

Scholarships, medals and prizes

Scholarships, medals and prizes are awarded to students primarily on the basis of academic merit. Other additional eligibility criteria, as specified in the terms of reference, will be considered when selecting recipients. Scholarships, medals and prizes for undergraduate students are administered by SAFA.

UVic also offers non-repayable funding referred to as awards. Recipients are selected on the basis of the eligibility criteria specified in the terms of reference for each award. Eligibility criteria may include, but are not limited to, a minimum academic achievement, financial need, identifying with a group with historical and/or current barriers to equity, program of study or participation in a varsity sport.

Recipients of athletic awards are selected on the basis of the eligibility criteria specified in the terms of reference for the award and the requirements stipulated by U SPORTS; an organization external to UVic that establishes the funding rules for student athletes in varsity sport at participating universities in Canada. Entering student athletes must have a minimum admission average of 80% to receive an athletic award in their first year of post-secondary study.

Returning student athletes must have passed a minimum of 9.0 units for credit, with a minimum sessional GPA of 3.00, in the preceding academic year. The total combined value of athletic awards cannot exceed the student’s assessed tuition and mandatory fees for the academic year in which they receive the funding.

Entrance and Transfer Scholarships and Awards

Entrance and transfer scholarships and awards are offered to undergraduate students entering UVic directly from secondary schools offering a Canadian curriculum or transferring from a Canadian college or university.

  • Except where the terms of reference for an undergraduate scholarship or award otherwise specify, recipients must normally register and maintain enrolment in a minimum of 12.0 units or more for credit, of which 10.5 units are graded using the standard nine point scale, in their first winter session (September to April) to receive the scholarship or award. 
  • Students entering undergraduate programs in the January to April term of study must normally register and maintain enrolment in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit, of which 4.5 units are graded using the standard nine point scale, to receive the scholarship or award.
  • Students with a disability, including those who are approved to study at a reduced course load, are eligible to be considered for scholarships and awards. Students with a disability must maintain registration in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit, of which 4.5 units are graded using the standard nine point scale, in the winter session (September to April) to receive a scholarship or award. Students entering in the January to April term of study must maintain registration in a minimum of 3.0 units for credit in that term, of which 1.5 units are graded using the standard nine point scale. Students must identify themselves to SAFA and provide supporting documentation from the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL).
  • Deferral of a scholarship or award for up to one year may be granted upon approval of a request for deferral of entry point to Undergraduate 番茄社区.
  • Students who enrol in a minimum of 12.0 units for credit (6.0 units for credit for students with a disability) and subsequently withdraw from courses resulting in them falling below 12.0 units for credit (6.0 units for credit for students with a disability) in the winter session (September to April) or fall below 6.0 units for credit (3.0 units for credit for students with a disability) if they entered their program in the January to April term of study, will have their scholarship or award revoked. 
  • The University reserves the right to limit the amount of money awarded to any student and, if necessary, to reassign scholarships and awards to other students. 
  • Except where the terms of reference for the scholarship or award state otherwise, the funding issued by or through SAFA will be applied towards the student’s assessed tuition and fees for the winter session (September to April). If the funding awarded exceeds the total amount of tuition and fees due for the winter session, the balance will be paid to the student so long as they maintain registration in at least 12.0 units for credit (6.0 units for credit for students with a disability). Students should contact the Tuition Office to request a refund.
  • Students who entered their program in the January to April term of study will have their scholarship or award applied towards their assessed tuition and fees for the term. If the funding awarded exceeds the total amount of tuition and fees due for the term, the balance will be paid to the student so long as they maintain registration in at least 6.0 units for credit (3.0 units for credit for students with a disability). Students should contact the Tuition Office to request a refund.
  • A scholarship or award may be withheld or cancelled if there is a lack of suitable candidates, if a donor withdraws the scholarship or award or if the recipient withdraws from UVic or fails to meet the eligibility criteria for the scholarship or award. 

In-Course Scholarships, Awards, Medals and Prizes

In-Course scholarships, awards, medals and prizes are offered to undergraduate students who have completed a minimum of 12.0 units for credit, of which 10.5 units are graded using the standard nine point scale, in two of the three terms of study in the previous academic year (May to April). In-course scholarships, awards and prizes are awarded in the subsequent winter session (September to April).

  • Students with a disability, including those who are approved to study at a reduced course load, are eligible to be considered for in-course scholarships, awards, medals and prizes. Students with a disability must maintain registration in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit, of which 4.5 units are graded using the standard nine point scale, in two of the three terms in the previous academic year (May to April). Students must identify themselves to SAFA and provide supporting documentation from the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL).
  • Recipients of in-course scholarships, awards and prizes are selected by the following processes: automatically on the basis of academic merit, application or department recommendation.
  • Medals are automatically awarded to graduating students with the highest graduating average in specific faculties. Recipients are not required to submit an application or return to UVic in the following winter session.
  • Except where the terms of reference for an undergraduate scholarship or award otherwise specify, recipients must normally register and maintain enrolment in a minimum of 12.0 units for credit, of which 10.5 units are graded using the standard nine point scale, in two of the three terms in the academic year in which the funding is being awarded. Students with a disability must maintain enrolment in 6.0 units for credit, of which 4.5 are graded using the standard nine point scale, in two of the three terms in the academic year in which the funding is being awarded.
  • Students who enrol in a minimum of 12.0 units for credit (6.0 units for credit for students with a disability) and subsequently withdraw from courses resulting in them falling below 12.0 units for credit (6.0 units for credit for students with a disability) in two of the three terms in the academic year (May to April), will have their scholarship, award or prize revoked. 
  • The University reserves the right to limit the amount of money awarded to any student and, if necessary, to reassign scholarships and awards to other students. 
  • Except where the terms of reference for the scholarship or award otherwise specify, the funding issued by or through SAFA will be applied towards the student’s assessed tuition and fees for the winter session (September to April). If the funding awarded exceeds the total amount of tuition and fees due for the winter session, the balance will be paid to the student so long as they maintain registration in at least 12.0 units for credit (6.0 units for credit for students with a disability). Students should contact the Tuition Office to request a refund.
  • Medals or book prizes, if not presented directly by the donors or their agents, are forwarded to the winners when available.

Athletic awards

Recipients of athletic awards are selected on the basis of the eligibility criteria specified in the terms of reference for the award and the requirements stipulated by U SPORTS; an organization external to UVic that establishes the funding rules for student athletes in varsity sport at participating universities in Canada.

  • Entering student athletes must have a minimum admission average of 80% to receive an athletic award in their first year of post-secondary study.
  • Returning student athletes must have passed a minimum of 9.0 units for credit, with a minimum sessional GPA of 3.00, in the preceding academic year.
  • The total combined value of athletic awards cannot exceed the student’s assessed tuition and mandatory fees for the academic year in which they receive the funding.