
Specific Criteria Application Awards

Entrance scholarships that are based on admission average and other criteria require an application. To be considered for the following scholarships and awards complete the entrance scholarship application, available through Online tools.

 The online application is open February 15 to April 30.

Any supporting documentation required for the following online application must be submitted by email to entrance@uvic.ca.

Students transferring into UVic in Term 2 (January) of the Winter Session are eligible to apply for the below scholarships, as they will not be eligible for the incourse scholarship application.

Scholarships marked with an asterisk (*) are administered by the 番茄社区 Foundation.


To be eligible for the online entrance/transfer scholarships students must normally:

  • Be entering UVic directly from a Canadian secondary school, including international students who are completing a Canadian secondary diploma
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada studying grade 12 outside of Canada
  • Be a secondary school graduate – entering UVic within two years of graduation and have not attended another post secondary institution
  • Have an 85% admission average or 32 IB points (secondary school students)
  • Be entering UVic directly from a Canadian college or university
  • Have a 7.5/9.0 (UVic scale) transfer or diploma admission average
  • International students who have fulfilled the above requirements but are completing a non-Canadian diploma may apply for scholarships under the “International” section

Accessing the online applications

  1. Create a 
  2. Sign into UVic Online tools using your Netlink ID
  3. Select "Student Services"
  4. Select "View and apply for awards"
  5. Select "Apply for awards"
  6. Select the Aid year and Period and the relevant application:
  • Canadian undergraduate secondary school application
  • Canadian undergraduate transfer application

It is the student’s responsibility to send in all required supporting documentation to entrance@uvic.ca by April 30. Please ensure that your UVic ID, full name, and the scholarship you are applying for in the subject line.

Renewable entrance scholarships

To be considered for a renewable scholarship students must have a minimum 90% admission average, unless the terms of the award state otherwise. Students are generally not awarded two renewable scholarships. If a student is eligible for two renewable scholarships, they will be offered the higher value scholarship.

Aga Khan Academy Renewable Scholarship

A scholarship of $90,00, payable at $22,500 per year over 4 years, is awarded to an academically outstanding international student entering an undergraduate program at the 番茄社区 directly from one of the Aga Khan Academies. Canadian citizens and permanent residents are not eligible for this scholarship. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic excellence (a minimum or 32 IB points), community service, school involvement and leadership. The financial need of the applicant will also be considered.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student's full time study until completion of a first degree or for a maximum of four years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point falls below 7.50 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship. Students registered in a co-op or work experience or work term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more graded units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op or work experience work term nor academic units for one or more terms may forfeit their scholarship.

View application information here.

Arscott Family Fund Scholarship*

Value: $30,000 | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships of $30,000, payable at $7,500 per year, are awarded to undergraduate students entering or transferring into the 番茄社区 from Canadian secondary schools, colleges or universities and who:
• are Canadian citizens or permanent residents,
• have demonstrated financial need, and
• submit a one-page (500 word) essay on the “Value of Education”: students are encouraged to think about the “why” behind their desire to further their education and the broader impact it will have in the future.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student’s full-time study until completion of a first degree or for a maximum of three years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, or academic units for more than one term may forfeit the scholarship.

David H. Turpin National Entrance Scholarship*

Value: $5,000 | Number: 1

One scholarship of $20,000, payable at $5,000 per year for up to four years, is awarded to an academically outstanding student entering an undergraduate program from a secondary school in Canada or an international student completing a Canadian secondary school diploma. The scholarship recipient is selected on the basis of academic excellence, community service, school involvement and leadership.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student’s full-time study until completion of a first degree or for a maximum of four years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms.  Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, or academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Elsa Eleonora Fagerberg and Clara Maria Fagerberg Entrance Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships, to a maximum of $20,000, payable over four years, are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering the 番茄社区 from Canadian secondary schools, colleges and universities. The selection of recipients is based on academic excellence, breadth of interest, and leadership qualities.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of a student's full time study (12 or more units) until the completion of a first degree or for a maximum of three years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Fairfax Financial Ltd. Award

Value: $6,000 | Number: 1

Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited offers an award valued at $6,000 to an undergraduate student who is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident; has graduated from a Canadian secondary school or CEGEP no longer than 18 months prior to the start of the academic year and has demonstrated financial need.

The award is renewable at the value initially offered in each of the second, third, fourth years of study at UVic provided that the recipient: continues to demonstrate financial need by completing a budget form and has achieved a minimum sessional grade point average of 5.0 in his or her previous year of study. They also must continue to be registered in at least 80% of a full course load (at least 40% of a full course load for students with a permanent disability). Students must not have previously received a Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. award and must be continuing in the same program for which they originally applied.

Florence Women鈥檚 Scholarship*

Value: $15,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $15,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate woman student entering the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science who:

  • is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident,
  • graduated from a BC high school,
  • has interest in pursuing Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Biomedical or Software Engineering.

 Preference is for students who have demonstrated community service through volunteering in their community.  Students who meet the preference must submit a statement (maximum 350 words) outlining their volunteer contributions.

 To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student’s full-time study until completion of a first degree or for a maximum of three years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, or academic units for more than one term may forfeit the scholarship.

