous undergraduate students entering or continuing in the Faculty of Fine Arts.

Edna Mary Wootten Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students in the School of Nursing with financial need. Preference will be given to a student who is a parent. Students registered in at least 4.50 academic units are eligible for this scholarship.

Edward "Teddy" Blenkinsop Scholarship

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student entering third or fourth year in the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Engineering. Preference is for students with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship will be awarded to a student who is not receiving any other scholarships.

Edythe Hembroff-Schleicher Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to undergraduate or graduate women students registered in pre-medicine disciplines, for example Biochemistry and Microbiology, Biology or Chemistry. Preference will be given to students who have stated an intention to continue on to medical school. Approval of the graduate recipients will be made by the Graduate 番茄社区 and Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the appropriate departments. Approval of the undergraduate recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards.

Elizabeth (Betty) Valentine Prangnell Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

A scholarship will be awarded to two academically outstanding undergraduate Indigenous students majoring in Visual Arts. Preference will be given to students with an interest in Indigenous visual art. If there is only one eligible undergraduate student, then a graduate student of a different gender than the undergraduate student recipient may receive the scholarship. If there are not two eligible undergraduate students, then two graduate students may receive the scholarship.

Approval of the recipients will be made by either the Senate Committee on Awards or the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the Visual Arts department.

Elizabeth Buckley School Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate entering or continuing students with a physical disability or learning disability. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Enbridge Scholarship in Engineering and Computer Science

Value: $1,000 | Number: 10

Ten scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students continuing in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Colour. Preference must be given to women for at least half of these scholarships.

Engineering Students' Society Award for Community Involvement*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

An award is given to an undergraduate student enrolled in a Faculty of Engineering degree program. Students must submit a proposal for project or idea that will benefit the quality of life for engineering students and must also have demonstrated community service either at UVic or with another non-profit or community group. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering. Applicants must complete the online application by May 31.

Engineers and Geoscientists BC Municipal Engineers Division Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

An award of $1,000 is given to an undergraduate woman student entering fourth year in the Civil Engineering Program in the Faculty of Engineering. The student must have demonstrated involvement in extra-curricular or volunteer activities, either on campus or in the community. Applicants must submit a letter (maximum 250 words) detailing their involvement, such as: participation in student teams, mentoring, volunteerism at school and/or the community. Preference is given to a student who has a minimum 6.0 GPA. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Civil Engineering.

Faculty Association Memorial Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards, of a minimum of $3,000 each, are given to entering, continuing or transferring undergraduate students who are the children or spouses of deceased Faculty who were active members of the Faculty Association within ten years of their death. Preference will be given in the following order:

  1. Students who have demonstrated financial need
  2. Children who are 26 years or under as of December 31st in the year they are applying

Faculty of Engineering Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

One award of $1,000 is given to a transferring or continuing undergraduate student from an underrepresented group (including, but not limited to, women, Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour, different abilities, LGBTQ+) entering second year in one of the following departments in the Faculty of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.

Applicants must submit a letter (maximum 500 words) describing the importance of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion to the Engineering profession, its impact on them personally and the leadership role they have played (or would like to play) to make a difference.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering.

Fanny Williams Huu-ay-aht First Nation Scholarship

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an entering, continuing or transferring Indigenous undergraduate or graduate student from the Huu-ay-aht First Nation. The student must have demonstrated community involvement and must submit a letter of reference (maximum 400 words) outlining their leadership skills in one or more of the following areas: community
involvement, leadership, academic performance, athletics, innovation, and creativity. Community can include schools, neighbourhoods, teams, and/or Nations.

In the event that a member of the Huu-ay-aht First Nation does not apply for the scholarship, it will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student from one of the Nuu-chah-nulth nations with connections to the Huu-ay-aht First Nation.

Undergraduate students can apply via the online application by May 31 and graduate students can submit their reference letter by June 15 to the Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE). Upon the recommendation of the Executive Director IACE, an undergraduate student recipient will be approved by Senate Committee on Awards, or by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee for a graduate student.

Finlayson Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students entering second or third year in the Department of Theatre who show outstanding ability in the area of technical theatre and who are continuing studies in the department. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Theatre.

Frank Hori Foundation Scholarship

Value: $5,000 | Number: 2

Two scholarships of $5,000 each are awarded to one woman and one man academically outstanding undergraduate or graduate student of Japanese ancestry entering or continuing at the 番茄社区. Entering undergraduate students can be from a secondary school in Canada or transferring from any Canadian college. Applicants must show evidence of financial need. Undergraduate students must apply online. Graduate students must submit an application form to the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Graduate Studies, by May 31st.

F. W. Benton Memorial Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science who have a special interest in salmonids or marine environmental studies. This award is to assist with the cost of attending the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre for the purpose of research or course work.

Approval of the recipient(s) is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Science.

George Jennings Burnett Memorial Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to students specializing in organ or composition in the Bachelor of Music program. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Gilbert and Marie Alice Peart Award in English Literature*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students studying English Literature in the Department of English who demonstrate financial need.

Gladys Nipp and Stephen Mah Family Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate or graduate students in any discipline who are utilizing and/or enhancing the UVic Libraries' Chinese Canadian collections for the purposes of research, outreach initiatives (including both physical and/or digital exhibitions), or oral history projects. Applicants must submit a proposal (maximum 500 words) demonstrating how the collections will assist in their work.

