
Dr. Cecilia Benoit

Dr. Cecilia Benoit

See also: Cecilia's dedicated research site:

About Cecilia

Cecilia Benoit is a scientist at the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (formerly CARBC). Apart from research focused on the occupation of midwifery and the organization of maternity care in Canada and internationally, she is involved in a variety of projects that employ mixed methodologies to investigate the health of different vulnerable groups, including Aboriginal women in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, young people confronting health stigmas linked to obesity and asthma, street-involved youth in transition to adulthood, workers in lower-prestige service occupations, adults in the sex industry, and pregnant and early parenting women dealing with addiction and other challenges.

In 2016, Cecilia was honoured with a Governor General's Award in Commenoration of the Persons Case for her “outstanding contribution to the goal of equality for women and girls in Canada.” (Photos: MCpl Vincent Carbonneau, Rideau Hall, and Status of Women Canada)

Cecilia has received numerous awards for her scholarship and community outreach activities. Most recently, she was awarded the Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prize (2022) received the Killam Prize in Social Sciences (2020), was named CIHR's senior researcher (2020), received a Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation Fellowship (2018), was honoured with a UVic Provost's Engaged Scholar award (2017) and Governor General's Award in Commenoration of the Persons Case (2016).  She is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2013) and Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (2013). She is currently leading two CIHR-funded projects that adopt an intersectionality lens: “Team grant on contexts of vulnerabilities, resiliencies and care among people in the sex industry” and “Interventions to promote health and healthy equity for pregnant and early parenting women facing substance use and other challenges.”

Videos of Cecilia


Publications from the last five years. For a full list, see Cecilia's CV.

Books and Monographs

  • 2023: Benoit, C. & Mellor, A. (Eds).. Special issue of Social Sciences.
  •  2022: Macionis, J.J., Jansson, S.M, Benoit, C.M. & Burkowicz, J. Scarborough, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada.
  • 2021: Benoit, C. (Ed.). Understanding exploitation in consensual sex work to inform occupational health & safety regulation. Basel, Switzerland, MDPI.
  • 2021: Magnuson, D., Jansson, M., & Benoit, C. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
  •  2019: Macionis, J.J., Jansson, S.M, Benoit, C.M. & Burkowicz, J. . Scarborough, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada.

Peer-Reviewed Chapters

  • 2024: Benoit, C., Mellor, A., Vetrone, L., Premji, Z. Street-involved youth. . Elsevier. ISBN 9780128093245,
  • 2022: Benoit, C., Jansson, M. Phillips, R., Hallgrimsdottir, H. & Vallance, K. Social influences of injection drug use among a community sample of sex workers: Intersections of structure and agency across the life course. In C. Morrow, M., O. Hankivsky & Varcoe, C. (Eds.). (2nd ed.). (pp. 273-288). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • 2021: Smith, M. & Benoit, C. Chapter 5: How Social Inequities in Maternity Care Impact Marginalised Groups. The FIGO Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicine. Volume 1: Pregnancy and Society. London, King’s College.
  • 2019: Magnuson, D., Jansson, M., & Benoit, C. (2019). Foster care as a support system for early leavers. In Varda Mann-Feder, (ed.). Oxford University Press.
  • 2018: Casey, L., McCarthy, B., Phillips, R., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Atchison, Reimer, B., Reist, D., & Shaver, F. Managing conflict: An examination of three-way alliances in Canadian escort and massage businesses. In Horning, A. Marcus, A. (Eds). (pp. 131-149). . Switzerland: Springer.