Jim Ounsworth Undergraduate Award for Indigenous Students

Value: $40,000 | Number: 6

Six awards of $40,000, payable at $10,000 per year, are given to Canadian-born Indigenous undergraduate students entering the 番茄社区, with preference for students with demonstrated financial need. Applicants must submit a letter (maximum 400 words) reflecting on how they see post-secondary education empowering them to help others and their community.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE).

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12.0 or more graded units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a GPA of 5.0/9.0 or higher. The award is automatically renewed for each year of the student's study until completion of a first undergraduate degree or for a maximum of three years, whichever is the shorter period.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12.0 or more graded units in two terms, provided they have maintained a GPA of a minimum of 5.0/9.0. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their award.

John Locke Malkin Entrance Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships of a minimum of $4,000 per year, for up to five years, are awarded to students of exceptional academic promise entering the 番茄社区 from Canadian secondary schools or BC colleges and universities.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student’s full-time study until completion of a first degree or for a maximum of four years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms.  Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, or academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Joyce Family Foundation Award for Indigenous Students*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards of at least $5,000 each and not more than $8,000 each are given to Indigenous undergraduate students entering UVic and who:

  • are Canadian citizens or are permanent residents,
  • have lived in BC for at least 3 years,
  • have demonstrated financial need,
  • submit a letter of reference (max 350 words) from an individual not related to the applicant who is aware of the student's personal circumstances and can speak to their resilience in the face of adversity and potential for success in their post-secondary studies and
  • are committed to working with a mentor during the time they are a student at UVic. Examples of mentorship can include, but not be limited to: participating in First People's House programs and activities, attending community and cultural events, learning from Elders.

Preference will be given to students who have not received funding from their First Nation Band or an Indigenous organization.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12.0 or more graded units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a GPA of 3.0/9.0 or higher and be working with a mentor. The award is automatically renewed for each year of the student's study until completion of a first undergraduate degree or for a maximum of three years, whichever is the shorter period.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12.0 or more graded units in two terms, provided they have maintained a GPA of a minimum of 3.0/9.0. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their award.

Leeder Family Memorial Scholarship in Economics*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding full-time undergraduate students entering third or fourth year in the Department of Economics with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who are from outside the Greater Victoria or Metro Vancouver Regional District areas. Scholarships will be approximately one-half of a student's full-time (minimum 12 units) Winter Session tuition and fees.

If awarded to a third year student, the scholarship may be renewed for the recipient's fourth year of full-time studies in the Department of Economics. To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in two terms of study between May and April in the previous academic year and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience/work-term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Leeder Family Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding full-time undergraduate students entering third or fourth year in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who are from outside the Greater Victoria or Metro Vancouver Regional District areas. Scholarships will be approximately one-half of a student's full-time (minimum 12 units) Winter Session tuition and fees.

If awarded to a third year student, the scholarship may be renewed for the recipient's fourth year of full-time studies in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in two terms of study between May and April in the previous academic year and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience/work-term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Marilyn (Leslie) Kan and John YH Kan Award for Indigenous Students*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

An award is given to an undergraduate Indigenous student entering or transferring to the 番茄社区 who has demonstrated financial need and who has a dependent child/children living at home. Students who have been out of high school for more than two years, are not transferring directly from a post-secondary institution or are mature students are eligible for this scholarship.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more graded units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 5.00/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. The award is automatically renewed for each year of a student's full time study until the completion of a first degree or for a maximum of three years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls below 5.00/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for renewal of the award.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 5.00/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

National Entrance Scholarship

Value: $5,000 | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships to a maximum of $20,000, payable at $5,000 per year for up to four years, are awarded to academically outstanding students entering undergraduate programs from secondary school in Canada. The scholarship recipient is selected on the basis of academic excellence, community service, school involvement and leadership.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of a student's full time study until the completion of a first degree or for a maximum of four years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Richard Gilhooley and Karen Ockelton Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship of at least $6,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student entering the 番茄社区 from a Canadian secondary school, college or university, and who has demonstrated financial need.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more graded units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.5/9.00 or higher on the best 12 graded units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student's full time study for a maximum of three years. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.5/9.0 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more graded units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.5/9.0 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, or academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Seaborne-Langford Scholarship in Engineering*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate women entering or continuing in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. Preference will be given to entering students with demonstrated financial need.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of a student's full time study until the completion of a first degree or for a maximum of three years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, nor academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

T.S. McPherson Entrance Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships of a minimum of $4,500 per year, up to five years, are awarded to students of exceptional promise entering the 番茄社区 directly from British Columbia secondary schools, colleges, and universities; normally two scholarships are reserved for college or university students.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student’s full-time study until completion of a first degree or for a maximum of four years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50/9.00 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work-term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50/9.00 or higher in the two terms.  Any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience work-term, or academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Wilson S.C. Lai Scholarship

Value: $5,000 | Number: Varies

Scholarships of $15,000, payable at $5,000 per year for three years, will be awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering the 番茄社区 from a Canadian secondary school, college or university, and who have demonstrated financial need. Selection will be based on academic excellence, breadth of interest, and leadership qualities. 

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.5/9.0 or higher on the best 12 units.   The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student’s full time study for a maximum of two years.  A student whose grade point average falls below 7.5/9.0 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship. 