 Applications are due to the University Librarian's office by April 15. Approval of the recipients will be made by either the Senate Committee on Awards for undergraduate students, or the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee for graduate students, upon the recommendation of the University Librarian.

Hannah Madgen Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student who is enthusiastically pursuing a Major or Honours program in the Department of Greek and Roman Studies. Preference will be given to a student with financial need.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Greek and Roman Studies.

Harold G. Craven Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships of not less than $1,000 are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate fourth year students in the Department of Economics or the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business who intend to pursue a career as a Chartered Accountant. Scholarships may be awarded to graduating students.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Economics or the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

H.D. Sauvan Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students entering their final year of a UVic teacher education program (B.Ed. or Post-Degree stream) and who are pursuing French Immersion teaching careers. The student must have demonstrated excellent teaching performance and a commitment to improving their French-speaking skills through, but not limited to, field schools, professional development, practicum placements, completing Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) requirements, etc. as documented in practica reports or coursework. Preference is for students with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Education

Hector and Carol McDonald Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students from Prince Rupert who are transferring to or continuing at UVic.

Heidi Gowans-Perschau Scholarship*

Value: $1,500 | Number: 1

One scholarship, of at least $1,500, will be awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student transferring or continuing in either the School of Environmental Studies or the Faculty of Fine Arts who has demonstrated financial need. Part time students (registered in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit in two terms) are eligible. Selection of the recipient is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of either the School of Environmental Studies or the Faculty of Fine Arts. The scholarship is given on a rotating basis, beginning with the Faculty of Fine Arts.


Helen Rodney Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student who has graduated from the 番茄社区 and who is proceeding to a graduate program in Library Science or a related discipline. This award is tenable at a Canadian university. Candidates must provide written evidence of their acceptance to an approved program.

Herta Hartmanshenn Award in Music*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students entering or continuing in the School of Music. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Hoelscher Family Award

Value: Varies | Number: 1

An award is given to an entering or continuing undergraduate student in the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business who demonstrates financial need.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

Holly Tuokko Undergraduate Research Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students whose research interest of study is focused on health and aging. Selection of the recipient will be based on a statement that explains the intent and impact of their research (max 500 words) and a letter of support from a Faculty member supervising their research.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health.

Howard and Donna Denike Memorial Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to students entering second, third or fourth year of the Bachelor of Music program. Preference is for students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Ida Halpern Music Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student entering third or fourth year of study towards the Bachelor of Music degree. Preference will be given to a student with an interest in first nations music of the West Coast. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

International Student Support Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards, of at least $1,000 each, are given to entering or continuing international undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need. Part-time students (minimum of 6.0 units) are eligible.

Iranian Student Undergraduate Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

One scholarship of at least $500 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student who is either an Iranian citizen or has Iranian ancestry and is a permanent resident or citizen of Canada.

Jack Howard Jackson Memorial Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering, continuing or transferring undergraduate Indigenous students with Canadian citizenship who have demonstrated financial need and who are enrolled in any of the following: the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Nursing, School of Health Information Science or the Department of Psychology.

J. Prospero Scholarship for Sustainable Mining

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding woman undergraduate student entering third or fourth year in either the Department of Economics, School of Environmental Studies, the Department of Geography, the Department of Anthropology, or the Department of Political Science. Preference is for students whose academic research (Honours Thesis/JCURA under the guidance of a faculty member) could have application to the improvement of the environmental and social performance of the mining industry. Further preference is given to Indigenous women students and people of colour. Applications must be submitted to the Dean of Social Sciences office by April 30th. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards based on the recommendation of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Jennifer Davison Undergraduate Scholarship in Russian Studies

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships of at least $1,000 each are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate student(s) in Russian Studies. Students must submit a description of their active participation in a university or community club promoting Russian culture.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies.

Jeremy Robert Davison Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students who are transferring or continuing at the 番茄社区 and who have demonstrated financial need.

Jesse Short-Gershman Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

One scholarship of at least $1,000 is awarded to an undergraduate student in the Department of Computer Science and one scholarship of at least $1,000 is awarded to an undergraduate student in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics who submit a one-page essay indicating a mental health challenge they faced/are facing and what they learned/are learning through the experience. The essay should address activities that the student has participated in, such as: leadership, tutoring, peer mentoring, advocacy or self-care, which demonstrate how they have worked/are working on overcoming these challenges. Students with a GPA of 6.0 or higher will normally be considered. Selection of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards. If one recipient from each Department is not possible in a given year, then two recipients from one Department may be selected.

John Carling Fraser Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Two scholarships are awarded to 3rd or 4th year students in the Faculty of Science, with a declared major in Biology, Microbiology or Biochemistry. Preference will be given to students who are active in student politics and/or volunteer work with youth groups in the community, especially Scouts Canada. Students should submit a letter or resume as part of their application in which they describe their contributions to such volunteer/youth organizations.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Science.

John Dobereiner Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Fine Arts who demonstrate financial need.

John H. Rennie Scholarship in Business*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students continuing in the Bachelor of Commerce program who have demonstrated financial need. Graduating students and part-time students (registered in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit in two terms) are eligible.

