
Publications & resources

Recent publications


Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Youth, by Youth (pdf)


Policy brief: What are the monitoring and reporting requirements for supervised consumption services? (PDF)

Alcohol sales in Canadian liquor outlets as a predictor of subsequent COVID-19 infection rates: a time-series analysis (link)

Publications search

Publications filter and search
Bonn, Matthew
Cox, Chelsea
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Gruben, Vanessa (co-chair)
Guta, Adrian
Hyshka, Elaine (Co-chair)
Jackman, Martha
Mercredi, Jason
Munga, Akia
Oscapella, Eugene
Strike, Carol
Virani, Hakique
Anderson, Peter
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Natera, Guillermina
Kaner, Eileen
2024Article (other)
Dr. Adam Sherk
2024Academic publication
A Brief Introduction to Responsive EvaluationDr. Trudy Norman
Dan Reist
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Tim Naimi
Churchill, S.
James Clay
Dr. Adam Sherk
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Giesbrecht, N.
Wettlaufer, A.
Vallance, K.
Hobin, E.
Dr. Tim Naimi
Tina Price
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2023Article (other)
Farkouh, E.
Vallance, K.
Wettlaufer, A.
Giesbrecht, N.
Asbridge, M.
Amanda Farrell-Low
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Tina Price
Priore, B.
Shelley, J.
Dr. Adam Sherk
Shield, K.D.
Solomon, R.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Thompson, K.
Nicole Vishnevsky
Dr. Tim Naimi
2024Academic publication
McCall, J.
Hobbs, H.
Ranger, C.
Cameron, F.
Stuart, H.
Nelken, J.
Majalahti, J.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Kolla, G.
LeMaistre, J.
Toombs, K.
Herriot, R.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2024Academic publication
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Kurz, M.
Dale, L.M.
Celeste Macevicius
Kalicum. J.
Daniel Gudiño
McCall, J.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Barker, B.
Slaunwhite, A.
Lindsay, M.
Nosyk, B.
2024Academic publication
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
James Clay
Levesque, C.
Sanger, N.
Dr. Adam Sherk
Dr. Tim Naimi
2024Academic publication
Dr. Tim Naimi
Lira, M.C.
Pessar, S.C.
Smart, R.
Blanchette, J.
Liccardo Pacula, R.
2024Academic publication
Gozdzialski, L.
Louw, R.
Kielty, C.
Margolese, A.
Poarch, E.
Sherman, M.
Cameron, F.
Gill, C.
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Hore, D.
2024Academic publication
Guta, A
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
German, D.
Buchman, D.Z.
Strike, C.
2024Article (other)
Nosyk, B.
Sl;aunwhite, A.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2024Article (other)
Co/Lab Substance Use Monitoring Framework: Equity-Oriented Monitoring of Substance Use and Health (Overview)Dr. Bernie Pauly
Thea van Roode
Carter, Connie
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Naimi
2024Article (other)
Slaunwhite, A.
Min, J.E.
Palis, H.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Barker, B.
Crabtree, A.
Bach, P.
Krebs, E.
Dale, L.
Meilleur, L.
Nosyk, B.
2024Article (peer-reviewed)
Méthodologie et revue des éléments probants (à l’échelle fédérale, provinciale et territoriale)Farkouh, E.
Tina Price
Vallance, Kate
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Amanda Farrell-Low
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Ma, James
Priore, Bella
Nicole Vishnevsky
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Hynes, Geoff
Shelley, Jacob
Dr. Adam Sherk
Shield, Kevin
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Dr. Tim Naimi
Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE) 3.0: Methodology and Evidence (Federal and Provincial/Territorial)Farkouh, E.
Tina Price
Vallance, Kate
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Amanda Farrell-Low
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Ma, James
Priore, Bella
Nicole Vishnevsky
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Hynes, Geoff
Shelley, Jacob
Dr. Adam Sherk
Shield, Kevin
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Dr. Tim Naimi
Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE) 3.0: Best Practice Policy Leaders (Provincial/Territorial)Dr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Amanda Farrell-Low
Farkouh, Elizabeth
Ma, James
Priore, Bella
Nicole Vishnevsky
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Hynes, Geoff
Shelley, Jacob
Dr. Adam Sherk
Shield, Kevin
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Projet 3.0 de l’Évaluation des politiques canadiennes sur l’alcool (CAPE) : Résumé des résultats par domaines d’action (provinciaux et territoriaux)Dr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Amanda Farrell-Low
Farkouh, Elizabeth
Ma, James
Priore, Bella
Nicole Vishnevsky
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Hynes, Geoff
Shelley, Jacob
Dr. Adam Sherk
Shield, Kevin
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE) 3.0 Project: Policy Domain Results Summary (Provincial/Territorial).Dr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Amanda Farrell-Low
Farkouh, Elizabeth
Ma, James
Priore, Bella
Nicole Vishnevsky
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Hynes, Geoff
Shelley, Jacob
Dr. Adam Sherk
Shield, Kevin
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Évaluation des politiques canadiennes sur l’alcool (CAPE) 3.0 Résultats fédérauxDr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Amanda Farrell-Low
Farkouh, Elizabeth
Ma, James
Priore, Bella
Nicole Vishnevsky
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Hynes, Geoff
Shelley, Jacob
Dr. Adam Sherk
Shield, Kevin
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE): Federal ResultsDr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Amanda Farrell-Low
Farkouh, Elizabeth
Ma, James
Priore, Bella
Nicole Vishnevsky
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Hynes, Geoff
Shelley, Jacob
Dr. Adam Sherk
Shield, Kevin
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE): Policy Domain Results (Federal)Dr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Amanda Farrell-Low
Farkouh, Elizabeth
Ma, James
Priore, Bella
Nicole Vishnevsky
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Hynes, Geoff
Shelley, Jacob
Dr. Adam Sherk
Shield, Kevin
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Shield, Kevin
Paradis, Catherine
Butt, Peter
Dr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Adam Sherk
Asbridge, Mark
Myran, Daniel T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Wells, Samantha
Poole, Nancy
Heatley, Jennifer
Hobin, Erin
Thompson, Kara
Young, Matthew M.
Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines Scientific Expert Panel
2023Article (other)
Miskulin, Allie
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Gill, Chris
Hore, Dennis
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Levesque, Christine
Sanger, Nitka
Edalti, Hanie
Sohi, Ivneet
Shield, Kevin D.
Dr. Adam Sherk
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Butt, Peter D.
Paradis, Catherine
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Celeste Macevicius
Daniel Gudiño
Norton, Alexa
Kolla, Gillian
Beck-McGreevy, Phoenix
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Kalicum, Jeremy
Abby Hutchison
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Barker, Brittany
Slaunwhite, Amanda
Nosyk, Bohdan
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Bailey, Aaron
Harps, Myles
Belcher, Clint
Williams, Henry
Amos, Cecil
Donavan, Brent
Sedore, George
SOLID Victoria
Graham, Brittany
Sybil Goulet-Stock
Jenny Cartwright
Dr. Jennifer Robinson
Amanda Farrell-Low
Willson, Mark
Sutherland, Christy
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Eastside Illicit Drinkers Group for Education
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Health education is education: An Introduction to iMindsDan Reist
Asgari, Mahboubeh
2020Educational resource or tool
Beck McGreevy, Phoenix
Wood, Shawn
Thomson, Erica
Burmeister, Charlene
Spence, Heather
Pelletier, Josh
Giesinger, Willow
McDougall, Jenny
McLeod, Rebecca
Abby Hutchison
Lock, Kurt
Norton, Alexa
Barker, Brittany
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Slaunwhite, Amanda
Nosyk, Bohdan
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Karine Meador
Cindy Rose
Maryam Babaei
Canadian Operational Guidance: Managed Alcohol Programs Committee
Pablo Gonzalez Nieto
Salimian, Annabel
Dr. Jaime Arredondo
Angulo, Lourdes
García de Loera, Alejandra
Slim, Said
Shoptaw, Steve
Cambou, Mary C.
Pitpitan, Eileen V.
Goodman-Meza, David
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Bejarano Romero, Raul
Dr. Jaime Arredondo
Slim Parasan, Said
Chávez Rivera, Alfonso
Angulo Corral, Lourdes
Salimian, Anabel
Romero Vadilllo, Jorge J.
Goodman-Meza, David
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Payne, Alayna
Walsh, Zach
Guta, Adrian
Strike, Carol
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Nurse-Assisted Injection: A Path to Equity in Supervised Consumption ServicesDr. Marilou Gagnon
Gauthier, T.
Cleveland, E.
Ditmars, M.
Gregg, K.
Hlady, K.
McLaughlin, K.
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Rudzinski, Katherine
Guta, Adrian
Schmidt, Rose A.
Kryszajtys, David T.
Kolla, Gillian
Strike, Carol
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Gozdzialski, Lea
Abby Hutchison
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Gill, Chris
Hore, Dennis
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Clare C. Landefeld
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Michelle Nance
Shannon Smith-Bernardin
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
CISUR Bulletin 21: Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Youth, By YouthCard, K.G.
Moebes. Zakkaery
Brett Koenig
Muratov, M.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Korol, K.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Victoria Youth Foundry Clinic’s Youth and Cannabis Working Group
2023Research bulletin
Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Youth, by YouthKiffer, Card
Koenig, Brett
Moebes, Zakkaery
Muratov, Maxim
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Korel, Kristen
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Victoria Youth Foundry Clinic’s Youth and Cannabis Working Group
Esser, Marissa B.
Leung, Gregory
Dr. Adam Sherk
Bohm. Michele K.
Liu, Yong
Lu, Hua
Dr. Tim Naimi
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Thea van Roode
Piotr Burek
Hore, Dennis
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Mamdani, Zahra
McKenzie, Sophie
Ackermann, Emma
Voyer, Rayne
Cameron, Fred
Scott, Tracy
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Buxton, Jane
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
James Clay
Alam, Fariha
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Churchill, Sam
Dr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2023Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Gozdzialski, L.
Qbaich, A.
Shafiul, A.,
Piotr Burek
Abby Hutchison
Teal, T.
Louw, R.
Kielty, C.
Robinson, D.
Moa, B.
Storey, M.-A.
Gill, C.
Hore, D.
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Jason G. Blanchette
Rosalie Liccardo Pacula
Rosanna Smart
Marlene C. Lira
Seema Choksy Pessar
Dr. Tim Naimi
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Disability and the Phenomenological Gaze: Towards and Embodied Understanding of AddictionDan Reist
Mahboubeh Asgari
Dr. Trudy Norman
Dyck, Tim
2019Academic publication
Beckett, M.
Hering, R.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Mamdani, Z.
Loyal, J.P
Xavier, J.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Ackermann, E.
Barbic, S.
Buxton, J.
Greer, A.
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Nosyk, B.
Slaunwhite, A.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Hongdilokkul, N.
Palis, H.
Lock, K.
Min, J.E.
Zhao, B.
Card, K.G.
Barker, B.
Meilleur, L.
Burmeister, C.
Thomson, E.
Beck-McGreevy, P.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Barker, B.
Beck McGreevy, P.
Slaunwhite, A.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2022Article (other)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
McCall, J.
Cameron, F.
Stuart, H.
Hobbs, H.