Students registered in a co-op or work experience work term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more academic units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.5/9.0 or higher in the two terms.  Any student who takes either a co-op, work experience work-term, or academic units for more than one term may forfeit their scholarship.

Non-renewable entrance scholarships

Awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering UVic; these are one-time scholarships

25th Olympiad Scholarship

Value: $2,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $2,000 is awarded to a student entering the 番茄社区 who has demonstrated excellence in extramural athletics while maintaining a high academic standing. Students competing in any of the Vikes Varsity sports are eligible to apply. Vikes Varsity sports include: basketball, soccer, swimming, cross country and track, rowing, rugby, field hockey, and golf. Students must provide a coach's reference letter. Award recipients will be selected on the basis of work ethic, commitment and performance criteria by the Director of Athletics and Recreation in consultation with the Associate Director, Sport.

30 by 30 Women in Engineering Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards of at least $1,000 each are given to undergraduate women students entering an engineering program. Applicants must submit a cover letter (max 500 words) explaining what inspired them to choose engineering as a potential career and what they want to achieve with their degree.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Afghan Women in Engineering and Computer Science Entrance Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: 1

An entrance scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate woman student entering the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science who is from Afghanistan.  Approval of the recipient is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Adele and Gene Nesmith Entrance Scholarship in Voice*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student whose performance area is voice and who is entering the School of Music at the 番茄社区 from a British Columbia secondary school or regional college. Preference will be given to a student who can demonstrate financial need.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Music.

Aldyen Hamber Entrance Scholarship

Value: $1,000 | Number: 2

Two scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded to students entering first year at the 番茄社区 directly from British Columbia secondary schools. Preference is given to women students entering the Faculty of Humanities.

Alec Maclean Annual Award in Economics

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate students in the Department of Economics with demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipients is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Economics.

Alexander and Mary Mackenzie Entrance Scholarship

Value: $2,500 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $2,500 is awarded to an academically outstanding Canadian student entering the first year at the 番茄社区 who was involved in a secondary school or community anti-drug and alcohol program. A letter of recommendation from the program director must be included with the application for the scholarship.

Anna Isabelle Allen Undergraduate Scholarship in Social Work*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering, continuing or transferring into the School of Social Work. Preference will be given to students with an interest in child welfare in the Province of British Columbia.

Award for Student Refugees

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards, between $500 to $2,000 each, are given to undergraduate students with protected person or permanent residency status (under one of the Refugee Application Class categories) who are not currently supported by the World University Service of Canada (WUSC).

Applicants must submit a letter from an immigration consultant (RCIC) in the UVic International Centre for Students that confirms protected person or refugee status. Part-time students (a minimum of 6.0 units) are eligible for this award. WUSC students, in their first year of study, are not eligible as they are supported by other funding.

Betty Anne Montgomery Memorial Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards of at least $1,000 each are given to entering, transferring or continuing undergraduate students with a visual impairment and demonstrated financial need, with a preference for a mature student.

Betty Dewick Scholarship in Music*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to undergraduate string students either entering directly from high school or transferring from another institution into the School of Music. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

British Columbia Paraplegic Association/Rotary Club of Victoria Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

One or more scholarships will be awarded to academically outstanding students with a physical disability with permanent mobility impairments.

Canadian Federation of University Women Victoria Entrance Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

Awarded to a woman student entering the Faculty of Science from Greater Victoria School District #61, Sooke School District #62, or Saanich School District #63.

Carol Ann Mitchell Undergraduate Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding transferring or continuing undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need. Preference shall be given to mature students.

C.H. Dowling Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a First Nations student who is a resident of British Columbia and who is entering the 番茄社区 directly from a BC secondary school, college, or university. Preference will be given to a student entering the Faculty of Humanities or the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Chaney Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to continuing or transferring undergraduate students in the Department of Chemistry. Preference is given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Dean of Science Entrance Scholarship for Indigenous Students*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding Indigenous undergraduate students entering the Faculty of Science directly from a Canadian secondary school.

Doreen Sutherland Undergraduate Award for Permanent Residents, Protected Persons and Refugee Women in Health Information Science*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing women undergraduate students in the School of Health Information Science. Preference will be given in the following order:
1. students who have protected person or refugee status, with preference for students who have financial need
2. students who have Canadian permanent resident status, with preference for students who have financial need
3. all other students, with preference for students who have financial need

Applicants meeting preference #1 must submit a letter from the Manager, International Student Advising that confirms protected person or refugee status.

Donald and Evelyn Munro Scholarships*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Scholarships of equal value are available to students entering the 番茄社区, from one of each of the following schools: Belmont Secondary, Claremont Secondary, Esquimalt High School, Lambrick Park Secondary, Mount Douglas Sr. Secondary, Parkland Secondary, Reynolds Secondary, Royal Bay Secondary, Spectrum Community, St. Andrew's Regional High, St. Margaret's, Stelly's Secondary, St. Michael's University School, Ecole Victor-Brodeur and South Island Distance Education School.

Dr. J. Donald Rowlatt Entrance Scholarship

Value: $2,000 | Number: 1

Awarded to a British Columbia secondary school student entering first year at UVic and who has been granted admission to the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. Preference will be given to an aboriginal student.