Approval of the recipient(s) is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

John Michael Brownutt Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate Aboriginal (First Nation Status, Non-Status, Inuit or Métis) students at the 番茄社区. Students must have demonstrated community involvement. Applications may be made on-line through Student Awards & Financial Aid.

John Patrick McManaman CPA Memorial Award*

Value: $2000 | Number: Varies

One or more awards of at least $2,000 each are given to undergraduate students in third or fourth year of study at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business who are interested in pursuing the CPA designation and are Canadian citizens.

Preference is for students who meet one or more of the following criteria, in order of priority:
1. Graduated from a high school in B.C.
2. Currently active, or active within the last five years, in community sport and/or community service
3. Has demonstrated financial need

Students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and graduating students are eligible. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

Joseph Patrick Cunningham Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering third or fourth year in the Bachelor of Music program who have demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to students whose principal instrument is either the harp or violin. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Joyce Bewley Undergraduate Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students in the School of Social Work who have demonstrated financial need and have demonstrated resilience to overcome personal challenges. Preference is for students who meet one or more of these criteria, in the following order of priority:
1. are mature students (aged 30 and over) or
2. are single parents or have family responsibilities or
3. have indicated interest in a social work career in community activation, mental health, family law or dealing with family violence.

Applicants must submit a personal statement (max 500 words) describing how they have demonstrated resilience to overcome personal challenges.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senae Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Social Work.

Joyce Clearihue Scholarship in Forest Biology*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding students in 3rd or 4th year of a major or honours program in the department of Biology who have a special interest in Forest Biology. Applicants should submit a 300 word statement that describes their academic program, experience, or interest in Forest Biology.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Biology.

Joyce Clearihue Undergraduate Co-op Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to undergraduate students who completed a co-op term that involved the restoration and preservation of forests. Eligible students will have completed the work term in the academic year (May to April) prior to the disbursement of the scholarship. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Nominations will be made by the Office of the Director Co-operative Education and Careers Service.

Kedar Shrikhande Memorial Scholarship for Students with a Disability*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships of a minimum of $1,000 each are awarded to academically outstanding students with a physical disability or learning disability. Preference will be given to students in the Faculty of Engineering.

Kim and Welch Theatre Student Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students continuing or transferring into the Department of Theatre who are Canadian citizens and have demonstrated financial need. Preference is for students who are first in their immediate family to attend a post-secondary institution. For the purpose of this scholarship, immediate family is defined as parent(s) and grandparent(s).

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon recommendation of the Department of Theatre.

KiraGood Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate woman student who has done capacity-building volunteer work with a focus on: social development, social relations, peacekeeping, international relations, leadership training, community health, and/or community health linked to environmental stewardship, either in Canada or internationally. Selection of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards.

Applicants must submit the following:

  1. A letter of reference from an employer or volunteer coordinator (who is not related to the applicant) that demonstrates the applicant’s communication skills, personal endurance and perseverance, and their passion for multicultural learning and engagement
  2. An essay (maximum 1,000 words) describing what actions the applicant is personally committed to, for example: “In the arena of .......... I will commit to ...............” it could be working in the global South, undertaking research, leading a mission, serving on a board of directors, etc.

Knowledge First Foundation Scholarship*

Value: $1,000 | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships, of up to $1,000 each, are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate outstanding contributions to their community. Students must submit a one-page statement outlining their volunteer and/or community involvement.

L. and G. Butler Scholarship for Students with a Disability*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding entering or continuing undergraduate students with a physical disability who graduated from a Canadian secondary school or attended a university or college in BC prior to attending UVic.

Lambert Joseph Schill Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students who are entering second year in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Langford-Seaborne Award for Indigenous Students in Humanities*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate Indigenous students entering second or third year in the Faculty of Humanities who have a minimum 4.0 GPA and also have demonstrated financial need. Part-time students (minimum 6.0 units) are eligible. Preference is for students from Vancouver Island and the Southern Gulf Islands (Gabriola, Galiano, Mayne, Moresby, Pender, Penelakut, Prevost, Salt Spring, Saturna, Sidney, Thetis and Valdes).

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a minimum of 6.0 or more graded units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a GPA of 4.0/9.0 or higher. Should a student take more than 6.0 units over the two terms, all units will be assessed for renewal purposes. The award is automatically renewed for a maximum of two years of the students’ study in the Faculty of Humanities.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 6.0 or more graded units in two terms, provided they have maintained a GPA of a minimum of 4.0. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their award.

Langford-Seaborne Award for Indigenous Students in Social Sciences*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate Indigenous students entering second or third year in the Faculty of Social Sciences who have a minimum 4.0 GPA and also have demonstrated financial need. Part-time students (minimum 6.0 units) are eligible. Preference is for students from Vancouver Island and the Southern Gulf Islands (Gabriola, Galiano, Mayne, Moresby, Pender, Penelakut, Prevost, Salt Spring, Saturna, Sidney, Thetis and Valdes).

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a minimum of 6.0 or more graded units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a GPA of 4.0/9.0 or higher. Should a student take more than 6.0 units over the two terms, all units will be assessed for renewal purposes. The award is automatically renewed for a maximum of two years of the students’ study in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 6.0 or more graded units in two terms, provided they have maintained a GPA of a minimum of 4.0. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their award.

