
CAPI student intern and scholar alumni


Note that while the core of our internship program involves sending UVic students to work with non-governmental organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, we have, depending on our funding arrangements with our sponsors over different years, also:

  • coordinated international internships for non-UVic Canadian students;
  • sent UVic grad students on research terms abroad ("outgoing scholars");
  • helped to support foreign grad students ("incoming scholars") to study at UVic;
  • engaged with a few countries outside the Asia-Pacific.

Pascale Claughton

  • UVic field(s) of study:
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
  • Internship duration: 
    June to November 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Global Skills Opportunity

Pascale is a third-year student completing her BSc in psychology at the 番茄社区. She is passionate about learning about the world, current events, politics, and the possibilities for social movements and technology to spur positive change. She is very excited to travel to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, to work with the Penampang DAP service center. They are an NGO that works with the community in many dimensions, such as social services, youth development, and environmental efforts. She is very thankful and appreciates CAPI and GSO for providing her with this incredible opportunity.


Jake Croker

  • UVic field of study:
    Economics and Mathematics
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Internship duration: 
    May to October 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Jake was born in Yorkshire, England, and moved to Canada when he was 14 years old. After working as a professional actor in film and television for several years, he now studies Economics and Mathematics at UVic. Jake is honoured to represent the CAPI program as an intern at the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies in Jakarta, Indonesia.


Olivia Delisle

  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Geography (major), Global Development Studies (minor)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
  • Internship duration: 
    June to November 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Global Skills Opportunity

Olivia Delisle is a fourth-year student at the 番茄社区 – she studies Geography and Global, Urban, and Community Development. Olivia takes an interdisciplinary approach to her studies, focussing on global issues of inequality and the conditions under which these patterns can change – specifically, how they can change in socially just ways. Olivia is an intern for CAPI and works with the Penampang DAP Service Centre in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

karunia fila

Karunia Fila

Blog posts
  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Pacific and Asian Studies
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Mae Hong Son, Thailand
  • Internship duration: 
    June to November 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Global Skills Opportunity

Karunia is going into her second year of studies and currently working towards completing a degree in Pacific and Asian Studies. She is passionate about language, culture, and art. Karunia will be living in rural Thailand teaching English with the Karenni Social Development Center. (KSDC) She is looking forward to community living and learning from all the people at KSDC. She wants to say “Thank you CAPI!”


Sierra Grant

  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Statistics, Psychology, and Applied Ethics
  • Internship host organization:
    Center for Indonesian Policy Studies
  • Location: 
    Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Internship duration: 
    May to October 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Sierra is an undergraduate student studying statistics, psychology, and applied ethics at the 番茄社区. She is travelling to Jakarta, Indonesia to work with the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies. Sierra is excited to embark on this adventure and is grateful to the CAPI and QES programs for their support throughout this experience.


Sabrina Jereza

  • UVic field(s) of study:
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Subang Jaya, Malaysia
  • Internship duration: 
    May to August 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Sabrina is a first-year law student in the JD program at the 番茄社区. She is originally from the Philippines and was raised in Toronto. She has an interest in laws and legal systems in Southeast Asia. Sabrina is grateful to CAPI and the Queen Elizabeth Scholars program for the opportunity to immerse herself in the Orang Asli community and learn more about Indigenous rights and advocacy in Malaysia.


Kai Kristiansen

  • UVic field(s) of study:
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Kobe, Japan
  • Internship duration: 
    May to August 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    CAPI Jarislowsky Japan Chair

Kai is a third-year business student at the 番茄社区 with a passion for sustainable business practices and global business relations. Kai is looking forward to gaining international work experience through the CAPI internship program, where he will have the opportunity to deepen his cultural understanding, work with an environmentally focused organization, and gain valuable work experience in a global setting. He is grateful for the support of the CAPI program, which has provided him with this invaluable opportunity to pursue his passions and career goals.


Brigitte Larkin

  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Geography and Environmental Studies
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location:
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Internship duration: 
    May to October 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Brigitte is in her fourth year at the 番茄社区 studying Geography and Environmental Studies. She holds a passion for community and bringing people together. She is excited to gain field experience in her interests as an intern for the Malaysian Social Research Institute this year and very grateful to be embarking on such a unique opportunity!


Faaiza Vakil

  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Social Work
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Internship duration: 
    May to October 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Faaiza is in her third year of her bachelor’s in social work at the 番茄社区. She has spent the past year working with different organizations on Vancouver’s Downtown East side which sparked her passion for working in women’s education and empowerment. For her internship Faaiza will be traveling to Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia, to work with the Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI). Faaiza is beyond excited for this opportunity; to be able to learn and listen to the people to access the space and the team working at MSRI.