Dr. Jean Downie Dey Centennial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering from secondary school, college or university to the Faculty of Education. Preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need.

Dr. Mowafa Househ Entrance Scholarship

Value: $500 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $500 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student entering the School of Health Information Science from a British Columbia secondary school or college. Preference will be given to a student from Northern British Columbia (the area from Prince George north, including Prince George and Haida Gwaii). The scholarship will be awarded every other year.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Health Information Science.

Next disbursal September 2023.

Dr. Peter Montgomery Undergraduate Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering or continuing at the 番茄社区 with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to Roman Catholic students.

Easton Scholarship

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

One scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student who is entering third year in Electrical, Mechanical or Computer Engineering from Camosun College Engineering Bridge Program. Preference will be given to a student in the following order of priority:

1) Has graduated from School District 71 or 72 (Courtenay, Comox, and Campbell River),
2) Has represented their region as a member of the Canadian Paralympic, Olympic, BC Games or provincial team, or
3) Has actively volunteered with North Island libraries or community organizations to encourage youth interest in Science, Technology, the Arts or Reading.

Elizabeth Buckley School Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate entering or continuing students with a physical disability or learning disability. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Engineers and Geoscientists BC Municipal Engineers Division Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

An award of $1,000 is given to an undergraduate woman student entering fourth year in the Civil Engineering Program in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. The student must have demonstrated involvement in extra-curricular or volunteer activities, either on campus or in the community. Applicants must submit a letter (maximum 250 words) detailing their involvement, such as: participation in student teams, mentoring, volunteerism at school and/or the community. Preference is given to a student who has a minimum 6.0 GPA. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Civil Engineering.

Excellence in Math Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Awarded to students entering UVic directly from secondary schools who have achieved outstanding performance on The Fermat (Grade 11 Mathematics Contest) and/or The Euclid (Grade 12 Mathematics Contest). Selection will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Faculty Association Memorial Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards, of a minimum of $3,000 each, are given to entering, continuing or transferring undergraduate students who are the children or spouses of deceased Faculty who were active members of the Faculty Association within ten years of their death. Preference will be given in the following order:

  1. Students who have demonstrated financial need
  2. Children who are 26 years or under as of December 31st in the year they are applying

Faculty of Engineering and CSc Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

One award of $1,000 is given to a transferring or continuing undergraduate student from an underrepresented group (including, but not limited to, women, Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour, different abilities, LGBTQ+) entering second year in one of the following departments in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science: Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.

Applicants must submit a letter (maximum 500 words) describing the importance of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion to the Engineering profession, its impact on them personally and the leadership role they have played (or would like to play) to make a difference.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Fanny Williams Huu-ay-aht First Nation Scholarship

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an entering, continuing or transferring Indigenous undergraduate or graduate student from the Huu-ay-aht First Nation. The student must have demonstrated community involvement and must submit a letter of reference (maximum 400 words) outlining their leadership skills in one or more of the following areas: community
involvement, leadership, academic performance, athletics, innovation, and creativity. Community can include schools, neighbourhoods, teams, and/or Nations.

In the event that a member of the Huu-ay-aht First Nation does not apply for the scholarship, it will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student from one of the Nuu-chah-nulth nations with connections to the Huu-ay-aht First Nation.

Undergraduate students can apply via the online application by May 31 and graduate students can submit their reference letter by June 15 to the Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE). Upon the recommendation of the Executive Director IACE, an undergraduate student recipient will be approved by Senate Committee on Awards, or by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee for a graduate student.

Franc R. Joubin Entrance Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded, in memory of Professor Walter Gage, to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering the 番茄社区 who have demonstrated financial need.

Frank Hori Foundation Scholarship

Value: $5,000 | Number: 2

Two scholarships of $5,000 each are awarded to one woman and one man academically outstanding undergraduate or graduate student of Japanese ancestry entering or continuing at the 番茄社区. Entering undergraduate students can be from a secondary school in Canada or transferring from any Canadian college. Applicants must show evidence of financial need. Undergraduate students must apply online. Graduate students must submit an application form to the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Graduate Studies, by May 31st.

George W. Nelms Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student with high academic standing who is entering UVic directly from a secondary school or college in Northern British Columbia or the Peace River district of Alberta and intends to pursue a degree in a program offered in the Faculty of Science. The assessment of secondary school applicants will be based on secondary school performance. The assessment of college applicants will be based on college course results

Grad Class of 1964 Entrance Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering the Faculty of Science directly from a Canadian secondary school or college. Students must demonstrate a high level of extra-curricular involvement in their school or community.

Greater Victoria Chamber 1863 Impact Award*

Value: $2,000 | Number: Varies

One or more awards of $2,000 each are given to undergraduate students entering the 番茄社区 from a Canadian secondary school, college or university who have demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given in the following priority: 

  1. Student(s) who are dependants of members of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce
  2. Student(s) who self-identify as members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity, including, but not limited to:
  • Canadian-born First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, and all other Canadian-born Indigenous peoples;
  • members of groups that commonly experience discrimination due to race, ancestry, colour, religion and/or spiritual beliefs or place of origin;
  • persons with visible and/or invisible (physical and/or mental) disabilities; and
  • persons of marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.
  1. Students who demonstrate financial need.