Leeder Family Memorial Scholarship in Economics*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding full-time undergraduate students entering third or fourth year in the Department of Economics with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who are from outside the Greater Victoria or Metro Vancouver Regional District areas. Scholarships will be approximately one-half of a student's full-time (minimum 12 units) Winter Session tuition and fees.

If awarded to a third year student, the scholarship may be renewed for the recipient's fourth year of full-time studies in the Department of Economics. To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in two terms of study between May and April in the previous academic year and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience/work-term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Leeder Family Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding full-time undergraduate students entering third or fourth year in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who are from outside the Greater Victoria or Metro Vancouver Regional District areas. Scholarships will be approximately one-half of a student's full-time (minimum 12 units) Winter Session tuition and fees.

If awarded to a third year student, the scholarship may be renewed for the recipient's fourth year of full-time studies in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in two terms of study between May and April in the previous academic year and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience/work-term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Lois M. Smith Athletes' Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate or graduate full or part-time students who are Canadian citizens and have been identified as international calibre athletes by their national sport governing body. The award is open to student-athletes in any sport but preference will be given to those representing the University and who meet the University's eligibility requirements. Award recipients will be selected on the basis of sporting achievement by the Director of Athletics and Recreation in consultation with the Associate Director, Sport.

Lucy and Margaret Corbet Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student who has completed premedical studies at the 番茄社区 and is proceeding to medical school in September. Preference is for students with demonstrated financial need. Candidates must provide written acceptance of their entry into an accredited medical school.

Maple Reinders Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student continuing in either the Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering program in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.


First preference is for students with an interest in construction management or project management.


Second preference is for students who are members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity, including, but not limited to:

  • First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples and all other Indigenous peoples;
  • members of groups that commonly experience discrimination due to race, ancestry, colour, religion and/or spiritual beliefs or place of origin.
  • persons with visible and/or invisible (physical and/or mental) disabilities;
  • persons who identify as women; and
  • persons of marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.


Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Marilynne Convey Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate or graduate students in the field of gerontology or students conducting clinical or applied research designed to improve care for the elderly and who are affiliated with the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health (IALH). Preference will be given to students with financial need and who have demonstrated volunteerism in the community. Students must submit a letter (maximum 350 words) from a volunteer organization outlining their contributions. The scholarship will alternate between graduate and undergraduate students.

Undergraduate students apply via the online application by May 31st and graduate students apply to the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards or the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health.

Mark Krasnick Leadership Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to third or fourth year First Nations students in the Faculty of Human & Social Development, the Faculty of Law or the Faculty of Business, who demonstrates leadership in either the First Nations community or within the Faculty. Preference will be given to a British Columbia resident.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Office of Indigenous Affairs.

Martin and Diana Hocking Scholarship in Chemistry*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more undergraduate scholarships of $1,000 are awarded to academically outstanding students in the Department of Chemistry. Preference will be given, in descending order of priority, to a student who has:

a) enrolled in the Chemistry Co-operative Program and/or

b) demonstrated commitment to ongoing voluntary service in the community and/or

c) demonstrated leadership by contributing to the social and academic environment within the Department of Chemistry.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Chemistry.

Mary Dorothy Jones Bessex Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate students in the Bachelor of Music program who are specializing in piano. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Matthew Prentice Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding students entering or continuing in the Bachelor of Music Program, and whose performance area is brass, piano or voice. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Michael Hayes Award in Public Health and Social Policy

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students in the School of Public Health & Social Policy who have a demonstrated interest in health equity. Preference is for students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Public Health & Social Policy.

Michaela Tokarski Entrepreneurship Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate Bachelor of Commerce students in the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business who are completing an entrepreneurial specialization or completing an entrepreneurial work term. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. This award may go to a graduating student.

Michiel Horn and Cornelia Schuh Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships of at least $2,500 are awarded to 3rd or 4th year Honours History or Honours History/English students. Preference will be given to students who can demonstrate financial need.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of History.

Micqualyn Scholarship

Value: $500 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $500 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student entering the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education who has a demonstrated volunteer involvement in the community. In addition to the application, students must submit a letter in which they describe their contributions to such volunteer organizations. Students must complete the on-line application and submit their letter to Student Awards and Financial Aid by May 31.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education.

Mina Hoorfar Award for Indigenous Students in Engineering and Computer Science

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

One award of $1,000 is given to an entering, transferring or continuing Indigenous undergraduate student in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. Part time students (registered in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit in two terms) are eligible.
Applicants must submit a letter (max 400 words) reflecting on:
- How the see their degree empowering them to help others and their community and,
- How a degree in engineering and computer science will help solve or contribute to solving global challenges
Approval of the recipient is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Mrs. Annie Greskiw Scholarship in Pre-Medical Studies*

Value: Varies | Number: 2

Two scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students who are proceeding to premedical studies at the year 3 or 4 level at the 番茄社区. Applicants must provide details of their plans for future medical school attendance on the application form.

Mrs. Matilda M. Schill Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students either entering from a college or university or continuing in the Faculty of Education, who have been admitted to a secondary teacher education program with an English teaching area or concentration. Preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Education.

Murray and Lynda Farmer Award for Critical Thinking*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to a continuing undergraduate student in the Faculty of Humanities with a declared Philosophy major who demonstrates originality, critical thinking, good work habits and organizational skills in their coursework, has a GPA of at least 5.0/9.0, and demonstrates community or on campus involvement through volunteerism.

