
Jenny Cartwright

Jenny Cartwright
Research Manager (CMAPS, PSS, Co/Lab)

Jenny Cartwright is a Research Manager at CISUR, organizing projects related to managed alcohol programs, safer supply, and health equity. Jenny was formerly with the Vancouver Island Health Authority, where she worked to advance patient engagement in research as part of CIHR’s SPOR program. Prior to moving back to BC she spent eight years at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, coordinating research projects in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology. Jenny has degrees in Psychology, Criminology, and Public Health (with a focus on Indigenous and Northern Health).



  • Pauly, B., Sullivan, G., Inglis, D., Cameron, F., Phillips, J., Rosen, C., Cartwright, J.L., et al. (2022). Applicability of a National Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research to People Who Use(d) Substances: A Canadian Experience. Research Involvement and Engagement 8(22).
  • Spina, S.P., Hainstock, T., Haddadi, R., Bourke, B., Thompson, L., Borycki, E., Cartwright, J.L., et al. (2022). Engaging patients and families in developing, implementing, and evaluating hospital at home: A Canadian case study. Patient Experience Journal 9(1):217-226. doi.org/10.35680/2372-0247.1660.
  • Hayden, J.A., Wilson, M.N., Stewart, S., Cartwright, J.L., et al. (2019). Exercise treatment effect modifiers in persistent low back pain: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 3514 participants from 27 randomized controlled trials. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54(21).
  • Asbridge, M., Desapriya, E., Ogilvie, R., Cartwright, J.L., et al. (2019). The impact of restricted driver’s licenses on crash risk for older drivers: A systematic review. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 97:137-145.
  • Asbridge, M., Cartwright, J.L., Wilson, K., & Langille, D. (2016). Age at first drink, experiences of drunkenness, and alcohol-related problems in Canadian youth: Is early onset bad if you are a moderate drinker? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 77: 974-979.
  • Asbridge, M., Wickens, C., Mann, R., & Cartwright, J.L. (2016). Chapter 13: Alcohol, Cannabis and New Drivers. In: D.L. Fisher, J. Caird, W. Horrey, & L. Trick (Editors) (2016). Handbook of Teen and Novice Drivers: Research, Practice, Policy, and Directions. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Asbridge, M., Cartwright, J.L., & Langille, D. (2015). Driving under the influence of opioids among high school students in Atlantic Canada: Prevalence, correlates, and the role of medical versus recreational consumption. Accident Analysis and Prevention 75: 184-91.
  • Stinson, J.N., Hayden, J.A., Ahola Kohut, S., Soobiah, Ca., Cartwright, J.L., et al. (2014). Sleep problems and associated factors in children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A systematic review. Pediatric Rheumatology 12:19.
  • Hayden, J.A., van der Windt, D., Cartwright, J.L., Coté, P., & Bombardier, C. (2013). Assessing Bias in Studies of Prognostic Factors. Annals of Internal Medicine 158(4): 280-286.
  • Asbridge, M., Hayden, J.A., & Cartwright, J.L. (2012). Acute cannabis consumption and motor vehicle collision risk: systematic review of observational studies and meta-analysis. British Medical Journal 344: e536.
  • Hayden, J.A, Cartwright, J.L., van Tulder, M.W., & Malmivaara, A. (2012). Exercise therapy for chronic low back pain (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 4. Art. No.: CD009790.
  • Hayden, J.A., Cartwright, J.L., Riley, R.D., van Tulder, M.W., & the Chronic Low Back Pain IPD Meta-Analysis Group. (2012). Exercise therapy for chronic low back pain: protocol for an individual participant data meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews 1:64.
  • Campbell. L.A., Jackson, L., Bassett, R., Bowes, M.J., Donahue, M., Cartwright, J.L., & Kisely, S. (2011). Can we use Medical Examiners’ records for suicide surveillance and prevention research in Nova Scotia? Chronic Diseases in Canada 31(4): 165-71.
  • Kisley, S., Campbell, L.A., Cartwright, J.L., Bowes, M.J., & Jackson, L. (2011). Factors associated with not seeking professional help or disclosing intent prior to suicide: a study of Medical Examiners’ records in Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 56(7): 436-40.
  • Cartwright, J.L., & Asbridge, M. (2011). Passengers’ decisions to ride with a driver under the influence of either alcohol or cannabis. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 72(1):86-95.
  • Asbridge, M., & Cartwright, J.L. (2011). The relationship of home smoking bans to the physical and mental health of smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 13(2):70-7.
  • Kisely, S., Campbell, L.A., Cartwright, J.L., Cox, M., & Campbell, J. (2010). Do the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales measure outcome? Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 55(7): 431-39.
  • Asbridge, M., Payne, E., Cartwright, J.L., & Mann, R. (2010). Driving under the influence of alcohol: Examining ethno-specific rates and the mediating effects of psychological distress and harmful and problematic drinking. Accident Analysis and Prevention 42: 1408-15.