Greg and Tanya Kuhn International Student Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate international students who have demonstrated financial need. First preference is for students in the Faculty of Humanities, second preference is for students in the Faculty of Science.

Hector and Carol McDonald Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students from Prince Rupert who are transferring to or continuing at UVic.

Heidi Gowans-Perschau Scholarship*

Value: $1,500 | Number: 1

One scholarship, of at least $1,500, will be awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student transferring or continuing in either the School of Environmental Studies or the Faculty of Fine Arts who has demonstrated financial need. Part time students (registered in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit in two terms) are eligible. Selection of the recipient is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of either the School of Environmental Studies or the Faculty of Fine Arts. The scholarship is given on a rotating basis, beginning with the Faculty of Fine Arts.

Home Depot, Gordon Head Residents Association Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student entering UVic from either Mount Douglas Secondary or Lambrick Park Secondary, who has displayed community spirit in a volunteer capacity. A letter outlining community and/or volunteer experience and a reference letter from someone who is familiar with the community/volunteer experience is required with the application.

HSBC Bank Canada Indigenous Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to Indigenous undergraduate students entering or transferring to the 番茄社区. Applications can be made on-line through Online tools.

India Canada Cultural Association of Victoria Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student entering the 番茄社区 directly from a British Columbia secondary school or college. Preference is given to an Indo-Canadian student.

International Student Support Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards, of at least $1,000 each, are given to entering or continuing international undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need. Part-time students (minimum of 6.0 units) are eligible.

Jane-Claire Inkster Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to students who intend to study programs other than business, commerce, or economics and who are entering the 番茄社区 from British Columbia secondary schools, colleges, or universities. Preference will be given to students who can demonstrate financial need.

Jack Howard Jackson Memorial Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering, continuing or transferring undergraduate Indigenous students with Canadian citizenship who have demonstrated financial need and who are enrolled in any of the following: the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Nursing, School of Health Information Science or the Department of Psychology.

Jeremy Robert Davison Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students who are transferring to or continuing at the 番茄社区 and who have demonstrated financial need. Students who are entering the 番茄社区 directly from high school will not be considered. 

Judy Zhu and James Thom Business and Entrepreneurship Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student entering the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business directly from a public high school in BC who is the first in their immediate family to attend a post-secondary institution or is an immigrant, and who has an interest in pursuing entrepreneurship as a career. Applicants must submit an essay (maximum 500 words) describing why they are interested in being an entrepreneur.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.

Kairos Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to undergraduate students entering the 番茄社区 who have demonstrated financial need.

L. and G. Butler Scholarship for Students with a Disability*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Available to applicants from Canadian secondary schools and British Columbia colleges. A brief note identifying disability is required with application form. An award is made annually on the basis of academic performance to a disabled student attending the 番茄社区. The recipient may be a newly admitted or returning student. Students interested in the scholarship should refer to the paragraph on undergraduate scholarship eligibility in the General Regulations.

Marilyn (Leslie) Kan and John YH Kan Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering undergraduate students who self-identify as Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour (BIPOC) and who have demonstrated financial need.

Mary Naidu Entrance Scholarship for Indigenous Students*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate Indigenous students entering or transferring into the Faculty of Humanities.  Eligible students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Part-time students (minimum of 4.5 units) are eligible.

Mina Hoorfar Award for Indigenous Students in Engineering and Computer Science

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

One award of $1,000 is given to an entering, transferring or continuing Indigenous undergraduate student in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. Part time students (registered in a minimum of 6.0 units for credit in two terms) are eligible.
Applicants must submit a letter (max 400 words) reflecting on:
- How the see their degree empowering them to help others and their community and,
- How a degree in engineering and computer science will help solve or contribute to solving global challenges
Approval of the recipient is made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Mr. and Mrs. Torquil H. Burns Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 2

Awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering UVic from secondary school; one to a student entering the Faculty of Humanities and one to a student entering the Faculty of Social Sciences from the area commonly known as Greater Victoria.

Nelson Family Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate international students from sub-Saharan Africa with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students in the Faculty of Human and Social Development.

New Canadian and Immigrant Entrance Scholarship*

Value: $2,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $2,000 is awarded to a student entering an undergraduate program at the 番茄社区 from a Canadian secondary school who is an immigrant to Canada and can demonstrate financial need. Eligible recipients must be Canadian citizen or Canadian Permanent Resident and must have achieved a minimum average of 80% on secondary school courses used for admission.

Norah and Calvin Banks Indigenous Science Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate Indigenous student in the Faculty of Science.

Oak Bay and Saanich Centennial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to students entering the 番茄社区 from public and private secondary schools in the Municipalities of Oak Bay and Saanich and who do significant volunteer work in the community.

Students from the following schools are eligible: Oak Bay High School, Mount Douglas Secondary, Lambrick Park Secondary, Reynolds Secondary, Spectrum Community School, Claremont Secondary School, St. Michael’s School, Pacific Christian School, St. Andrew’s Regional High School, St. Margaret’s School, Discovery School, Glenlyon Norfolk School plus students from the South Island Distance Education School (SIDES) who are full-time students living in the Municipalities of Saanich or Oak Bay.