Applicants must submit:

  • a personal statement (maximum 500 words) detailing both their volunteer experience and their originality, critical thinking, good work habits and organizational skills in their coursework.
  • a letter of reference from a UVic Professor attesting to the student’s originality, critical thinking, work habits, and organizational skills
  • a letter of reference (maximum 300 words each) from a volunteer organization.  Referees cannot be related to the applicant.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy.

Myrna and Terry Daniels Award in Indigenous Education*

Value: $2,000 | Number: Varies

One or more awards of $2,000 each are given to Canadian-born Indigenous undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education entering or continuing in the Bachelor of Education in Indigenous Language Revitalization (BEd ILR) program. Applicants must submit a statement (a maximum of 500 words) describing their interest in/aspiration to become a K-12 teacher. Part-time students (registered in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit in two terms) are eligible. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Education.

Myrna McEwen Daniels Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Four or more scholarships of a maximum of $2,000 each are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering second, third or fourth year and majoring in French. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Students may receive this award more than once. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of French and Francophone Studies.

Nelson Family Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate international students from sub-Saharan Africa with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students in the Faculty of Human and Social Development.

Nina Dobbyn Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students continuing in the School of Music who have demonstrated financial need and an interest in teaching music. Students with a GPA of 4.0/9.0 and above are eligible. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Norah and Calvin Banks Indigenous Leadership Award in the Sciences*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate or graduate Indigenous students in the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science or School of Environmental Studies, with preference to those who demonstrate leadership by encouraging/and or promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields of study in Indigenous communities. Students who have done STEM work must submit a letter of reference from an Indigenous community leader outlining how they demonstrate leadership.

Graduate applications may be obtained from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Office of the Dean and must be submitted to the office by September 15th. Undergraduate students must apply via the online application by May 31st.

Selection of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards or the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon recommendation of the Director of the Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE) in consultation with the Dean of Faculty of Sciences, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and the Director of the School of Environmental Studies.

Peninsula Co-op Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding student pursuing a degree in the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education who has contributed to their community and/or school in an outstanding way through volunteer or extra-curricular activities. The recipient must be a Peninsula Co-op member or the immediate family of a member. Immediate family of the student includes parents, step-parents, guardians, siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Students and immediate family must have had active membership prior to September 1st of the previous year and must currently be in good standing with Peninsula Co-op.

Phil Petersen Scholarship in Social Work

Value: $500 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $500 is awarded to an academically outstanding 3rd or 4th year undergraduate Indigenous student in the School of Social Work.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Social Work.

Phoenix Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Up to two awards, to a combined total of $6,000, are given to entering or continuing undergraduate students who are single parents with demonstrated financial need. Preference is for women students. Further preference is to students returning to studies at UVic after a break of more than 12 months. Part-time students (minimum 6.0 units) are eligible for this award. Recipients may only receive the award once.

Phoenix Theatre Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students in the Department of Theatre. Academic standing and contribution to the Department's activities will be considered. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Theatre.

Pooni Family Award in Business

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

An award of $1,000 is given to an academically outstanding undergraduate student continuing in the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business who demonstrates volunteer community involvement. Applicants must submit a statement (max 350 words) describing their community involvement. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

Pooni Family Award in Geography

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

An award of $1,000 is given to an academically outstanding undergraduate student continuing in the Department of Geography who demonstrates volunteer community involvement. Applicants must submit a statement (max 350 words) describing their community involvement. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

Professional Employees Association (PEA) Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding full or part-time undergraduate students entering or continuing at the 番茄社区 with a GPA of at least 4.0 and who are UVic PEA members or their dependants. Applicants must complete the online application by May 31.

RPIA ACE Finance Award for BIPOC Students

Value: $5,000 | Number: 1

One award of $5,000 is given to an undergraduate student in third or fourth year who self-identifies as Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour (BIPOC), and has an interest in pursuing a career in the financial industry. Preference is for students with demonstrated financial need. Students with a GPA of 3.0 or above are eligible.

R.W. "Bob" McQueen Economics Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Two or more awards of equal value are to be given to third or fourth year undergraduate students of different genders with a declared Major or Honours program in the Department of Economics. Each recipient is to be BC born, be a graduate of a BC public high school and have demonstrated financial need.

If there are no eligible recipients, then the awards are to be given to entering first or second year students from outside the lower mainland and the greater Victoria area who were BC born, graduated from a BC public high school and have demonstrated financial need.

Raincoast Conservation Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to Indigenous undergraduate students born in Canada who are continuing in the Department of Geography who have:

  • an interest in conservation, demonstrated through their classes/learning or through volunteering, and
  • demonstrated financial need.

If there are no eligible candidates, the award will be given to Indigenous undergraduate students born in Canada who are continuing in the Faculty of Social Sciences who have:

  • an interest in conservation, demonstrated through their classes/learning or through volunteering, and
  • demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Ramona Williams Memorial Scholarship in Child and Youth Care

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship in the sum of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate Indigenous student in the School of Child and Youth Care. Preference will be given to students from the Cowichan Nation.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Child and Youth Care.