Ranger, C.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Gomes, Tara
Kolla, Gillian
Sereda, Andrea
Kitchen, Sophie
Antoniou, Tony
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Alam, Fariha

Shi, Yipu
Dr. Tim Naimi
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Friedman, J.
Bourgois, P.
Godvin, M.
Chavez, A.
Pacheco, L.
Segovia, L.A.
Beletsky, L.
Dr. Jaime Arredondo
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
The potential of alcohol labelling to promote public health and safety in Canada: A Rapid ReviewDr. Tim Stockwell
Greenfield, Thomas
Hammond, David
Hobin, Erin
O'Brien, Paula
O'Leary, Renee
Paradis, Catherine
Dr. Adam Sherk
Vallance, Kate
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Blanchette, J.G.
Pacula, R.L.
Smart, R.
Lira, M.C.
Boustead, A.E.
Caulkins, J.P.
Kilmer, B.
Kerr, W.C.
Treffers, R.
Dr. Tim Naimi
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Glegg, Stephanie
McCrae, Karen
Kolla, Gillian
Touesnard, Natasha
Turnbull, Jeffrey
Brothers, Thomas D.
Brar, Rupinder
Sutherland, Christy
Le Foll, Bernard
Sereda, Andrea
Goyer, Marie-Eve
Rai, Nanky
Bernstein, Scott
Fairburn, Nadia
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Brooks, H.L.
Salvalaggio, G.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dong, K.
Bubela, T.
Taylor, M.
Hyshka, E.
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly

Inglis, D.
Cameron, F.
Phillips, J.
Rosen, C.
Bullock, B.
Cartwright, J.
Hainstock, T.
Trytten, C.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Goodman-Meza, D.
Dr. Jaime Arredondo
Slim, S.
Angulo, L.
Pablo Gonzalez Nieto
Loera, A.
Shoptaw, S.
Cambou, M.C.
Pitpitan, E.V.
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Card, Kiffer
Kandler, Taylor
Flanagan, Erin
Lerhe, Emily
Heaslip, Ash
Nguyen, Anne
Moher, Matthew
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Fraser, Chris
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Xavier, Jessica
Greer, Alissa
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Loyal, Jackson
Mamdani, Zahra
Ackermann, Emma
Barbic, Skye
Buxton, Jane
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Safer supply checklist
2022Educational resource or tool
Practice brief: Implementing the Victoria SAFER InitiativeRanger, Corey
Hobbs, Heather
Cameron, Fred
Stuart, Heather
McCall, Jane

Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Slaunwhite, Amanda
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2021Research bulletin
Lira, M.C.
Heeren, T.C.
Buczek, M.
Blanchette, J.D.
Smart, R.
Pacula, R.L.
Dr. Tim Naimi
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Esser, M.
Dr. Adam Sherk
Subbarraman, M.S.
Martinez, P.
Karriker-Jaffe, K.J.
Sacks, J.J.
Dr. Tim Naimi
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Revai, T.
Marcellus, L.
Martin, W.
Easton, K.
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Marcellus, L.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Martin, W,
Revai, T.
Easton, K.
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
2022Article (peer-reviewed)
Finnish alcohol policy at the crossroads: The health, safety and economic consequences of alternative systems to manage the retail sale of alcoholDr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Adam Sherk
Sorge, J.
Norström, T.
Angus, C.
Chikritzhs, T.

Holmes, J.
Meier, P.
Dr. Tim Naimi
Ramstedt, M.
Simpura, J.
Report: Not Just a Walk in the Park: Unsupervised Alcohol Consumption on Municipal Properties in BCAmanda Farrell-Low
Johnston, K.
Dr. Tim Naimi
Vallance, Kate
Policy Brief: Not Just a Walk in the Park: Unsupervised Alcohol Consumption on Municipal Properties in BCAmanda Farrell-Low
Johnston, K.
Dr. Tim Naimi
Vallance, Kate
Quelles sont les exigences de surveillance et de suividans les services de consommation superviseé? Survol du contexte CanadienDalpé, V.
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Policy brief: What are the monitoring and reporting requirements for supervised consumption services? Overview of the Canadian ContextDalpé, V.
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Payne, Alayna
Gupta, Adrian
Bungay, Vicky
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Sales and Revenue from Regulated Cannabis Products in BC: October 2018-December 2020Dr. Tim Naimi
Vallance, Kate

Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Amanda Farrell-Low
Greer, Alissa
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Watson, Tara Marie
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Lardner, A.
Piotr Burek
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Hore, D.
2021Academic publication
Rea, K.
Dr. Bruce Wallace
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Sanches, M.
Vander Heiden, J.
Asbridge, M.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Petermen, B.H.
Kish, S.J.
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Payne, Alayna
Guta, Adrian
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Infographics: Cannabis substitution in a Managed Alcohol Program...could it work?
2021Educational resource or tool
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Brown, Meaghan
Chow, Clifton
Wettlaufer, Ashley
East Side Illicit Drinkers Group for Education (EIDGE)
Graham, B.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Rose. C.
Jordan, M.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Thomas, Gerald
Sutherland, C.
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Parkes, T.
Carver, H.
Matheson, C.
Browne, T.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Thea van Roode
Pagan, Flora
Hore, Dennis
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Trudy Norman
Dan Reist
2021Educational resource or tool
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Van Der Heiden, Julia
Sanches, M.
Asbridge, M.
Hathaway, A.
Kish, S.J.
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Greer, Alissa
Buxton, Jane
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Bungay, Victoria
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Ramsay, Margo
Lardner, Ashley
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Hore, Dennis
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Postcard: What is effective safer supply from a service-user perspective?Co/Lab
2021Educational resource or tool
Thea van Roode
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Marcellus, Lenora
Strosher, Heather
Sana, Shahram
Dang, P.
Kent, A.
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit

Healey, Priscilla

Dr. Mikael Jansson
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
2017Article (other)
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Daniel Gudiño
Guta, Adrian
Strike, Carol
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Young, Matthew M.
De Moor, Chelsea
Kent, Pam
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Adam Sherk
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Sorge, Justin T.
MacDonald, Shannon Farrell
Weekes, John
Biggar, Emily
Maloney-Hall, Bridgettt
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Guta, Adrian
Payne, Alayna
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Guta, Adrian
Upshur, Ross
Murray, Stuart J.
Bungay, Vicky
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Goodyear, Trevor
Robinson, Samantha
Jenkins, Emily
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Knight, Rod
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Harm Reduction: A guide for campus communitiesDan Reist
Dyck, Tim
2021Educational resource or tool
Smoking in the Post-Secondary Context: A Report for The Cultures of Smoking ProjectRemocker, Catriona
Coleman, Sharon M.
Lira, Marlene C.
Blanchett, Jason
Hereen, Timothy C.
Dr. Tim Naimi
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
O'Brien, Paula
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Room, Robin
2021Article (other)
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Hills, Rory
Rothwell, Jake
Kumar, Deepak
Garber, Ian
Thea van Roode
Lardner, Ashley
Pagan, Flora
Aasen, Jared
Weatherson, Jorin
Gozdzialski, Lea
Ramsay, Margo
Piotr Burek
Azam, Md. Shafiul
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Storey, Margaret-Anne
Hore, Dennis
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Infographic: Alcohol/firearms policies and suicide rates in the US
2021Educational resource or tool
Greer, Alissa
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Card, Kiffer
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Lee, Zina
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Chow, Clifton
April, Nicole
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Cukier, S.
Hynes, Geoff
Mann, Robert
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson. Kara
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Chow, Clifton
Giesbrecht, Norman
Nicole, April
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Cukier, Samantha
Hynes, Geoff
Mann, Robert
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson. Kara
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Chow, Clifton
Vallance, Kate
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Saunders, JB..
Chick, J.
2021Article (peer-reviewed)
Creating Space for Dialogue about Harm Reduction
2020Educational resource or tool
Practice Brief: Infrastructure for Harm Reduction in Residential and Hotel SettingsWilson, Mark
Phillips, Rachel
Jensen, Katrina
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Ranger, Corey
Teal, Taylor
Toombs, Kim
2020Research bulletin
A Brief on Methodology: Using Proximity Analysis to Study the Impact of Substance Use Services On Local NeighborhoodsCard, Kiffer
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2014Research bulletin
Evidence Brief: Needle and Syringe Exchange Programs Card, Kiffer
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2019Research bulletin
Evidence Brief: Supervised Consumption Sites are Necessary Public Health Services Card, Kiffer
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2020Research bulletin
Barber. Katrina
Hobbs, Heather
Lynn, Devin
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Strosher, Heather
Thompson, Tracey
Dr. Bruce Wallace
2020Research bulletin
Gan, Wen Qi
Kinner, Stuart A.
Nichols, Tonia L.
Xavier, Chloe
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Grenier, Leigh
Buxton, Jane
Martin, Ruth E.
McLeod, Katherine E.
Samji, Hasina
Nolan, Seonaid
Meilleur, Louise
Desai, Roshini
Sabeti, Soha
Slaunwhite, Amanda
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Schoueriâ€Mychasiw, Nour
Weerasinghe, Ashini
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Hammond, David
Greenfield, Thomas K.
Hobin, Erin
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Adam Sherk
Dr. Tim Stockwell
April, Nicole