Kelly Van der Heide

  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Political Science, Global Development Studies
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Bangkok, Thailand
  • Internship duration: 
    May to October 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Kelly is in the second year of her bachelor’s in political science, with a minor in Global Development Studies. She is passionate about migrants’ and displaced peoples’ rights, and grassroots social change. She looks forward to learning more about these issues and experiencing a different culture. For her internship, Kelly will be heading to Bangkok, Thailand, to work with the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) as a research assistant. Kelly is excited for the opportunity to work, with and learn from, the team at GAATW.


Cheery Wang

    • UVic field(s) of study:
    • Internship host organization:
    • Location: 
      Kobe, Japan
    • Internship duration: 
      September to December 2023
    • Sponsor: 
      CAPI Jarislowsky Japan Chair


    Cheery is in her final year of the Gustavson School of Business Bachelor of Commerce program at the 番茄社区, specializing in service management. She is passionate about international business and sustainable development. Cheery feels incredibly blessed for the opportunity to learn and expand her worldview at CityNet Plus Arts and is grateful for CAPI's ongoing support.

Thank you to our sponsors

The (QES) program is managed through a unique partnership of Rideau Hall Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, and Universities Canada


The CAPI Jarislowsky Chair in Japan/ East Asian Studies



This project is funded by Global Skills Opportunity, the Government of Canada's outbound pilot mobility program.

group photo of the 2022 CAPI interns during their pre-departure orientation at UVic Campus, April 2022
2022 CAPI intern Caleb Catto

Caleb Catto

  • Hometown: 
    Jasper, Alberta
  • UVic field(s) of study: 
    Biology, Political Science
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Internship duration: 
    July-January 2022
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Caleb is a student of biology and political science at the 番茄社区. They can typically be found with their head in the stars, feet atop a peak or appreciating the wondrous diversity of life, well gazing at the morphology of the tiniest of flowers. They are grateful for this opportunity to experience life in such a biologically diverse nation and thankful for the support of the Queen Elizabeth Scholars / UVIC’s Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives for sending them.

2022 CAPI intern Russell Chiong

Russell Chiong

  • UVic field(s) of study:
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Kobe, Japan
  • Internship duration: 
    September - December 2022
  • Sponsor: 
    Jarislowsky Japan Chair

Russell is a third-year law student in the JD program at the 番茄社区. He is passionate about social justice issues and the environment, and looks forward to this opportunity to learn and work with CityNet-Plus Arts in Kobe. Russell is grateful to CAPI for providing support and this opportunity.

2022 CAPI intern Charlotte Clar

Charlotte Clar

  • Hometown: 
    Victoria, BC
  • UVic field(s) of study:
    History (major), English - Professional Communications (minor)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Bangkok, Thailand
  • Internship duration: 
    June-December 2022
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Charlotte is nearing the completion of her degree at UVic with a major in History and minor in Professional Communications. She will be travelling to Bangkok, Thailand to work for the Global Alliance against Traffic in Women, an alliance of NGOs with a human rights approach to their anti-trafficking and migrant rights work, to support their communications efforts. She has an interest in migration and women's rights and is grateful to CAPI for the opportunity to work for this meaningful organization as well as looks forward to learning more about Thailand.

2022 CAPI intern Keiran Ellis

Keiran Ellis

  • Hometown: 
    Victoria, BC
  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Political Science (major), Philosophy (minor)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Internship duration: 
    July 2022 - January 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Keiran is a fourth-year student completing her BA in political science and philosophy at the 番茄社区. She has a passion for social justice, minority rights, refugee studies, immigration, and social policies. Through her internship at the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) in Jakarta, Indonesia, she will examine a wide range of social and economic policies that impact local Indonesian communities. Keiran is incredibly excited and honoured to have this opportunity. She is grateful to CAPI, the Queen Elizabeth Scholars program, and CIPS for making all of this a possibility, which will create an invaluable experience she will never forget!

2022 CAPI intern Giulia Gagliano

Giulia Gagliano

  • Hometown: 
    Florence, Italy / Shizuoka, Japan
  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Political Science (major), Gender Studies (minor)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Kobe, Japan
  • Internship duration: 
    September - December 2022
  • Sponsor: 
    Jarislowsky Japan Chair

Giulia Gagliano-Tsuda is completing her Honors Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Gender Studies, concentrating on intersectional feminist theories and applying them to migration, globalization, and development issues. She is currently also an Undergraduate Research Assistant at UVic’s Center for Global Studies. Recently, she is interested in sustainable international development in Asia and has been particularly focused on Japan's progress towards gender equality through the UN Sustainable Development Goals framework. Giulia is incredibly grateful for CAPI and the opportunity to work with CityNet-Plus Arts, which will provide invaluable experiential learning that uniquely merges her academic, professional, and personal passions.