*A letter outlining community and/or volunteer experience and a reference letter from someone who is familiar with the community/volunteer experience is required with the application.

Peninsula Co-op Bud Nunn Entrance Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student who has contributed to their community and/or school in an outstanding way through volunteer or extra-curricular activities. The recipient must be a Peninsula Co-op member or the immediate family of a member. Immediate family of the student includes parents, step-parents, guardians, siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Students and immediate family must have had active membership prior to September 1st of the previous year and must currently be in good standing with Peninsula Co-op. The recipient must be enrolled full-time at UVic and must attend UVic within the same year as their secondary school graduation.

Peninsula Co-op Jack Groves Entrance Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student who has contributed to their community and/or school in an outstanding way through volunteer or extra-curricular activities. The recipient must be a Peninsula Co-op member or the immediate family of a member. Immediate family of the student includes parents, step-parents, guardians, siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Students and immediate family must have had active membership prior to September 1st of the previous year and must currently be in good standing with Peninsula Co-op. The recipient must be enrolled full-time at UVic and must attend UVic within the same year as their secondary school graduation.

Peninsula Co-op Pat Fafard Entrance Award

Value: $1,000| Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student pursuing a degree at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business who has contributed to their community and/or school in an outstanding way through volunteer or extra-curricular activities. The recipient must be a Peninsula Co-op member or the immediate family of a member. Immediate family of the student includes parents, step-parents, guardians, siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Students and immediate family must have had active membership prior to September 1st of the previous year and must currently be in good standing with Peninsula Co-op. The recipient must be enrolled full-time at UVic and must attend UVic within the same year as their secondary school graduation.

Peninsula Co-op Sus Tabata Entrance Award

Value: $1,000| Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student pursuing a degree in the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science who has contributed to their community and/or school in an outstanding way through volunteer or extra-curricular activities. The recipient must be a Peninsula Co-op member or the immediate family of a member. Immediate family of the student includes parents, step-parents, guardians, siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Students and immediate family must have had active membership prior to September 1st of the previous year and must currently be in good standing with Peninsula Co-op. The recipient must be enrolled full-time at UVic and must attend UVic within the same year as their secondary school graduation.

Phoenix Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Up to two awards, to a combined total of $6,000, are given to entering or continuing undergraduate students who are single parents with demonstrated financial need. Preference is for women students. Further preference is to students returning to studies at UVic after a break of more than 12 months. Part-time students (minimum 6.0 units) are eligible for this award. Recipients may only receive the award once.

Professional Employees Association (PEA) Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding full or part-time undergraduate students entering or continuing at the 番茄社区 with a GPA of at least 4.0 and who are UVic PEA members or their dependants.

R.W. "Bob" McQueen Economics Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

Two or more awards of equal value are to be given to third or fourth year undergraduate students of different genders with a declared Major or Honours program in the Department of Economics. Each recipient is to be BC born, be a graduate of a BC public high school and have demonstrated financial need.

If there are no eligible recipients, then the awards are to be given to entering first or second year students from outside the lower mainland and the greater Victoria area who were BC born, graduated from a BC public high school and have demonstrated financial need.

Richard C. Bryan Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student entering UVic from a BC secondary school. Preference will be given to a student from South Delta Senior Secondary.

Richard and Elizabeth Flury Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to top ranked undergraduate third year transfer students from any Canadian college or university entering the Faculty of Science.

  •  on the donors

Rita Perry Hammett Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate students in the Department of Writing. Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Saanich Employees Benefit Association Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: Varies

One or more awards of $1,000 each are given to full or part-time entering or continuing undergraduate or graduate students who are members or dependants of members of the Saanich Employees Benefit Association (SEBA) and have demonstrated financial need. Undergraduate students apply via the online application. Graduate students can apply via Online Tools, online graduate scholarship application between July 1st and September 15th.

In the case of an undergraduate nominee, approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards; in the case of a graduate nominee, approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Graduate Awards Committee.

Steven P. Starkovich Opportunity Entrance Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to Canadian-born Indigenous undergraduate students entering the 番茄社区 who have demonstrated financial need.

St贸:l艒 Legacy Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships to a total value of $5,000 per annum are awarded to registered members of any Stó:lō First Nation (i.e. any First Nation located along the Fraser River and its tributaries between Langley and Yale) entering or continuing in a certificate or degree program (undergraduate or graduate) at the 番茄社区.

Applicants must submit a short statement of the educational goals they wish to achieve with this scholarship, a high school transcript and/or other relevant educational transcripts, proof of band, and two letters of reference affirming the student' commitment and capacity to complete their academic program and, where applicable, their community engagement.

Applications for graduate students may be obtained from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Office of the Dean and must be submitted to that office by September 15. Undergraduate students may apply via the online application by May 31. In the case of an undergraduate student, approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of IACE; in the case of a graduate student, approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of IACE.

TANSI Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding entering, transferring or continuing undergraduate Métis students.

TELUS Student Award

Value: $5000 | Number: Varies

One or more awards, of a maximum of $5,000 each, are given to undergraduate students entering or continuing at the 番茄社区 who:

  • are Canadian citizens or permanent residents,
  • have demonstrated financial need, and
  • commit to planning and carrying out a volunteer/community impact project over the course of their studies at UVic. The project will contribute to positive social, environmental or health outcomes in their communities. 