Sorge, Justin
Gamache, Philippe
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Gao, Di
Li, Yanhui
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Ma, Jun
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Andréasson, Sven
Cherpitel, Cheryl
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Dangardt, Frida
Holder, Harold
Dr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Adam Sherk
2020Article (other)
Carver, Hannah
Parkes, Tessa
Browne, Tania
Matheson, Catriona
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Andreasson, Sven
Cherpitel, Cheryl
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Dangardt, Frida
Holder, Harold
Dr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Adam Sherk
2020Article (other)
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Hobin, Erin
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Shokar, Simran
Schoueri-Mychasiw, Nour
Hammond, David
Greenfield, Thomas K.
McGavock, Jonathan
Weerasinghe, Ashini
Hobin, Erin
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Hobin, Erin
Weerasinghe, Ashini
Vallance, Kate
Hammond, David
McGavock, Jonathan
Greenfield, Thomas K.
Schoueri-Mychasiw, Nour
Paradis, Catherine
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Schoueri-Mychasiw, Nour
Weerasinghe, Ashini
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Hammond, David
McGavock, Jonathan
Greenfield, Thomas J.
Paradis, Catherine
Hobin, Erin
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Vallance, Kate
Vincent, Alexandria
Schoueri-Mychasiw, Nour
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Hammond, David
Greenfield, Thomas K.
McGavock, Jonathan
Hobin, Erin
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Solomon, Robert
O'Brien, Paula
Vallance, Kate
Hobin, Erin
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Payne, Alayna
Denis-Lalonde, Domenique
Wilbur, Kimberly
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Greer, Alissa
Bungay, Vicky
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Buxton, Jane
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Scale up of Managed Alcohol ProgramsDr. Bernie Pauly
Graham, Brittany
Vallance, Kate
Brown, Meaghan
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2020Research bulletin
infographic-Do alcohol warning labels work? Findings from a real-world experiment
2020Educational resource or tool
Infographic: Alcohol industry interference with warning label research: legal context and media portrayals
2020Educational resource or tool
Dr. Adam Sherk
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Rehm, J.
Dorocicz, J.
Shield. K.

2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Infographic: Youth and police in BC
2020Educational resource or tool
Infographic: Does drinking within Canada's low-risk guidelines prevent harm?
2020Educational resource or tool
Dr. Adam Sherk
Thomas, Gerald
Churchill, Sam
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Hobin, Erin
Shokar, S.
Vallance, Kate
Hammond, D.
McGavock, J.
Greenfield, T.
Schoueri-Mychasiw, N.
Paradis, C.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Mitchell, Lisa M.
Greer, Alissa
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell

Dr. Adam Sherk
Sorge, J.
Gruenewald, P.
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Paradis, C.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Adam Sherk
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Card, Kiffer
Dr. Adam Sherk
2020Article (other)
Infographic: Insights from a peer-led managed alcohol program
2020Educational resource or tool
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Thea van Roode
Pagan, Flora
Phillips, Paige
Wagner, Hailey
Calder, Shane
Aasen, Jared
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Hore, Denis
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Pagan, Flora
Phillips, Jack
Wilson, Mark
Hobbs, Heather
Connolly, Joan
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
King, Vashti
Smith, Ashley
Tranquilli-Doherty, Sarah
Wishart, Michelle
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Sutherland, Christy
2020Article (peer-reviewed)

2018Informational product or self-help resource
Cannabis legalization: An opportunity for healthier relationships with cannabis on campus
2020Informational product or self-help resource
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Dr. Adam Sherk
Thomas, Gerald
Vallance, Kate
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Hazelhurst, Emily
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Evaluating Substance Use and Gambling EducationDan Reist
Dr. Trudy Norman
2020Research bulletin
Talking with kids about drug use and gambling
2020Educational resource or tool
Philosophical Inquiry: A Tool for Drug and Gambling Education
2020Educational resource or tool
Understanding drug use and gambling
2020Educational resource or tool
Rethinking “risk†in health education
2020Educational resource or tool
Why should schools move away from punitive responses?
2020Educational resource or tool
Understanding and nurturing critical thinking
2020Educational resource or tool
Facilitating dialogue in the classroom
2020Educational resource or tool
iMinds’ 5i Model
2020Educational resource or tool
Greer, Alissa
Sorge, J
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2020Academic publication
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Mitchell, Lisa M.
2020Article (peer-reviewed)

Angus, C.
Purshouse, R
Brennan, A.
Dr. Adam Sherk
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Does knowing alcohol causes cancer improve support for alcohol policies?Weerasinghe, A.
Schoueri-Mychasiw, N.
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Hammond, D.
McGavock, J.
Greenfield, T.K.
Paradis, C.
Hobin, E.
2020Educational resource or tool
Hobin, Erin
Schoueri-Mychasiw, N.
Weerasinghe, A.
Vallance, Kate
Hammond, D.
Greenfield, T.
McGavock, J.
Paradis, C.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Youth Experiences: How police interactions impact youth who use drugsDr. Marion Selfridge
Card, Kiffer

2020Research bulletin
Cannabis use and youth: a parent's guide
2018Informational product or self-help resource
Cannabis legalization: a guide for workplaces
2020Informational product or self-help resource
Cannabis legalization: change & opportunity for schools
2020Informational product or self-help resource
Cannabis legalization: a guide for licensed private retail outlets
2020Informational product or self-help resource
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Hammond, D.
Shokar, S.
Schoueri-Mychasiw, N.
Greenfield, T.
McGavock, J.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Weerasinghe, A.
Hobin, Erin
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Weerasinghe, A.
Schoueri-Mychasiw, N.
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Hammond, D.
McGavock, J.
Greenfield, T.K.
Paradis, C.
Hobin, E.
2020Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Greer, Alissa
Card, Kiffer
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Brown, Meaghan
Evans, J.
Gray, E.
Schiff, R.
Ivsins, A.
Krysowaty, B.
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Philosophical Inquiry and Drug Education
Dan Reist
Weber, B.
2017Article (other)
Nurturing Resilience: A self-directed inquiry group guide
Dan Reist
2017Educational resource or tool
Engaged Philosophical Inquiry: A self-directed inquiry group guide
2017Educational resource or tool

Dr. Trudy Norman
2018Article (other)
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Card, Kiffer
Greer, Alissa
Ferencz, S.
Lachowsky, Nathan
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Sorge, Justin
Young, Matthew
Maloney-Hall, Bridget
Dr. Adam Sherk
Kent, Pam
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Perlova, Katerina
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Ferguson, Brian
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Cannabis legalization: opportunity for healthy communities
2020Informational product or self-help resource
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2019Article (other)
Northern Territories Alcohol Label Study: Baseline Report Executive SummaryHobin, Erin
Shokar, S.
Schoueri-Mychasiw, N.
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Gauthier, T.
Adán, E.
Bänninger, A.
Cormier, L.
Gregg, J.K.
Gill, S.
Horsburgh, K.
Kreutzmann, P.
Latimer, J.
Le Bourhis, G.
Livgard, C.
Parker, D.
Reiremo, T.
Telegdi, E.
Thorner, T.
White, M.
2019Academic publication
Dr. Marilou Gagnon
Guta, Adrian
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Joordens, C.
Kolla, G.
Milligan, K.
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Rush, Brian
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Inglis, Dakota
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Le, T.L.
Kenaszchuk, C.
Milligan, K.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Spithoff, S.
Meaney, C.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Harrington, K.
Que, B.
Kahan, M.
Leece, P.
Shehadeh, V.
Sullivan, F.
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Milligan, K.
Meixner, T.
Tremblay, M.
Tarasoff, L.A.
Usher, A.
Smith, A.
Niccols, A.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Sanches, Marcos
Benny, Claire
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Adam Sherk
Kish, Stephen
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Schiff, Rebecca
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Hall, Shana
Vallance, Kate
Ivsins, Andrew
Brown, Meaghan
Gray, Erin
Krysowaty, Bonnie
Evans, Joshua
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Roemer, Audra
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Chow, Clifton
Vallance, Kate
Cherpitel, Cheryl
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Cunningham, Evan B.
Milne, Rozalyn
Drost, Anne
Barnett, Tamara
Lundgren, Karen
Guarasci, Kellie
Grebely, Jason
Fraser, Chris
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Infographic: Alcohol and CaloriesDr. Adam Sherk
2019Educational resource or tool
Dr. Adam Sherk
Dr. Tim Naimi
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Hobin, Erin
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
McCall, J.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
MacKinnon, K.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Shahram, Sana
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Gordon, C.
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
Marcellus, Lenora
Sawchuck, D.
Pagan, Flora
Strosher, Heather
Inglis, D.
Macevicius, C.
Strayed, N.
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Brubacher, Jeff
Chan, H.
Erdelyi, S.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Asbridge, M.
Mann, R.S.
Eppler., J.
Lund., A.
MacPherson, A.
Martz, W.
Schreiber, W.E.
Brant, R.
Purssell, R.A.
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Infographic: Strategies to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harms in Canada: A Review of Provincial, Territorial and Federal Policies (CAPE)
2019Educational resource or tool
Ivsins, Andrew
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Brown, Meaghan
Evans, Joshua
Gray, Erin
Schiff, Rebecca
Krysowaty, Bonnie
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Walking Tours (dialogue resource)
2019Educational resource or tool
Understanding DialogueDan Reist