Ramona Williams Memorial Scholarship in Social Work

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship in the sum of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate Indigenous student in the School of Social Work. Preference will be given to students from the Cowichan Nation.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Social Work.

Reliable Controls Award in Computer Science*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students entering or continuing in the Department of Computer Science. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Riley Jane Elholm Memorial Scholarship in Civil Engineering*

Value: Varies | Number: 2

Two scholarships of at least $1,000 each are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year in the Department of Civil Engineering. Award selection will include consideration of students' extracurricular activities in the engineering student community.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Civil Engineering.

Rita Perry Hammett Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate students in the Department of Writing. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Robert and Audrey Harry Indigenous Scholarship in Nursing*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding Indigenous undergraduate students in the School of Nursing. Students registered in at least 4.50 academic units are eligible for this scholarship.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Nursing.

Roberta Evelyn Milnes Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students in the Faculty of Human and Social Development who volunteer in the community. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Nominations will be made by the Faculty of Human and Social Development.

Roberta Taylor Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student in the School of Social Work who is participating in either on-campus or distance education programs. Preference will be given to a mature student returning to school with a young family.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Social Work.

Robyn Kathleen Addison Scholarship in Environmental Studies

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to undergraduate women students continuing in the School of Environmental Studies who have demonstrated financial need.

Royal Jubilee Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association Student Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate or graduate students continuing in the School of Nursing or enrolled in a program related to Nursing in either Health Information Science or the School of Public Health and Social Policy.

Eligibility is based on the following order or priority:

  1. Alumnae of the Royal Jubilee School of Nursing
  2. Descendants of an alumna of the Royal Jubilee School of Nursing. Applicants must state their relationship to the alumna, their alumna's maiden name (if applicable) and the year the alumna graduated,
  3. Undergraduate students in the BSN program.

Undergraduate students can apply via the online transfer application via MyPage under Student Awards and Financial Aid. Graduate students can apply by April 30 at the Dean of Human and Social Development office. Approval of the recipients will be made by either the Senate Committee on Awards or the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee, upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Human and Social Development. Undergraduate students registered in at least 4.50 academic units and graduate students registered in at least 3.0 academic units are eligible for this scholarship.

Saanich Employees Benefit Association Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: Varies

One or more awards of $1,000 each are given to full or part-time entering or continuing undergraduate or graduate students who are members or dependants of members of the Saanich Employees Benefit Association (SEBA) and have demonstrated financial need. Undergraduate students apply via the online application. Graduate students can apply via Online Tools, online graduate scholarship application between July 1st and September 15th.

In the case of an undergraduate nominee, approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards; in the case of a graduate nominee, approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Graduate Awards Committee.

Scholarship Beyond Boundaries*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate honours, major, or minor students in any faculty whose academic interests are interdisciplinary in nature. Applicants will submit a description of their interdisciplinary work (i.e. honours thesis, directed studies, interdisciplinary studies, etc.), as well as a letter of recommendation from a professor to support the applicant's ability to make connections between different academic disciplines and capacity for critical thinking.

School of Public Health and Social Policy Student Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students in the School of Public Health and Social Policy who are single parents from Western Canada. Preference is given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Sellemah Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships, of at least $1,000 each, are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate Canadian-born Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) students in the School of Environmental Studies. If no applicants meet this criteria, the scholarship will be awarded to Canadian-born Indigenous undergraduate students in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Sharron Higgins Scholarship in the School of Nursing*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student who is entering their 3rd year in the School of Nursing and intends to complete 4th year in the following year, and also who is a parent. Preference will be given to a student who is planning to practice in the field of Public Health Nursing.

Students registered in at least 4.50 academic units are eligible for this scholarship.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Nursing.

Sharyl Yore Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to members of the 番茄社区 Office, Technical and Child Care staff who hold a regular appointment, have completed their probationary period and are taking classes in order to pursue a UVic degree, diploma or certificate. First preference will be given to Exempt staff and second preference is given to members of CUPE 951 whose tuition and book costs are not fully covered by benefits received from the Career Development Fund. Preference will be given to recipients closest to completing their degree, diploma or certificate. This award will not be given to the same individual in successive years. Undergraduate applicants must complete the online application by May 31st. Graduate students apply via the online graduate application between July 1st and September 15th.

Sheila Ryan and Eileen Ryan Award in Child and Youth Care*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Child and Youth Care, with preference to students who have demonstrated financial need. Undergraduate students will apply through the online application via My Page. Graduate student applications must be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by June 15. Approval of undergraduate recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards. Approval of graduate recipient(s) will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the School of Child and Youth Care.

Sheila Ryan and Eileen Ryan Award in Health Information Science*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate students in the School of Health Information Sciences, with preference to students who have demonstrated financial need. Students will apply through the online application via My Page.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Health Information Sciences.

Sheila Ryan and Eileen Ryan Undergraduate Award in Nursing*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students in the School of Nursing, with preference to students who have demonstrated financial need. Undergraduate students registered in at least 4.50 academic units are eligible for this scholarship. Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Nursing.

Skeena Award in Creative Writing

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to transferring or continuing undergraduate students in a BFA in Writing with a focus on creative nonfiction or poetry and who have submitted a writing sample (maximum 2 pages).

Preference will be given to applicants in the following order of priority:

1) A woman student who grew up in or has spent the majority of their life in rural and northern communities in Canada. Further preference will be given to a student from Northern British Columbia (North of 50° N).