2022 CAPI intern Haley Ham

Haley Ham

  • Hometown: 
    Hong Kong
  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Political Science (major), Philosophy (minor)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Internship duration: 
    July 2022 - January 2023
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Haley was born and raised in Hong Kong and moved to Victoria BC in 2013. She is a political science major and a philosophy minor who loves talking to people and working in challenging environments.

2022 CAPI intern Rowan Huff Froese

Rowan Huff Froese

  • Hometown: 
    Kamloops, BC
  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Political Science
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Mae Hong Son, Thailand
  • Internship duration: 
    June - September 2022
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Rowan Huff Froese is reaching the end of his Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from the 番茄社区. He transferred to UVic after completing the first half of his degree at Thompsons River University in his hometown of Kamloops, British Columbia. Since then, he has learnt as much or more outside of the classroom as he has learnt in it. He's looking forward to continuing his experiential learning immersed in Thailand for the coming six months. He's anxious to reach the Karenni Social Development Centre and begin his internship, and is thankful that he will be joined by fellow UVIc Political Science major Izzy Simons. Rowan is most looking forward to meeting the Karenni people and sharing their story in whatever capacity he is able.

CAPI 2022 intern Jennifer Janssen

Jennifer Janssen

  • Hometown: 
    Mexico City
  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Psychology (major), Global Development Studies (minor)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Bangkok, Thailand
  • Internship duration: 
    June-December 2022
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Jennifer grew up in Mexico City and moved to Canada when she was fifteen. Growing up in two distinct cultures has cultivated Jennifer’s interest in global development issues of migration, poverty, and women’s empowerment. Currently, Jennifer is working towards a major in Psychology and minor in Global Development Studies at the 番茄社区. Jennifer’s passion for women’s empowerment led her to join GAATW, an alliance of NGO’s focused on anti-human trafficking in women and migrant advocacy. In the latter half of 2022, she will be traveling to Bangkok to work for GAATW. She is grateful to CAPI for giving her the opportunity to pursue her passions and immerse herself in a vibrant and profound culture.

2022 CAPI intern Isabel Simons

Isabel Simons

  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Political Science (major), Global Development Studies (minor)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Mae Hong Son, Thailand
  • Internship duration: 
    June - November 2022
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Isabel is completing her BA (Hon) in political science with a minor in global development studies. She is passionate about migrants’ and displaced peoples’ rights, environmental politics, and grassroots social change. She looks forward to applying this enthusiasm to working with youth at the Karenni Social Development Centre in northern Thailand.

2022 CAPI intern Elly Thompson

Elly Thompson

  • Hometown: 
    Vernon, BC
  • UVic field(s) of study:
    Political Science (major), Global Development Studies (minor)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Location: 
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Internship duration: 
    July-December 2022
  • Sponsor: 
    Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Elly is in the final year of her Bachelor’s in Political Science at the 番茄社区. Through her studies, Elly has developed a strong interest in International Relations, with a focus on international security, sovereignty, and supranational governance systems such as the UN and the EU. For her internship, Elly will be heading to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to work with the Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI) in fundraising. Elly is excited for the opportunity to work with and learn from the team at MSRI.

Thank you to our sponsors

The (QES) program is managed through a unique partnership of Rideau Hall Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, and Universities Canada


Kaylin Arason

Kaylin Arason

  • Hometown: 
    Peachland, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Political Science and Gender Studies
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2019


Kaylin is in her fourth year, working towards a double major in political science and gender studies. The interdisciplinary nature of her education has inspired a broad range of interests, including the complexities of labour, gender, race, and migration. Kaylin will be travelling to Bangkok to work with GAATW, an alliance of NGOs with a human rights approach to their anti-trafficking and migrant rights work. As a mixed-race woman whose mother immigrated to Canada from the Philippines, Kaylin is eager to deepen her personal relationship with these topics but also develop a more nuanced understanding of globalization in relation to migration. She is grateful to CAPI for the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in her prospective field and immerse herself in an unfamiliar but rich cultural space. 