Dyck, Tim

2019Educational resource or tool
Photovoice (dialogue resource)
2019Educational resource or tool
A Guide to Nurturing Community Dialogue
2019Educational resource or tool
Conversation Cafe (dialogue resource)
2019Educational resource or tool
Dr. Trudy Norman
Remocker, Catriona
Dan Reist
2018Educational resource or tool
Reimer-Kirkham, S.
Stajduhar, K.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Giesbrecht, M.
Mollison, A.
McNeil, R.
Dr. Bruce Wallace
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Browne, A.J.
Varcoe, C.
Ford-Gilboe, M.
Wathen, N.
Smye, V.
Jackson, B.
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Herbert, C.P.
Lavoie, J.G.
Wong, S.
Blanchet Garneau, A.
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Ford-Gilboe, M.
Wathen, C.N.
Varcoe, C.
Herbert, C.
Jackson, B.E.
Lavoie, J.G.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Perrin, N.A.
Smye, V.
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Wong, S.T.
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Where’s the Housing? Housing and Income Outcomes of a Transitional Program to End HomelessnessDr. Bruce Wallace
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Perkin, Kathleen
Cross, Geoff
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Stajduhar, K
Mollison, A.
Giesbrecht, M.
McNeil, R.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Reimer-Kirkham, S.
Dosani, N.
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Showler, G.
Meagher, C.
Kvakic, K.
Gleave, D.
Teal, T.
Rose, C.
Showler, C.
Rounds, K.
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Stratégies pour réduire les méfaits et les coûts liés à l’alcool au Canada : Une revue des politiques provinciales et territoriales (sommaire)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Chow, Clifton
Giesbrecht, Norman
April, Nicole
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Cukier, Samantha
Davis-MacNevin, Parnell
Dube, Marianne
Hynes, Geoff
Mann, Robert
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Stratégies pour réduire les méfaits et les coûts liés à l’alcool au Canada : Une revue des politiques FédéralesWettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Chow, Clifton
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
April, Nicole
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Cukier, Samantha
Hynes, Geoff
Mann, Robert
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson. Kara
Strategies to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harms and Costs in Canada: A Review of Federal PoliciesWettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Chow, Clifton
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
April, Nicole
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Cukier, Samantha
Hynes, Geoff
Mann, Robert
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson. Kara
Strategies to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harms and Costs in Canada: A Review of Provincial and Territorial PoliciesDr. Tim Stockwell
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Vallance, Kate
Chow, Clifton
Giesbrecht, Norman
April, Nicole
Asbridge, Mark
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Cukier, Samantha
Davis-MacNevin, Parnell
Dube, Marianne
Hynes, Geoff
Mann, Robert
Solomon, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Young, Matthew
Dorocicz, J
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Adam Sherk
Sorge, J.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
DeMoor, Chealsea
Fairbank, Jill
Hall, Bridget
Kent, Pamela
Wallingford, Sarah
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Young, Matthew
Dorocicz, J
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Adam Sherk
Sorge, J.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
DeMoor, Chelsea
Fairbank, Jill
Hall, Bridget
Kent, Pamela
Wallingford, Sarah
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Adam Sherk
Norström, Thor
Angus, Colin
Ramstedt, Mats
Andréasson, Sven
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Gripenberg, Johanna
Holder, Harold
Holmes, John
Mäkelä, Pia
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Greer, Alissa
Sorge, J
Sharpe, Kimberly
Bear, Daniel
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Pagan, Flora
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2019Article (peer-reviewed)
Crabtree, Alexis
Latham, Nicole
Morgan, Rob
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Bungay, Victoria
Buxton, Jane
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Kennedy, Mary Claire

Dr. Bernie Pauly
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Adam Sherk
Rehm, J.
Shield, K.
Dr. Tim Naimi
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Giesbrecht, M,
Stajduhar, K.I.
Mollison, A.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Reimer-Kirkham, S.
McNeil, R.
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Dosani, N.
Rose, C.
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Martin, Wanda
Perkin, Kathleen
Thea van Roode
Kwan, Albert
Patterson, Tobie
Tong, Samantha
Prescott, Cheryl
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Hancock, Trevor
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Kenaszchuk, Chris
Inglis, Dakota
Rotondi, Nooshin Khobzi
Rush, Brian
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Trasoff, Lesley A
Milligan, Karen
Lan Le, Thao
Usher, Amelia M
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson

Flagg, Jackson
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Adam Sherk
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Russel Callaghan
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Vallance, Kate
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Chow, Clifton
Brown, Randi
Evans, Joshua
Gray, Erin
Krysowaty, Bonnie
Ivsins, Andrew
Schiff, Rebecca
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Roemer, Audra
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Cheng, Joyce
Rehm, Jürgen
Kurdyak, Paul
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2018Article (other)
MCarthy, Bill
Carter, Angela
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Finnigan, Ryan
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Drug Education as Health PromotionDan Reist

2018Educational resource or tool
Dr. Bruce Wallace

Dr. Bernie Pauly
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Chow, Clifton
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Vallance, Kate
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Erickson, Rebekah A.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Chow, Clifton
Roemer, Audra
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Vallance, Kate
Wettlaufer, Ashley
2018Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Adam Sherk
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Andréasson, Sven
Angus, Colin
Gripenberg, Johanna
Holder, Harold
Holmes, John
Mäkelä, Pia
Mills, Megan
Norström, Thor
Ramstedt, Mats

2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Community Empowerment and Transformative Learning among Sex WorkersDr. Cecilia Benoit
Belle-Isle, Lynne
Smith, Michaela
Phillips, Rachel
Shumka, Leah
Atchison, Chris
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Loppie, Charlotte
2017Research bulletin
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2017Article (other)
A Public Health Guide to Developing a Community Overdose Response PlanDr. Bernie Pauly
Hasselback, Paul
Dan Reist
2017Educational resource or tool
Vallance, Kate
Romanovska, Imma
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Hammond, David
Rosella, Laura
Hobin, Erin
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Chow, Clifton
Erickson, Rebekah A.
Krysowaty, Bonnie
Roemer, Audra
Vallance, Kate
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Belle-Isle, Lynne
Smith, Michaela
Phillips, Rachel
Shumka, Leah
Atchison, Chris
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Loppie, Charlotte
Flagg, Jackson
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2017Article (other)
Hobin, Erin
Vallance, Kate
Zuo, Fei
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Rosella, Laura
Simniceanu, Alice
White, Christine
Hammond, David
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Chow, Clifton
Perkin, Kathleen
Martin, Gina
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Hyshka, Elaine
Anderson-Baron, Janele
Karekezi, Kamagaju

Elliot, Richard
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Strike, Carol
Asbridge, Mark
Dell, Colleen
McBride, Keely
Hathaway, Andrew
Wild, Cameron T.
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Wild, Cameron T.
Dr. Bernie Pauly

Cavalieri, Walter
Elliott. Richard
Strike, Carol
Tupper, Kenneth
Hathaway, Andrew
Dell, Colleen
MacPherson, Donald
Sinclair, Caitlin
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
van Mierlo, Trevor
Cunningham, John
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Wild, Cameron E.
Yuan, Yan
Rush, Brian R.
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Inglis, Dakota
Veldhuizen, Scott
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Veldhuizen, Scott
Krausz, Michael
Schutz, Christian
Somers, Julian M.
Kirst, Maritt
Fleury, Marie-Josée
Stergiopoulos, Vicky
Patterson, Michelle
Strehlau, Verena
Goering, Paula
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Bruce Wallace

2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
2017Article (other)
Let's talk dialogue: Community conversations about drugsDan Reist

Dyck, Tim

2017Informational product or self-help resource
Tim Naimi
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Richard Saitz
Tanya Chikrtizhs
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Perry, Sara

2007Article (other)
Cheryl Cherpitel
Yu Ye
Gabriel Andreuccetti
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Chow, Clifton
Brubacher, Jeff
2017Article (peer-reviewed)

2007Article (other)
Renee O'Leary
Ron Borland
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Didenko, Eugenia

2007Article (other)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Adam Sherk
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dyck, Tim

2008Article (other)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2017Article (other)
Dan Reist
2007Article (other)
The Gift of Listening: A Guide to Mentoring Peers
Dan Reist
2017Informational product or self-help resource
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dan Reist
2009Article (other)
Gilmore, W.
Chikritzhs, T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Jernigan, D.
Naimi, T.
Gilmore, I.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division
Jessie's Legacy
2017Article (other)
Chikritzhs, T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2017Article (other)
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Roemer, A.
Chikritzhs, T.
2014Research bulletin
Dan Reist

2013Article (other)
Dan Reist
2013Article (other)
Dan Reist
2013Article (other)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2013Article (other)
Remocker, Catriona
2014Article (other)

2014Article (other)
Dan Reist

2014Article (other)
Mending the Gaps: Engaging in meaningful dialogue with young people about cannabisMoffat, Barbara M.
Johnson, Joy L.
2014Article (other)

Dan Reist
2014Educational resource or tool
Achieving collaboration: system level supports and actions
Dan Reist
Rush, Brian
Bland, Roger
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Smith, Mikaela
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Magnus, Samantha
Ouellet, Nadia
Atchison, Chris
Casey, Lauren
Phillips, Rachel
Reimer, Bill
Dan Reist
Shaver, Frances M
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Casey, Lauren
McCarthy, Bill
Phillips, Rachel
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Magnus, Samantha
Atchison, Chris
Reimer, Bill
Dan Reist
Shaver, Frances M
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Ouellet, Nadia
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Magnus, Samantha
Smith, Michaela
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Ghosh, Hasu
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Bourgeault, Ivy
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Roth, Eric
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Hallsgrimdottir, Helga
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Smith, Michaela
Flagg, Jackson
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Kennedy, Mary Clare
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Magnuson, Doug
Scramstad, Juliana
Hallgrimsdottir, Helga
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
A parent's guide to cannabis and kids
Dan Reist
2015Article (other)
Every door is the right door: A British Columbia planning framework to address problematic substance use and addiction (pdf 1.6 mb)Dan Reist
Marlatt, G Alan
Goldner, Elliot M
Parks, George A
Fox, John
Kang, Shimi
Dive, Lisa
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Smith, Michaela
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Magnus, Samantha
Flagg, Jackson
Maurice, Renay
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Roemer, Audra
Naimi, Timothy
Chikritzhs, Tanya
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
What are the public health and safety benefits of the Swedish government alcohol monopoly?Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Adam Sherk
Norström, Thor
Angus, Colin
Ramstedt, Mats
Andréasson, Sven
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Gripenberg, Johanna
Holder, Harold
Holmes, John
Mäkelä, Pia
Disrupting Standard Mode: A Big Picture Story of Family Inclusion in Substance Use ServicesMcCune, Stephanie
Dr. Bernie Pauly
VanBoven, Sarah
Clearing the Air: A systematic review on the harms and benefits of e-cigarettes and vapour devicesO'Leary, Renee
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dan Reist
Patients Helping Patients Understand Opioid Substitution TreatmentChapman, Julie
Fowler, Al
Mackenzie, Brian
Mullins, Garth
Nelles, Bill
Shaver, Laura
Tom, Christina
Dan Reist