2) An Indigenous student who grew up or has spent the majority of their life in rural and northern communities in Canada. Further preference will be given to a student from Northern British Columbia (North of 50° N).

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Writing.

SMONE膯 Natural Sciences Scholarship

Value: $2,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $2,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student in the Faculty of Science.  Preference will be given to an Indigenous student from nations whose territory is fully or in part located within the borders of Canada. Students may receive this award more than once.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Science.

Social Justice Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to academically outstanding students in the Faculty of Social Sciences entering their third or fourth year who have demonstrated financial need. Students must provide an essay (maximum 500 words) explaining how their studies will assist them to pursue a career in social justice. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

St贸:l艒 Legacy Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships to a total value of $5,000 per annum are awarded to registered members of any Stó:lō First Nation (i.e. any First Nation located along the Fraser River and its tributaries between Langley and Yale) entering or continuing in a certificate or degree program (undergraduate or graduate) at the 番茄社区.

Applicants must submit a short statement of the educational goals they wish to achieve with this scholarship, a high school transcript and/or other relevant educational transcripts, proof of band, and two letters of reference affirming the student' commitment and capacity to complete their academic program and, where applicable, their community engagement.

Applications for graduate students may be obtained from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Office of the Dean and must be submitted to that office by September 15. Undergraduate students may apply via the online application by May 31. In the case of an undergraduate student, approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of IACE; in the case of a graduate student, approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of IACE.

SunTracker Technologies Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships of $1,000 or more are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate women students in Computer Science or Software Engineering who have a third or fourth year standing. Preference will be given to students who have pursued a project or work term in photorealistic lighting. Students in combined programs with Computer Science will be eligible for this award.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering.

Sybil Verch Woman in Business Award

Value: $2,500 | Number: 1

An award of $2,500 is awarded to an outstanding woman student in the Bachelor of Commerce program at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business who has completed the required core courses and will be entering fourth year. First preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated an interest in entering a career in finance. Second preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

Sydney G. Pettit Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students registered in a major or honours program in the Department of History who have demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipient(s) is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of History.

TANSI Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding entering, transferring or continuing undergraduate Métis students.

TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarship

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to a student entering third year, who is a child or grandchild of an alumnus/alumna of the 番茄社区.


TED Fund*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

An award is given to a continuing undergraduate student with a physical disability (or disabilities) for the enhancement of the student learning experience through travel, in support of research/creative activity and may include, but not be limited to, field schools, exhibitions, conferences or presentations. The student's disability (or disabilities) must be of a severity and degree to require a personal care worker to accompany the student when travelling. Preference is for students with a GPA of 6.0 or higher.

Students must submit:

  1. an essay of not less than 500 words and not more than 1000 words, outlining the educational benefits of travel, how travel will relate to the student's studies, and what the student intends to learn from their travel;
  2. a letter of reference from a 番茄社区 professor, demonstrating that the travel is related and beneficial to the student's studies;
  3. a letter from a medical professional confirming that a personal care worker is needed to accompany the student when travelling; and
  4. a proposed budget for travel, including, but not limited to, estimated costs for travel, food, accommodation and accompaniment by a personal care worker. The student must provide ten percent (10%) of the approved budget.

Students enrolled for Summer Session (May to August) must apply via the online application in January; students enrolled for the Winter Session (September to April) must apply via the online application in April.

Terry and Myrna Daniels Scholarship in Music*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student entering third year in the School of Music with demonstrated financial need. Preference is for students from a single-parent family.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

TELUS Student Award

Value: $5000 | Number: Varies

One or more awards, of a maximum of $5,000 each, are given to undergraduate students entering or continuing at the 番茄社区 who:

  • are Canadian citizens or permanent residents,
  • have demonstrated financial need, and
  • commit to planning and carrying out a volunteer/community impact project over the course of their studies at UVic. The project will contribute to positive social, environmental or health outcomes in their communities. 

Terry Daniels Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Two or more scholarships of a minimum of $2,000 each are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students continuing in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering who intend to pursue the electronics specialization. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Thomas Henry (Harry) and Doris Collom Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students continuing in the Faculty of Science or the School of Music who have demonstrated financial need. The scholarship will be disbursed on a rotating basis, beginning with the Faculty of Science. First preference will be given to students born in British Columbia and second preference to students born in the United Kingdom.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of either the Faculty of Science or the School of Music.

First disbursement (Science) September 2023.

Tolmie-Wood Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate Indigenous students in the Faculty of Human and Social Development. At least one scholarship will be a minimum of $1,000. Students must complete the online application which is available April 1 to May 31 each year, and submit a letter outlining their contributions to their community and/or involvement with Indigenous art including music.

Tom Perry Award for Social Responsibility*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

Awarded annually to a student who has made an exceptional contribution to environmental or humanitarian causes in association with recognized charitable organizations.

Applicants must:

  • be enrolled in at least nine units of study at the 番茄社区 during the year in which they apply, and must have achieved at least a B+ average in that year.
  • show evidence of financial need.
  • register in a post-secondary institution in the following year.

Applications and letters of recommendation must be submitted to Student Awards and Financial Aid by May 31 via the online application.