Journal Articles

  • 2024: Benoit, C., Koenig, B., Mellor, A., Jansson, M., Magnuson, D. & Vetrone, L. (2024). The Journal of Sex Research 
  • 2024: Benoit, C., Mellor, A. & Premji, Z. Children and Youth Services Review.  157, 107436. 
  • 2023:  Benoit, C., Mellor, A. & Premji, Z. (2023). . Archives of Sexual Behavior 52, 3285–3290. 
  • 2023: Benoit, C. & Mellor, A. Social Sciences. 12: 202.
  •  2023: Mellor, A. & Benoit, C. Understanding the diversity of people in sex work: Views from leaders in sex worker organizations. Social Sciences 12: 191.
  • 2023: Moebes, Z., Card, K. Koenig, B., & Benoit, C. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 18, 10. 
  • 2022: Jansson, M., Smith, M., Benoit, C., & Magnuson, D. The Journal of Sex Research. 25; 1-13. 
  • 2022: Benoit, C., Bourgeault, I., & Mykhalovskiy, E. Special Section on Equity and the COVID-19 Response in Canada. 113, 791–794.
  • 2022: Divine, A., Blanchard, C., Benoit, C., Symons Downs, D., &Rhodes, R. . Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation.
  • 2022: Benoit, C., Mellor, A., & Premji, Z. Archives of Sexual Behavior
  • 2022: Vetrone, L., Benoit, C., Magnuson, D., Jansson, M., Headley P. & Smith, M. Social Inclusion. 10 (4). 
  • 2022: Benoit, C.& Unsworth, R. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 51, 331–342. 
  • 2021: Atanackovic, J., Freeman, A., Demers, C., Neiterman, E., Benoit, C., Tiessen, K., & Bourgeault. I. Leaves of absence and return to work among Canadian midwives who experience mental health issues: Pilot study findings. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 20 (2): 23-33.
  • 2021: Armstrong, H. Sang, J., Skala, A., Wang, L., Zhu, J., Lachowsky, N., Card, K., Olarewaju, G., Benoit, C., Hogg, R., Moore, D., & Roth, E. Sexual Health. 18(6): 487-497.
  • 2021: Leslie, K., Benoit, C., Freeman, A., & Bourgeault, I. Health Reform Observer – Observatoire des Réformes de Santé, 9(1).  
  • 2021: Benoit, C. Editorial: . Social Sciences 10, 238.  
  • 2021: Benoit, C., Unsworth, R., Headley, P., Smith, & M., Jansson, M. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.  
  • 2021: McCarthy, B., Benoit, C. & Jansson, M. Social Sciences. 10(2):35. 
  • 2021: Greer, A., Sorge, J., Selfridge, M., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., & MacDonald, S. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy.  
  • 2021: Orchard, T., Salter, K., Bunch, M., & Benoit, C. . Social Sciences
  • 2021: Divine, A., Blanchard, C., Naylor, P., Benoit, C., Symons Downs, D., & Rhodes, R. (2020). . Women & Health.
  • 2021: Benoit, C. & Unsworth, R. . Archives of Sexual Behavior. 50 (1), 129–140.  
  • 2020: Benoit, C. Options Politiques/Policy Options
  • 2020: Card, K., Selfridge, M., Greer, A., Hepburn, K., Fournier, A., Sorge, J., Urbanoski, K., Pauly, B., Benoit, C., Lachowsky, N., & Macdonald, S. Encounter-level outcomes of police interactions with young people who use drugs in three non-metropolitan cities across British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy.
  • 2020: Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., & Magnuson, D. The relative quality of sex work. Work, Employment & Society. 35(2), 239–255.
  • 2020: Stockwell, T., Benoit, C., Card, K., & Sherk, A. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice
  • 2020: Greer, A., Sorge, J., Selfridge, M., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., & Macdonald, S. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. 27:6, 488-493.
  • 2020: Benoit, C., Maurice, R., Abel, G., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., & Magnuson, D. Culture, Health & Sexuality 22 (1), 81-95.  
  • 2020:Orchard, T., Bunch, M., Salter, K., & Benoit, C. Qualitative Health Research. 30 (4), 518-529.
  • 2019: Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., & Magnuson, D. . Archives of Sexual Behavior. 48 (7), 1903-1904.
  • 2019: Ivsins, A., Benoit, C., Kobayashi, K. Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, & Boyd, S. . Health and Place. 59, 102164.
  •  2019: Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., & Magnuson, D. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 48 (7), 1973–1980.
  • 2019: Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Magnus, S, Maurice, R., Flagg, J., & Reist, D. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 16 (3), 329–341. 
  • 2019: Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., & Magnuson, D. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 48 (7), 1905–1923. 10.1007/s10508-018-1276-6
  • 2019: Orchard, T., Murie, A., Elash, H., Bunch, M., Middleton, C., Sadakhom, D., Oiamo, T., & Benoit, C. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 21(4), 478-494.
  • 2018: Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Smith, M., & Flagg, J. Special issue: Annual Review of Sex Research. Journal of Sex Research. 55(4-5), 457-471. 
  • 2018: Evans, E., McCarthy, B., Benoit, C., & Jansson, M. Social Science Quarterly. 99, 599-615. doi:10.1111/ssqu.12448
  • 2018:  McCarthy, B., Carter, A., Jansson, M., Benoit, & Finnigan, R. . Journal of Poverty. 22 (4), 334-354.
  • 2018: Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Flagg, J., & Maurice, R. . Culture, Health & Sexuality. 20 (1), 69-83. 10.1080/13691058.2017.1328075