Dyck, Tim

2017Informational product or self-help resource

2014Article (other)
Monteiro, M.
Rehm, J.
Shield, K.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Trudy Norman
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2014Article (other)
Zeisser, C.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Chikritzhs, T.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Chikritzhs, T.
Naimi, T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Thompson, Kara
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Leadbeater, Bonnie
Homel, J.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Chikritzhs, T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Naimi, T.
Andreasson, S.
Dangardt, F.
Liang, W.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Tu, A.
Buxton, J.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Marzell, M.
Gruenewald, P.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Ponicki, W.
Martin, G.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Osiowy, M.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Thompson, K.
Moore, S.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Thomas, Gerald
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Andreasson, S.
Chikritzhs, T.
Dangardt, F.
Holder, H.
Naimi, T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Cherpitel, Cheryl
Ye, Yu
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Chow, Clifton
2017Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Panwar, S.
Roemer, A.
Naimi, T.
Chikritzhs, T.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Gray, E.
Perkin, Kathleen
Chow, Clifton
Vallance, Kate
Krysowaty, B.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Gatley, J.
Sanches, M.
Asbridge, M.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Greenfield, T.
Li, J.
Livingston, M.
Meng, Y.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
No Vacancy: Affordability & Homelessness in VancouverDr. Bernie Pauly
Cross, G.
Weiss, D.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Roemer, A.
Chikritzhs, T.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Gilmore, W.
Chikritzhs, T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Jernigan, D.
Naimi, T.
Gilmore, I.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Naimi, T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Xuan, Z.
Dangardt, F.
Saitz, R.
Liang, W.
Chikritzhs, T.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Baker, T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Barnes, Gordon
Haesevoets, T.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Giesbrecht, N.
Wettlaufer, A.
Simpson, S.
April, N.
Asbridge, M.
Cukier, S.
Mann, R.
McAllister, J.
Murie, A.
Pauley, C.
Plamondon, L.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Thomas, G.
Thompson, K.
Vallance, K.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Legalization of Cannabis in Canada: Implementation strategies and public healthDr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dan Reist
Belle Isle, Lynn
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Cherpitel, Cheryl
Dyck, Tim
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Roth, Eric
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
2016Research bulletin
Every Washroom: De facto consumption sites in the epicenter of an overdose public health emergencyDr. Bruce Wallace
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Barber, Katrina
Vallance, Kate
Patterson, J.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2016Research bulletin
Vallance, Kate
Roth, Eric
Thompson, Kara
Chow, Clifton
Martin, Gina
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Magnus, Samantha
Phillips, Rachel
Marcellus, Lenora
Sinéad Charbonneau
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
From one ally to another: Pratice guidelines to better include people who use drugs at your decision-making tables
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Hall, B.
Lacroix, K.
LeBlanc, S.
Sproule, R.
Cater, J.
Johnson, M.
Dupuis, G.
2016Research bulletin
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Chow, Clifton
Gray, E.
Krysowaty, B.
Perkin, Kathleen
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Canadian Managed Alcohol ProgramHammond, K.
Gagne, L.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Wong, G.
Schick-Makaroff, K.
Thea van Roode
Wilson Strosher, H.
Kothari, A.
Valaitis, R.
Manson, H.
Carroll, S.
Tong, S.
et al.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Martin, W.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Russel Callaghan
Gatley, J.M.
Sanches, M.
Asbridge, M.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Lachowsky, N.J.
Lin, S.Y.
Hull, M.W.
Jollimore J.
Montaner, J.S.G.
Roth, E.
Hogg, R.S.
Moore, D.M.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Canadian Mental Health Association, BC
2016Educational resource or tool
Chikritzhs, T.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
Renee O'Leary
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dan Reist
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Chikritzhs, T.
Naimi, T.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
2016Article (other)
Parajul,i V.J.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Jimba, M.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Mac Intyre, P.

Dr. Tim Stockwell
Martin, G.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Norman, T.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Fitterer, J.L.
Nelson, T.A.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Remocker, Catriona

Dyck, Tim
Dan Reist
2016Educational resource or tool
Philosophical inquiry and drug educationAsgari, Mahboubeh
Dan Reist
Weber, Barbara
2015Educational resource or tool
Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2015Educational resource or tool
Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2015Educational resource or tool
Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Family Services North Shore
2015Educational resource or tool
Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2015Educational resource or tool
Cycles: Facilitator's guide: French (PDF 1.4mb)Moffat, Barbara
Johnson, Joy
2014Educational resource or tool
Rich, A.J.
Lachowsky, N.J.
Cui, Z.
Sereda, P.
Lal, A.
Moore, D.M.
Hogg, R.S.
Roth, E.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Giesbrecht, N.
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Thomas, Gerald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
THompson, Kara
April, Nicole
Asbridge, Mark
Cukier, Samantha
Mann, Robert
McAllister, J.
Murie, A.
Pauley, C.
Plamondon, L.
Vallance, Kate
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
The introduction of Happy Hours to bars, pubs and clubs in Victoria, BC: Did alcohol become cheaper? (PDF 149kb)Sharpe, Casey
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2015Research bulletin
Rich, A.J.
Lachowsky, N.J.
Cui, Z.
Sereda, P.
Lai, A.
Birch, R.
Montaner, J.
Moore, D.
Hogg, R.S.
Roth, E.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Alcohol and Other-Drug Related Harms in BC's Island Health RegionDr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
Joordens, C.
2015Research bulletin

Walsh, Z.
Crosby, K.
Callaway, R.
Belle Isle, L.
Kay, R.
Capler, R.
Holtzman, S.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
McNeil, R.
Kerr, T.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Wood, E.
Small, W.
2016Article (peer-reviewed)
Norman, Trudy
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Marks, Hilary
Palazzo, Dakota
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Infographic: How many Canadians drink within low-risk drinking guidelines?
2015Educational resource or tool
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
McCarthy, B.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Shumka, Leah
Phillips, Rachel
Kennedy, M.C.
Belle Isle, Lynne
Thompson, K.
Roemer, A.
Leadbeater, Bonnie
2015Academic publication
Drug education is conversationDan Reist
2015Educational resource or tool
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Duff, Cameron
Michelow, Warren
Chow, Clifton
Ivsins, Andrew
2009Academic publication
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Dr. Bernie Pauly
McCall, J.
Browne, A.
Parker, J.
Mollison, A.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Ancient peoples and psychoactive plants (PDF 1.7mb)Dan Reist

Capler, Rielle
2011Educational resource or tool
Using constructivist methods in drug education (239kb)Dan Reist
2015Educational resource or tool
Healthy schools: Some foundational theory (PDF 164kb)Dan Reist
2015Educational resource or tool
Prevalence report 2008-12: Cocaine, ecstasy, heroin & other drugs in BC & other provinces (PDF 341kb)Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Vallance, Kate
Martin, Gina
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Prevalence report 2008-12: Alcohol, cannabis, cigarettes & other drugs in BC & other provinces (PDF 262kb)Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Vallance, Kate
Martin, Gina
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Marzell, Miesha
Gruenewald, Paul J.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Ponicki, William R.
Martin, Gina
2015Academic publication
Prevalence report 2008-12: Alcohol, cannabis, cigarettes & RX drugs in BC & other provinces (PDF 391kb)Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Vallance, Kate
Martin, Gina
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Slaunwhite, A.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Forrest, J.
Rich, A.
Michelow, W.
Pai, J.
Jollimore, J.
Raymond Fisher, H.
Moore, D.
Hogg, R.
Roth, E.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Anema, A.
Marshall, B.
Stevenson, B.
Gurm, J.
Montaner, G.
Small, W.
Roth, E.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
O'Brien, N.
Palmer, A.
Zhang, W.
Michelow, W.
Shen, A.
Roth, E.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Ngugi, E.
Roth, E.
Mastin, T.
Nderitu, T.
Yasmin, S.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Fujita, M.
Roth, E.
Lo, Y.
Hurst, C.
Vollner, J.
Kendell, A.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Fujita, M.
Roth, E.
Lo, Y.
Hurst, C.
Vollner, J.
Kendell, A.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Ivsins, A.
Roth, E.
Nakamura, N.
Krajden, M.
Fischer, B.
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Gibson, E.
Exner, H.
Stone, J.
Lindquist, L.
Cowen, L.
Roth, E.
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Sandall, J.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Bourgeault, I.
Declercq, E.
van Tejlingen, E.
Alcohol and drug use among youth in street-based settings in Victoria, BC, 2008-2014 (1.4mb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Teghtsoonian, K.
Brown, D.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Wrede, S.
Einarsdottir, T.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Stengel, C.
Phillips, Rachel
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Declercq, E.
De Vries, R.
Sandall, J.
van Teijlingen, E.
Wrede, S.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Stengel, C.
Marcellus, L.
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Anderson, J.
MacKinnon, K.
Phillips, R.
Dearman, S.
Hankivsky, O.
Reid, C.
Cormier, R.
Varcoe, C.
Clark, N.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Brotman, S.
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Zadoroznyj, M.
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Trelor, A.
Taylor, K.
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Bernier, C.
Kozurskyj, A.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Becker, A.
Marchessault, G.
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Phillips, Rachel
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Vallance, Kate
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Zadoroznyj, M.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Berry, S.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Stengel, C.
Phillips, R.
Zadoroznyj, M.
Berry, S.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Phillips, R.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Rhodes, R.
Blanchard, C.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Symons Downs, D.
Levy Milne, R.
Naylor, P.
Warburton, D.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Bassett-Gunter, R.
Levy-Milne, R.
Naylor, P.
Symons Downs, D.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Warburton, D.
Blanchard, C.
Rhodes, R.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Phillips, R.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Nasuti, G.
Blanchard, C.
Naylor, P.
Levy-Milne, R.
Warburton, D.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Symons Downs, D.
Rhodes, R.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Bourgeault, I.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Bouchard, L.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Rhodes, R.
Blanchard, C.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Symons Downs, D.
Levy Milne, R.
Naylor, P.
Warburton, D.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Stengel, C.
Marcellus, L.
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Anderson, J.
MacKinnon, K.
Phillips, R.
Dearman, S.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Rhodes, R.
Blanchard, C.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Symons Downs, D.
Levy Milne, R.
Naylor, P.
Warburton, D.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Macionis, J.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Bourgeault, I.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Bouchard, L.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2011Article (other)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Cross, G.
2013Article (other)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2014Article (other)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2014Article (other)
Evaluating Effectiveness of Alcohol Harm Reduction and Housing Instability (PPT) (PDF 1mb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Vallance, Kate
Chow, Clifton
Perkin, Kathleen
2014Educational resource or tool