Thundercat Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to undergraduate students entering either the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Preference will be given in the following priority:

  1. Students who self-identify as Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour (BIPOC)
  2. Students with demonstrated financial need

Disbursal of the awards will alternate years between the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of either the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Trussell Undergraduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (Faculty of Engineering)

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships totalling $2,750 are awarded to academically outstanding entrance, transfer or in-course undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering who have graduated from a secondary school in the Kootenay-Boundary area of British Columbia (School Districts #5, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 51).

Trussell Undergraduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (Faculty of Science)

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships totalling $2,750 are awarded to academically outstanding entrance, transfer or in-course undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science who have graduated from a secondary school in the Kootenay-Boundary area of British Columbia (School Districts #5, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 51).

UVSS BIPOC Public Interest Research Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards, of at least $1,000 each, are given to continuing or transferring undergraduate students with demonstrated research-based contributions to community programs or agencies that address social justice and/or environmental issues. Preference will be given in the following order:

  • Students who identify as Black, Indigenous or Person of Colour
  • Students who are members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity
  • Students with demonstrated financial need

Students must submit a summary (maximum 500 words) of their research project that contributes to community programs and provide one letter of reference (maximum 300 words) that speaks to this. 

Victoria Foundation Chinese-Canadian Community Scholarship

Value: $1,000 | Number: Varies

Scholarships of at least $1,000 each are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering the 番茄社区 who are of Chinese ancestry either born in Canada or landed immigrants.

VIES Leaders' Entrance Award*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards of at least $2,000 each, if allowed by the available endowment funding, are given to undergraduate students who:

  • Are entering the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science,
  • have graduated from a Canadian high school and,
  • have demonstrated academic merit (weighted at 75% of the adjudication) and extra-curricular accomplishments (weighted at 25% of the adjudication) in one or more of the following areas: engineering or software design, fine arts, athletics, leadership or entrepreneurship. 

Applicants must submit a summary describing their accomplishments (maximum 300 words), and a letter of reference from someone not related to them, who can attest to the aforementioned activity.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

Visca/Dais-Visca Scholarship in Public Law/Legal Studies

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering third or fourth year in the Faculty of Social Sciences who intend to pursue a degree in Law. Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Preference will be given in the following priority:

1. Students who have written the LSAT
2. Students who are taking common pre-law majors such as Political Science, Economics or Psychology
3. Students who intend to apply to UVic Law School.

Applicants must submit the following:

1. A cover letter (maximum 250 words) explaining why the student is interested in pursuing a degree in law
2. A list of Law schools to which they intend to apply
3. A research paper (maximum 2,000 words) examining a current challenge faced by the federal government in responding to a demand for change in the law to reflect current social, political and/or legal pressures. The recipient will demonstrate an understanding of limits within which the executive, legislative and judicial branches operate and be able to articulate the importance of the rule of law in the Canadian system of justice, for example:
i. “dialogue” between the legislative and executive branches of government and the judiciary
ii. threats to the rule of law
iii. treaty making and challenges to state sovereignty (can be international trade treaties or Aboriginal treaties)
iv. demand for alternative criminal justice tribunals for addressing needs of disadvantaged communities as was done with Aboriginal defendants with the creation of the Gladue court.
*The student may submit a class paper

Wendy Diane Esdale Undergraduate Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding transferring or continuing undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need. Preference shall be given to mature students.

WestGrid Scholarship for Undergraduate Indigenous Students

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

A scholarship of at least $10,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding Canadian-born Indigenous undergraduate student entering the 番茄社区.

Westshore Soroptimist Award

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

An award of $1,000 will be given to a woman undergraduate student who has worked to overcome a significant challenge(s) in their life and has demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to a single parent. Students must submit a one-page summary outlining the challenge(s) they have faced in their path to post-secondary education. The essay must include how they approached the challenge(s), how they overcame the challenge(s), and what they have learned from it.

XV Commonwealth Games Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more entrance scholarships are awarded to employees of the 番茄社区 or their dependents.

Frequently asked questions.

What can I apply for?

UVic has two types of entrance scholarships: scholarships based on admission average and application-based scholarships.

How do I apply for entrance scholarships based on admission average?

Most entrance scholarships based on admission average do not require an application. For more information on these entrance scholarships see the scholarships based on admission average information.

I don't have a mark in some of my Grade 12 classes yet as I just started the course, should I still self-report my marks?

Yes, if you are starting a course or are in the middle of the course we ask that you accurately predict your mark.  If you do not self-report before March 15th you will not be considered for scholarships based on admission average at a later date.

Please note, we will be reviewing your final marks in August before finalizing your scholarship. It is at this time adjustments may be made to your scholarship offer based on final marks. 

What if my final marks change from when I self-reported?

We will be reviewing all final marks in August before issuing scholarship funds. Please note, it is at this time that your scholarship may be upgraded, adjusted or withdrawn based on your final marks. If your final admission average falls below the minimum admission average required for the Winter Session in which you are entering UVic you will not be eligible for any entrance scholarships offered. UVic does not round up percentages.