Trussell Undergraduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (Faculty of Science)

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships totaling $2750 are awarded to academically outstanding entrance, transfer or in-course undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science who have graduated from a secondary school in the Kootenay-Boundary area of British Columbia (School Districts #5, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 51).

Trussell Undergraduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (Engineering)

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships totaling $2750 are awarded to academically outstanding entrance, transfer or in-course undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering who have graduated from a secondary school in the Kootenay-Boundary area of British Columbia (School Districts #5, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 51).

University Challenge Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships to be awarded from funds won on the CTV Television Program "University Challenge" by Victoria teams. The fund was started in 1971 by a team consisting of Glen Paruk, Robert McDougall, Denis Johnston and Bruce Izard, coached by Professor Alfred Loft. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards on the basis of outstanding service by the candidate to the community and/or the University and high academic standing.

UVic Business Class of 2009 Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to continuing undergraduate students in the Bachelor of Commerce program in the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. Preference will be given in the following priority:

  1. Students who self-identify as Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour (BIPOC)
  2. Students with demonstrated financial need

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

UVSS BIPOC Public Interest Research Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards, of at least $1,000 each, are given to continuing or transferring undergraduate students with demonstrated research-based contributions to community programs or agencies that address social justice and/or environmental issues. Preference will be given in the following order:

  • Students who identify as Black, Indigenous or Person of Colour
  • Students who are members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity
  • Students with demonstrated financial need

Students must submit a summary (maximum 500 words) of their research project that contributes to community programs and provide one letter of reference (maximum 300 words) that speaks to this. 

Victoria Chartered Accountants Association Legacy Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering the fourth year of the Bachelor of Commerce program who are intending to pursue a Chartered Professional Accountant designation.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

Victoria Pride Award in Honour of David Tillson*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

One award is given to an undergraduate student with demonstrated financial need who self-identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited, gender non-binary, queer, questioning or asexual.

Victoria Real Estate Board Scholarship

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

$1000 awarded as a scholarship to students registered at the 番茄社区 who are dependants of members of the Victoria Real Estate Board. Students currently registered at the 番茄社区 who find that they must transfer to another university in order to complete their chosen program are eligible to apply for these awards.

Visca/Dais-Visca Scholarship in Public Law/Legal Studies

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering third or fourth year in the Faculty of Social Sciences who intend to pursue a degree in Law. Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Preference will be given in the following priority:

1. Students who have written the LSAT
2. Students who are taking common pre-law majors such as Political Science, Economics or Psychology
3. Students who intend to apply to UVic Law School.

Applicants must submit the following:

1. A cover letter (maximum 250 words) explaining why the student is interested in pursuing a degree in law
2. A list of Law schools to which they intend to apply
3. A research paper (maximum 2,000 words) examining a current challenge faced by the federal government in responding to a demand for change in the law to reflect current social, political and/or legal pressures. The recipient will demonstrate an understanding of limits within which the executive, legislative and judicial branches operate and be able to articulate the importance of the rule of law in the Canadian system of justice, for example:
i. “dialogue” between the legislative and executive branches of government and the judiciary
ii. threats to the rule of law
iii. treaty making and challenges to state sovereignty (can be international trade treaties or Aboriginal treaties)
iv. demand for alternative criminal justice tribunals for addressing needs of disadvantaged communities as was done with Aboriginal defendants with the creation of the Gladue court.
*The student may submit a class paper

WATT Consulting Group 40th Anniversary Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to continuing students in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science who have an interest in studying transportation engineering.  Preference is for students who are members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity, including, but not limited to:

  • First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples and all other Indigenous peoples;
  • members of groups that commonly experience discrimination due to race, ancestry, colour, religion and/or spiritual beliefs or place of origin;
  • persons with visible and/or invisible (physical and/or mental) disabilities;
  • persons who identify as women; and
  • persons of marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.

Further preference is for students with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

W.R. (Bill) Gordon Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate third or fourth year students in a Major or Honours program in the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Engineering, with preference being given to students in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Students must have made a significant contribution to one or more aspects of university life through involvement in areas such as student athletic programs, student affairs or service on university bodies or committees.

Applications must be submitted to the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office via their online application by May 31st and must be accompanied by a letter or resume describing their contributions.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics on behalf of the Faculty of Science.

Wendy Diane Esdale Undergraduate Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding transferring or continuing undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need. Preference shall be given to mature students.

Westshore Soroptimist Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

An award of $1,000 will be given to a woman undergraduate student who has worked to overcome a significant challenge(s) in their life and has demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to a single parent. Students must submit a one-page summary outlining the challenge(s) they have faced in their path to post-secondary education. The essay must include how they approached the challenge(s), how they overcame the challenge(s), and what they have learned from it.

Wuitchik Family Marine Sciences Undergraduate Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards of $2,000 each are given to entering or continuing undergraduate students from underrepresented groups in the Faculty of Science who have demonstrated an interest in marine sciences through course work, co-op or work experience. Preference will be given to students doing, or planning to do, marine sciences field work.

Students must submit a letter of application (max 300 words) explaining their passion for marine sciences and the opportunities this award would allow them to pursue.

If no applicants meet these criteria, the Award will be given to student(s) from underrepresented minorities in the Faculty of Science. A student may only receive this award once.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon recommendation of the Faculty of Science.