Borges, G.
Ye, Y.
Bond, J.
Cremonte, M.
Moskalewicz, J.
Swiatkiewicz, G.
2010Article (peer-reviewed)

Ye, Y.
Greenfield, T.
Bond, J.
Kerr, W.
Midanik, L.
2010Article (peer-reviewed)

Korcha, R.
Moskalewicz, J.
Swiatkiewicz, G.
Ye, Y.
Bond, J.
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Cremonte, M.

Borges, G.
Peltzer, R.
Santangelo, P.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Woolard, B.

Thompson, Kara
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Borges, G.

Ye, Y.
Bond, J.
Cremonte, M.
Moskalewicz, J.
Swiatkiewicz, G.
2011Article (peer-reviewed)

2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Andreuccetti, G.
Carvalho, H.
Ponce, J.
Prado, R.

Leyton, V.
Kahn, T.
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Rose, M.

Bond, J.
Ye, Y.

Borges, G.
Cremonte, M.
Moskalewicz, J.
Swiatkiewicz, G.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)

Ye, Y.
Bond, J.
Room, R.
Borges, G.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Andreuccetti, G.
Carvalho, H.

Leyton, V.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)

Ye, Y.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Korcha, R.

Ye, Y.
Bond, J.
Moskalewicz, J.
Swiatkiewicz, G.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)

Ye, Y.
Bond, J.
Borges, G.
Chou, P.
Nilsen, P.
Raun, J.
Xiang, X.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Cook, W.

2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Cherpitel, Cheryl
Ye, Y.
Watters, K.
Brubacher, Jeff
Stenstrom, R.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Per adult consumption of alcohol in British Columbia: 2002 to 2005. In: Mapping Substance Use in BC and Canada (PDF 265kb)Dr. Scott Macdonald
Pakula, Basia
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
A review of emergency room studies on alcohol and injuries conducted in Latin American and the Caribbean regionAndreuccetti, G.
Carvalho, H.
Korcha, R.
Ye, Y.
Bond, J.

2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Trinks, A.
Festin, K.
Bendtsen, P.

Nilsen, P.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
2014Educational resource or tool
Muckle, Jamie
2014Educational resource or tool
Hajdu, Patty
2014Educational resource or tool
Sun, Z.
Zhu, Y.
Wang, P.
Roebothan, B.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dicks, E.
Cotterchio, M.
Buehler, S.
Campbell, P.
McLaughlin, J.
Pargrey, P.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Chick, Jonathan
2014Educational resource or tool
Towards alcohol harm reduction and housing stability: Preliminary findings of Thunder Bay managed alcohol programs (PDF 645kb)Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Chow, Clifton
Grey, Erin
Krysowaty, Bonnie
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Perkin, Kathleen
2014Educational resource or tool
Osiowy, M.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Thompson, Kara
Moore, S.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Carlson, E.
Perkin, Kathleen
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Selfridge, M.
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Goldstone, I.
Christie, T.
Douglas, J.
Weber, J.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Jackson, N.
Thompson, D.
Kerr-Southin, M.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Cross, G.
Vallance, Kate
Wynn Williams, A.
Stiles, K.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Cross, G.
Vallance, Kate
Wynn Williams, A.
Stiles, K.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
O'Briain, W.
Hancock, T.
Perkin, Kathleen
Martin, W.
Zeisser, C.
Lowen, C.
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Beveridge, R.
Cusack, E.
Riishde, Jeremy
Albert, M.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Cross, G.
Cooper, T.
Rabinovitch, H.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Albert, M.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Cross, G.
Cooper, T.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Varcoe, C.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Laliberte, S.
Rodney, P.
Canning, L.
McPherson, G.
Anderson, J.
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Burgess, M.
Phillips, C.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Storch, J.
Rodney, P.
Burgess, M.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Phillips, C.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Varcoe, C.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Casey, L.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Phillips, R.
Burns, D.
Roth, E.
Ngugi, E.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Ye, Y.

Dr. Scott Macdonald
Borges, G.
Orozco, R.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Greer, A.
Brubacher, J.

Dr. Tim Stockwell
Zeisser, C.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Sharpe, K.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2011Informational product or self-help resource
Geneste, J.
Pereira, B.
Arnaud, B.
Christol, N.
Liotier, J.
Blanc, O.
Teissedre, F.
Hope, S.
Schwann, R.
Llorca, P.
Schmidt, J.

Malet, L.
Brousse, G.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Atchison, Chris
Casey, Lauren
Dr. Mikael Jansson
McCarthy, Bill
Phillips, Rachel
Reimer, Bill
Dan Reist
Shaver, Frances M.
Dan Reist

2011Educational resource or tool
Borges, G.
Orozco, R.
Monteiro, M.

Perez, E.
Lopez, V.
Paltoo, M.
Weil, D.
Bradshaw, A.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Cremonte, M.
Monteiro, M.


Ye, Y.
Ye, Y.

Dr. Scott Macdonald
2013Research bulletin
Borges, G.

Paltoo, M.
de Bradshaw, A.
Andreuccetti, G.

Andreuccetti, G.
Gawryszweski, V.
Diehl, A.

Zerhouni, O.
Begue, L.
Brousse, G.
Carpentier, F.
Dematteis, M.
Pennel, L.
Swendsen, J.

2013Article (peer-reviewed)

2013Research bulletin

Borges, G.
Giesbrecht, N.
Monteiro, M.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Ye, Y.
Bond, J.
Borges, G.
Monteiro, M.
Vallance, Kate
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Korcha, R.

Witbrodt, J.
Borges, G.
Bazargan, S.
Bond, J.
Gmel, G.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)

2014Research bulletin

2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Andreuccetti, G.
Carvalho, H.
Ye, Y.
Bond, J.
Monteiro, M.
Borges, G.

2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Swiatkiewicz, G.
Moskalewicz, J.

Ye, Y,
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Brousse, G.
Arnaud, B.
Geneste, J.
Pereira, B.
De Chazeron, I.
Teissedre, F.
Perrier, C.
Schwan, R.
Malet, L.
Schmidt, J.
Llorca, P.

2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Bond, J.
Ye, Y.

2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Bond, J.
Witbrodt, J.
Ye, Y.

Room, R.
Monteiro, M.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
da Silva, R.
Diehl, A.

Figlie, N.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Halfyard, B.
West, R.
Buehler, S.
Sun, S.
Squires, J.
Roebothan, B.
McLaughlin, J.
Parfrey, P.
Wang, P.
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Sun, Z.
Zhu, Y.
Wang, P.
Roebothan, B.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dicks, E.
Cotterchio, M.
Buehler, S.
Campbell, P.
McLaughlin, J.
Pargrey, P.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Zhu, Y.
Wang, P.
West, R.
Buehler, S.
Sun, Z.
Squires, J.
Roebothan, B.
McLaughlin, J.
Campbell, P.
Parfey, P.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Borges, G.

Dr. Tim Stockwell
Ye, Y.
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
MacNeil, J.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
MacNeil, J.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Varcoe, C.
Storch, J.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Varcoe, C.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Webster, G.
Storch, J.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Austen, T.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Pinto, A.
Manson, H.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Thanos, J.
Park, A.
Cox, A.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
McCall, J.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Norman, T.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Storch, J.
Schick-Makaroff, K.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Newton, L.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
Hancock, T.
Martin, W.
Perkin, Kathleen
2013Research bulletin
Tomm-Bonde, L.
Schreiber, R.

Dr. Marjorie MacDonald
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Hancock, T.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Schick-Makaroff, K.
Storch, J.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Newton, L.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)

Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Wallace, B.
MacEntee, M.
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dr. Bruce Wallace
Perkin, Kathleen
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Martin, G.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Vallance, Kate
Treno, A.
Ponicki, W.
Tu, A.
Buxton, J.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Borges, G.

Oroacol, R.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Giesbrecht, N.
Cremonte, M.
Moskalewicz, J.
Swiatkiewicz, G.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Martin, Gina
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Vallance, Kate
Treno, A.
Ponicki, W.
Tu, A.
Buxton, Jane
2013Research bulletin
Ye, Y.
Bond, J.

Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Rehm, J.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Chow, Clifton
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Martin, G.
Ivsins, A.
Marsh, M.
Michelow, W.
Roth, E.
Duff, C.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Martin, G.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Ishiguro, S.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Cherpitel, Cheryl
Martin, G.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Brubacher, Jeff
Stenstrom, R.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Maruyama, A.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Borycki, E.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Belle-Isle, L.
Dan Reist
Schactman, C.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Martin, G.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Pakula, B.
Roth, E.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Comprehensive school health (PDF 278kb)Dan Reist
2015Educational resource or tool
The Ethics of Risk and Resilience (PDF 91kb)Dan Reist
2014Educational resource or tool
School Policy Process Tool (PDF 138kb)Dan Reist
2014Educational resource or tool
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Casey, L.
Phillips, R.
Burns, D.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
School Policy Assessment Tool (PDF 114kb)Dan Reist
2014Educational resource or tool
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Educational resource or tool
Leadbeater, Bonnie
Babul, S.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Scime, G.
Pike, I
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Educational resource or tool
Roth, E.
Ngugi, E.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Educational resource or tool
Ngugi, E.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Roth, E.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Ngugi, E.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Roth, E.
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
iMinds: Grade 10 module (French) (PDF 2mb)Bakos, Deborah
Dan Reist
2011Educational resource or tool
Regulating Sex Work: Heterogeneity in Legal Strategies for Controlling ProstitutionMcCarthy, B.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
iMinds: Grade 10 module (PDF 4mb)Bakos, Deborah
Dan Reist
2011Educational resource or tool
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Jansenberger, M.
Phillips, R.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
iMinds: Grade 9 module (PDF 4mb)Bakos, Deborah
Dan Reist
2011Educational resource or tool
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Roth, E.
Hallgrimsdottir, H.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
Ngugi, E.
Sharpe, K.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
iMinds: Grade 8 module (French) (PDF 5mb)Dan Reist
Bakos, Deborah

Capler, Rielle
2011Educational resource or tool
McCarthy, B.
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
iMinds: Grade 8 module (PDF 5mb)Dan Reist
Bakos, Deborah

Capler, Rielle
2011Educational resource or tool
iMinds: Grade 7 module (French) (PDF 4mb)Dan Reist

Capler, Rielle
2011Educational resource or tool
Stigma, service work, and substance use: A two-city, two-country comparative analysisDr. Cecilia Benoit
McCarthy, B.
Dr. Mikael Jansson
2015Article (peer-reviewed)
iMinds: Grade 7 module (PDF 3mb)Dan Reist

Capler, Rielle
2011Educational resource or tool
iMinds: Grade 6 module (French) (PDF 2mb)Dan Reist

Douglas, Jean
2011Educational resource or tool
iMinds: Grade 6 module (PDF 4mb)Dan Reist

Douglas, Jean
2011Educational resource or tool
iMinds: Grade 5 module (French) (PDF 1mb)Dan Reist
Watt, Kerrie

2012Educational resource or tool
iMinds: Grade 5 module (PDF 1mb)Dan Reist
Watt, Kerrie

2012Educational resource or tool
iMinds: Grade 4 module (French) (PDF 2mb)Dan Reist
Watt, Kerrie

2012Educational resource or tool
iMinds: Grade 4 module (PDF 4mb)Dan Reist
Watt, Kerrie

2012Educational resource or tool
iMinds: Quick guide to drug use (French) (PDF 167kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2011Educational resource or tool
iMinds: Quick guide to drug use (PDF 278kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2011Educational resource or tool
iMinds: A health literacy resource for BC schools (French) (PDF 299kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2011Educational resource or tool
Developing healthy drug policies (PDF 550kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Educational resource or tool
Model-based appraisal of alcohol minimum pricing in Ontario and British Columbia: A Canadian adaptation of the Sheffield Alcohol Policy, Model Version 2 (PDF 1mb)Hill-McManus, Daniel
Brennan, Alan
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Thomas, Gerald
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Martin, Gina
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Surveillance systems and trauma care: What can be done in the emergency department? In: Prevention of alcohol-related injuries in the Americas (PDF 319kb)Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Surveillance and monitoring of acute alcohol-related problems in the emergency room. In: Alcohol and injuries (PDF 116kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Sturge, Jodi
Identifying alcohol-related injuries in the emergency department. In: Alcohol and injuries (PDF 63kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Strategies to prevent alcohol-related injury targeted to high-risk products, settings and populations (PDF 245kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Prevention (PDF 3mb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Alcohol policy and public health implications in a global perspective. In: Alcohol and injuries (PDF 96kb)Giesbrecht, Norman

Room, Robin
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Greer, Alissa
Brubacher, J.R.

Dr. Tim Stockwell
Zeisser, Cornelia
Strategies to reduce alcohol-related harms and costs in Canada: A comparison of Provincial policies (PDF 385kb)Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
April, Nicole
Asbridge, Mark
Cukier, Samantha
Mann, Robert
McAllister, Janet
Murie, Andrew
Pauley, Chris
Plamondon, Laurie
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Thomas, Gerald
Thompson, Kara
Vallance, Kate
Prevention of alcohol-related injuries in the Americas: From evidence to policy action (PDF 2mb)Cherpitel, Cheryl J.
Borges, Guilherme
Giesbrecht, Norman
Monteiro, Maristela
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Alcohol and injuries: Emergency department studies in an international perspective (PDF 2mb)Cherpitel, Cheryl J.
Borges, Guilherme
Giesbrecht, Norman
Hungerford, Daniel
Peden, Margie
Poznyak, Vladimir
Room, Robin
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Alcohol and health in Canada: A summary of evidence and guidelines for low-risk drinking (PDF 882kb)Butt, Peter
Gliksman, Louis
Beirness, Doug
Paradis, Catherine
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Holder, Harold
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Naimi, Timothy
Andreasson, Sven
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dan Reist
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Cecilia Benoit
Dr. Mikael Jansson
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Norstrom, Thor
Miller, Ted
Holder, Harold
Osterberg, Esa
Ramstedt, Mats
Rossow, Ingeborg
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Hall, Wayne
Roman, Paul
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Coghlan, Michelle
Nesvaag, Sverre
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Bond, Jason
Ye, Yu
Cherpitel, Cheryl J.
Room, Robin
Rehm, Jurgen
Borges, Guilherme
Cremonte, Mariana
Gmel, Gerhard
Hao, Wei
Sovinova, Hana
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2010Article (peer-reviewed)
Baker, Travis E.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Barnes. Gordon
Holroyd, Clay B.
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Vallance, Kate
Gruenewald, Paul
Ponicki, William
Holder, Harold
Treno, Andrew
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Brache, Kristina
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Beirness, Doug
Butt, Peter
Gliksman, Louis
Paradis, Catherine
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Luo, Jiesu
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Brache, Kristina
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Giesbrecht, Norman
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Kendall, Perry
Strang, Robert
Thomas, Gerald
2011Article (peer-reviewed)
Zeisser, Cornelia
Thompson, Kara
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Duff, Cameron
Chow, Clifton
Vallance, Kate
Ivsins, Andrew
Michelow, Warren
Marsh, David
Lucas, Philippe
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Room, Robin
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Butt, Peter
Beirness, Doug
Gliksman, Louis
Paradis, Catherine
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Tu, Andrew W.
Buxton, Jane A.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Ivsins, Andrew
Chow, Clifton
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Marsh, David C.
Michelow, Warren
Duff, Cameron
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Greer, Alissa
Fillmore, Kaye
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Zeisser, Cornelia
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Williams, Nichole
Dr. Bernie Pauly
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Treno, Andrew
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Martin, Gina
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Ponicki, Bill
Greer, Alissa
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Auld, M. Christopher
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Martin, Gina
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Giesbrecht, Norman
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Thomas, Gerald
Wettlaufer, Ashley
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Roizen, Ron
Fillmore, Kaye
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Thompson, Kara D.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Kerr, William C.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2012Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Treno, Andrew J.
Ponicki, William R.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Gruenewald, Paul J.
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Martin, Gina
Greer, Alissa
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Martin, Gina
Brubacher, Jeff
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Arason, Neil
Steinmetz, Susanne
Chan, Herbert
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Martin, Gina
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Vallance, Kate
Treno, Andrew
Ponicki, William
Tu, Andrew
Buxton, Jane
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Zeisser, Cornelia
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Cherpitel, Cheryl
Ye, Yu
Gardner, Christian
2013Article (peer-reviewed)

Ye, Yu
Bond, Jason
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Martin, Gina
Brubacher, Jeffrey R.
MacPherson, Andrew
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Ye, Yu
Bond, Jason
Cherpitel, Cheryl J.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Rehm, Jurgen
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Cherpitel, Cheryl J.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Martin, Gina
Ishiguro, Sonya
Vallance, Kate
Brubacher, Jeff
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Baker, Travis E.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Holroyd, Clay B.
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Chikritzhs, Tanya
2013Article (peer-reviewed)
Thompson, Kara
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Leadbeater, Bonnie
Homel, Jacqueline
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Callaghan, Russell C.
Sanches, Marcos
Gatley, Jodi M.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Martin, Gina
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Ivsins, Andrew
Chow, Clifton
Michelow, Warren
Duff, Cameron
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Pakula, Basia
Martin, Gina
Wells, Samantha
Borges, Guilherme
Roth, Eric
Salmon, Amy
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Callaghan, Russell C.
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Ludbrook, Anne
Holmes, John
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Zeisser, Cornelia
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Chikritzhs, Tanya
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Submission to the Inquiry into Modernizing BC's Liquor Laws from the Centre for Addictions Research of BC at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø (PDF 153kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dan Reist
Thompson, Kara
A submission to the BC Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services regarding the 2015 BC budget (PDF 200kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dan Reist
Thompson, Kara
A proposal for changes to BC liquor prices in order to reduce harm from alcohol consumption (PDF 180kb)The Provincial Health Officer of BC
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
One step further: Toward a Canadian civil society voice on drug policy (PDF 417kb)Dan Reist
Dyck, Tim
Methadone maintenance treatment in British Columbia, 1996-2008: Analysis and recommendations (PDF 756kb)Dan Reist
Do relaxed trading hours for bars and clubs mean more relaxed drinking? A review of international research on the impacts of changes to permitted hours of drinking (PDF 198kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Disordered eating and unhealthy substance use among college students: A summary of the recent literature (PDF 718kb)Dyck, Tim
Dan Reist
British Columbians speak out in favour of a public health approach to BC liquor laws (PDF 215kb)MADD
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Alcohol on campus: Programs and policies: review and recommendations (PDF 885kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Activities, policies and resources to address substance use on British Columbia campuses: A literature review and scan (PDF 2mb)Brache, Kristina
Dan Reist
Dyck, Tim
Morris, Jonathan
Gilligan, Conor
Thompson, Kara
Bourke, Jesse
Kypri, Kypros
Dr. Tim Stockwell
2014Article (peer-reviewed)
Prevalence of cannabis use in British Columbia (PDF 223kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Market share of alcohol products and price incentives (PDF 176kb)Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Martin, Gina
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Alcohol-related deaths in British Columbia (PDF 191kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Alcohol-attributable hospital admissions in BC (PDF 181kb)Tu, Andrew
Buxton, Jane
Alcohol-attributable crime in British Columbia (PDF 163kb)Fitterer, Jessica
Helping municipal governments (PDF 218kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Dyck, Tim
Dan Reist
2010Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2011Informational product or self-help resource
Dan Reist