Note: As early scholarship offers are based on self-reported marks, students need to maintain their self-reported marks to receive their original scholarship offer based on finals.

How will I be notified if my scholarship has been changed?

Students will receive an email in early August if there are any changes made to their original scholarship offer.

Can I appeal if my scholarship is withdrawn or adjusted?

Yes, if your scholarship has been withdrawn or adjusted and you have any extenuating circumstances you are encouraged to submit an appeal. Appeals should be accompanied by any supporting documents (for example, a letter from a doctor or school counsellor).

Students will receive an email containing appeal information and the deadline for submission in early August.  Please email your appeal letter and supporting documentation to the Entrance Scholarship Officer at awards2@uvic.ca.

Note: Appeals must come from the student, unless the student is unable due to medical circumstances. 

If I switch faculties will my scholarship offer change?

This depends on whether we can use the same courses to calculate the admission average that were used for your first choice of faculty and whether the terms of the scholarship offered are for a specific faculty. For example, a Faculty of  Engineering and Computer Science entrance scholarship will be withdrawn if the student switches to another faculty. Please contact the Entrance Scholarship Officer or Scholarship Assistant at the contact information below for more details if you have switched faculties.

How do I accept my entrance scholarship?

You must accept your scholarship via your UVic Online tools. For more information please see How to accept.        

Do I have to be enrolled 12.0 academic (graded) units to receive my scholarship funds?

Yes, to receive the full value of your scholarship you must be enrolled in a minimum of 12.0 graded units at the 番茄社区 in the Winter Session (September-April). Waitlisted courses are not included. If you drop below 12.0 graded units in the Winter Session, your scholarship will be withdrawn.


Students entering UVic in Term 2 (January to April) of the Winter Session or entering in the Summer Session (May to August) must register and maintain enrollment in a minimum of 6.0 graded units at the 番茄社区 to remain eligible for UVic scholarships.

Students who are transferring into UVic and require a co-op work-term in Term 2 (January to April) must register and maintain enrollment in a minimum of 6.0 graded units in Term 1 (September to April) to remain eligible for UVic scholarships. Please contact the Entrance Scholarship Officer if you will be on a co-op work-term in Term 2.

Students who are registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) are eligible for a reduced course load of a minimum of 6.0 graded units at the 番茄社区 over the Winter Session (September to April). Students are required to have a letter from CAL confirming they are registered with that office.

What if I withdraw from full-time studies, do I lose my scholarship?

Any student who withdraws from 12.0 graded units in the Winter Session (September-April) will have their entire scholarship withdrawn.

Can an exception be made if I am below 12.0 academic units?

Yes, in some cases you can still be eligible for your entrance scholarship if you are enrolled in fewer than 12.0 graded units.

  • You will need to write a letter to the Senate Committee on Awards regarding why you are enrolled in a reduced course load or, in some cases, why you are requesting a semester off. A request for a reduced course load due to medical reasons will require documentation from a medical professional, and a request for a semester off to volunteer will require an outline of the program.
  • Students with a disability do not have to write a letter to the Committee, but will need government documentation or registration with the Centre for Accessible Learning for a reduced course load, and must identify themselves to the Entrance Scholarship Officer or Scholarship Assistant at the contact information below.

If I am offered a scholarship, can I receive it if I decide to attend another institution?

No, entrance scholarships are valid only at the 番茄社区.

How do I check the status of scholarships I have applied for on the online application?

Students can view the status of their application through their UVic Online tools.

Please allow up to three business days for us to manually enter your documents into our system.

  1. Sign into your UVic Online tools using your
  2. Click on the link "Finances" (found on top menu)
  3. Click on "Awards and Financial Aid"
  4. Select "View the status of your awards"
  5. Enter the Year and Period of Study

Your award status will have one of the these three statuses:

  • Applied: An application has been received
  • In-Process: Processing of the application has begun
  • Not Awarded: Application for this award was not successful

This site will also let you know if there are any additional requirements for the scholarships you have applied for. If you click on the link "Additional Requirements" it will bring up what is needed for that particular scholarship and where to send the documents.

Note: if it does not say "additional requirements" nothing more is needed.

When do I receive my scholarship funds?

Your scholarship funds will be disbursed into your student tuition and fee account and applied to your Winter Session fees by September 30, provided you are registered in a minimum of 12.0 academic units or a minimum of 6.0 academic units if you are registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning. Waitlisted courses are not included.

Can I defer my entrance scholarship?

Yes, you will need to apply to Undergraduate 番茄社区 for a deferral of your admission to UVic.

Students can apply to defer their admission and scholarship for up to one year from Undergraduate 番茄社区. If the deferral request is granted by Undergraduate 番茄社区 your scholarship will automatically be deferred, provided we have reviewed final marks and the student is still in range of the scholarship offered.

Please contact the Entrance Scholarship Officer if you are requesting a deferral and we will make note on your scholarship account.

If a student's deferral request is not granted, the student can re-apply for an entrance scholarship in the following academic year as a secondary school graduate, providing the student did not attend another post-secondary institution in the gap year. Please see the guidelines on applying for entrance scholarships as a secondary school graduate.

Note:if you re-apply for an entrance scholarship, you are not guaranteed the same value of scholarship the next year.