Dyck, Tim

2013Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2008Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2008Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2008Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2008Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2008Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2008Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2008Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2008Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2008Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Dan Reist

Dyck, Tim

2013Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
F.O.R.C.E. Society for Kids’ Mental Health
Canadian Mental Health Association (BC Division)
2012Informational product or self-help resource
Words, values and Canadians: A report on the dialogue at the National Symposium on Language (PDF 407kb)Perry, Sara
Dan Reist
Tobacco reduction in the context of mental health and addictions: A review of the evidence (PDF 633kb)Johnson, Joy L.
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dan Reist
Bahadori, Katayoun
Prevention of the harmful effects of substance use among Aboriginal peoples: An initial review of the research literature (PDF 667kb)Kelly, Miranda
Sts'ailes primary healthcare project: Report (PDF 788kb)Pakula, Basia
Anderson, John F.
Reducing alcohol-related harms and costs in Alberta: A Provincial summary report (PDF 285kb)Vallance, Kate
Thompson, Kara
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Quiet crisis: Homelessness and at-risk in Greater Victoria (PDF 2mb)Dr. Bernie Pauly
Jackson, Nicole
Wynn-Williams, Andrew
Stiles, Kelsi
Operator and regulatory best practices in the reduction of violence in and around licensed premises: A review of Australian and Canadian research (PDF 442kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
British Columbia methadone maintenance treatment program: A qualitative systems review – Summary report (PDF 509kb)Parkes, Tessa
Dan Reist
A review of research into the impacts of alcohol warning labels on attitudes and behaviour (PDF 1mb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Housing and harm reduction: A policy framework for Greater Victoria (PDF 975kb)Dr. Bernie Pauly
Dan Reist
Schactman, Chuck
Belle-Isle, Lynne
Following the evidence: Preventing harms from substance use in BC (PDF 710kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Feasibility study on ‘supervised drug consumption’ options in the City of Victoria (PDF 426kb)Fischer, Benedikt
Allard, Christiane
Beyond 2008: An international NGO forum (PDF 763kb)Perron, Michel
Dan Reist
Maxwell, Gillian
MacPherson, Donald
Model-based appraisal of alcohol minimum pricing in Ontario and British ColumbiaBrennan, Alan
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Hill-McManus, Daniel
Giesbrecht, Norman
Thomas, Gerald
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Martin, Gina
Wettlaufer, Ashley
Alcohol pricing, public health and the HST: Proposed incentives for BC drinkers to make healthy choices (PDF 402kb)Thomas, Gerald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dan Reist
Alcohol pricing and public health in Canada: Issues and opportunities (PDF 1mb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Leng, Jiali
Sturge, Jodi
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction
Brache, Kristina
Thomas, Gerald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Take care with cannabis (PDF 508kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Vancouver Coastal Health
2012Informational product or self-help resource
Creating culturally safe care in hospital settings for people who use(d) illicit drugs (PDF 675kb)Dr. Bernie Pauly
McCall, Jane
Parker, Joanne
McLaren, Cat
Browne, Annette J.
Mollison, Ashley
2013Research bulletin
Under-reporting of alcohol use in phone surveys (PDF 3mb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Reducing alcohol-related harms and costs in British Columbia: A provincial summary report (PDF 553kb)Thompson, Kara
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Giesbrecht, Norman
Wettlaufer, Ashley
2013Research bulletin
The ins and outs of alcohol (PDF 658kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2013Informational product or self-help resource
Evaluation of a managed alcohol program in Vancouver, BC: Early findings and reflections on alcohol harm reductionDr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Chow, Clifton
Vallance, Kate
Perkin, Kathleen
2013Research bulletin
Minimum alcohol pricing in British Columbia (PDF 1mb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Overdose events in British Columbia: Trends in substances involved, contexts and responses (PDF 585kb)Vallance, Kate
Martin, Gina
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Chow, Clifton
Ivsins, Andrew
Buxton, Jane
Tu, Andrew
Sandhu, Jat
Chu, Tim
Fair, Ben
2012Research bulletin
How should we label our alcohol? (PDF 726kb)Osiowy, M.
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Thompson, Kara
Moore, S.
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2012Informational product or self-help resource
The price of getting high, stoned and drunk in BC: A comparison of minimum prices for alcohol and other psychoactive substances (PDF 423kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
Martin, Gina
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Ivsins, Andrew
Chow, Clifton
Greer, Alissa
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Duff, Cameron
Lucas, Philippe
Marsh, David
Michelow, Warren
Treno, Andrew
2010Research bulletin
How much does alcohol increase women's risk of breast cancer compared to non-drinkers? (PDF 63kb)Zeisser, Cornelia
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Chikritzhs, Tanya
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2012Informational product or self-help resource
Drug use trends in Victoria and Vancouver, and changes in injection drug use after the closure of Victoria’s fixed site needle exchange (PDF 919kb)Ivsins, Andrew
Chow, Clifton
Marsh, David
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Vallance, Kate
2010Research bulletin
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2012Informational product or self-help resource
Harm reduction in British Columbia (PDF 721kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Club drug use in Victoria, BC, 2008-2013 (PDF 1mb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2012Informational product or self-help resource
Adolescent substance use and related harms in British Columbia (PDF 524kb)Stewart, Duncan
Vallance, Kate
Dr. Tim Stockwell

Smith, Annie
Dan Reist
Saewyc, Elizabeth
2009Research bulletin
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2012Informational product or self-help resource
Alcohol and drug use among youth in street-based settings in Victoria, BC, 2008-2014 (2mb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Regional variations and trends in substance use and related harm in BC (PDF 349kb)Martens, Lorissa
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Buxton, Jane
Duff, Cameron
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Richard, Krista
Chow, Clifton
Ivsins, Andrew
Michelow, Warren
Puri, Ajay
Tu, Andrew
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
2008Research bulletin
Alcohol consumption in British Columbia and Canada: A case for liquor taxes that reduce harm (PDF 334kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Pakula, Basia
Dr. Scott Macdonald
Dr. Jinhui Zhao
Dan Reist
Thomas, Gerald
Puri, Ajay
Buxton, Jane
Tu, Andrew
Duff, Cameron
2007Research bulletin
Cannabis use in British Columbia: Patterns of use, perceptions, and public opinion as assessed in the 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey (PDF 1mb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Sturge, Jodi
Jones, Wayne
Fischer, Benedikt
Carter, Connie
2007Research bulletin
Patterns of risky alcohol use in British Columbia: Results of the 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey (PDF 522kb)Dr. Tim Stockwell
Sturge, Jodi
Dr. Scott Macdonald
2007Research bulletin
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Educational resource or tool
Dan Reist
2014Educational resource or tool
Cycles: Script (PDF 422kb)Nicole, Victor
Osghian, Ed
2014Educational resource or tool
Dan Reist
Thompson, Kara
Coleman, Paula
2013Educational resource or tool
Alternatives to suspension (PDF 94kb)Dan Reist
2014Educational resource or tool
Dan Reist

2012Educational resource or tool
Drinking guidelines: Supporting health and life (PDF 147kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2007Informational product or self-help resource
Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2014Informational product or self-help resource
Cycles: Facilitator's guide (PDF 1mb)Moffat, Barbara
Johnson, Joy
2014Educational resource or tool
iMinds: A health literacy resource for BC schools (PDF 508kb)Centre for Addictions Research of BC
2011Educational resource or tool
Kolla, Gillian
Dr. Bernie Pauly
Cameron, Fred
Hobbs, Heather
Ranger, Corey
McCall, Jane
Majalahti, Jerry
Toombs, Kim
LeMaistre, Jack
Dr. Marion Selfridge
Dr. Karen Urbanoski
2024Article (peer-reviewed)
Fitzgerald, Niamh
O'Donnell, Rachel
Uny, Isabelle
Martin, Jack G.
Cook, Megan
Graham, Kathryn
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Hughes, Karen
Wilkinson, Claire
McGill, Elizabeth
Miller, Peter G.
Reynolds, Jo
Quigg, Zara
Angus, Colin
2024Article (peer-reviewed)
Zuckermann, Alexandra M.
Morissette, Kate
Boland, Laura
Jaramillo Garcia, Alejandra
Reyes Domingo, Francesca
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Hobin, Erin
2024Article (peer-reviewed)
Thompson, Kara
Cooper, Stephanie
Langille, William
Webber, Brynn
MacDonald-Spracklin, Rachael
Asbridge, Mark
Barker, Bryce
Kruisselbrink, Darren
Olthuis, Janine
Paradis, Catherine
Stewart, Sherry
Dr. Tim Stockwell
Strang, Robert
2024Article (peer-reviewed)
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