capstone project

My capstone project is an artistic expression of my experience interning and living in Bangkok—a collection of analog images, thoughts & reflections, and art pieces. Exploring the themes of space & place, embodiment, and "home," this project transcends temporal and geographical boundaries. The story shared here is only snippets of my experience: photographs I captured while in Bangkok, words I wrote in my journal on weekends, and poetry and photographs that I've created since returning to Lekwungen territories (Victoria). These snippets that might seem fragmented are crafted together to build a cohesive whole. I share this vulnerable space with you in hopes to translate deep feelings of love and gratitude, as well as what it means for me to "come home to myself."

view the pdf:


Haley Dwyer

Hayley Dwyer

  • Hometown: 
    Victoria, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Social Work
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2019


Hayley is completing her bachelor’s degree in social work at the 番茄社区. She is born and raised in the lower mainland and has spent many years navigating life in the global south. She has an interest in transnational migration with a particular focus on the mental and physical health of migrants. She feels passionate about seeking knowledge of the lived struggles, experiences and resilience of women, families, and communities. She is committed to breaking down stigma and barriers that prevent marginalized voices from being heard. She is very excited to be a part of this cross-cultural learning experience with MSRI and honoured to have this opportunity from CAPI. 

capstone project

My Capstone project is a collaborative booklet that provides an overview of the programs that are offered at the Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI). I worked alongside staff and interns at MSRI to compile updated, informative and concise information that may provide an impactful foundation for future staff and interns. The booklet covers MSRI’s historical context, as well as the Sahabat Education Programm, Sahabat Healthcare Programme and the Elham Empowerment Programme. Additionally, this booklet includes prominent legal advice and information that is critical for individuals who are navigating MSRI’s work as well as general advocacy around refugees, asylum seekers and, basic human and legal rights.

view the pdf:


Meghan Flood

Meghan Flood

  • Hometown: 
    Burnaby, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Geography, Professional Communications
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    September-December 2019


Meghan is a fifth-year Geography and Professional Communications student, concentrating in Environment and Sustainability. She has a keen interest in sustainable urban development and how forms of communication and media can be used as a translation of knowledge from scientist to citizen. She is additionally interested in the intersectionality of arts, activism, and environment in digital media, and how this impacts social and spatial patterns within cities. Meghan is looking forward to gaining international work experience with CITYNET Yokohama and is excited for the lived-experiences which will bring her a deeper understanding of the barriers to sustainability Asian cities are facing. Meghan is incredibly grateful to CAPI for this opportunity which brings her interests, passions, and career goals together for an invaluable capstone experience.

capstone project

Mimi and Hanna had gone to the market to pick up bread for dinner, as their mother instructed. Suddenly, Mimi was knocked off her feet as the ground seemed to jolt out from under her. Hanna turned to her little sister, grabbing her hand and screaming, “Earthquake!”

Throughout my internship with CITYNET Yokohama Project Office, an overarching theme of both my work and my day-to-day life was disasters and natural hazards. While living in Yokohama, I experienced two violent typhoons, and a number of small earthquakes. At work, I learned each day about Disaster Risk Reduction, a major topic of work for CITYNET. Over my internship, I realized how important being prepared for disasters was, and could see the gaps in DRR knowledge myself and other Canadians have. For my capstone project, I decided to write a short children’s story about two sisters caught in an earthquake, learning important DRR lessons as they find their way back home to reunite with their parents.

view the pdf:


Tracy Hampton

Tracy Hampton

  • Hometown: 
    Grimshaw, Alberta
  • UVic department of study: 
    Sociology and Political Science
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2019


Tracy is in her third year studying Political Science and Sociology at the 番茄社区. She is interested in studying racialization, migration and economic inequality. She will be spending time in Malaysia working and learning with the Malaysian Social Research Institute. Tracy is extremely grateful for the opportunity provided to her through CAPI and the Queen Elizabeth Scholars programs.

capstone project

My capstone, "Defining a refugee," is an attempt to challenge current harmful narratives around what it means to be a refugee by showcasing how refugees themselves understand the term while simultaneously showing who these individuals are as human beings. Each page contains a photograph taken of the individual representing who they are and a written account of their answers to the following questions: What makes you happy? How do you define yourself? What are you good at? What do you hope for the future? How do you define a refugee? This project is meant to ignite empathy within those of us who are far removed from the ongoing "refugee crisis" by highlighting the emotions, perspectives and experiences often overshadowed in the media.

view the pdf:


Taylor Josephy

Taylor Josephy

  • Hometown: 
    Quesnel, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Earth & Ocean Sciences, Envir. Restoration (diploma)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    June-August 2019


Taylor is in his final year of a BSc in Earth Science and a diploma in environmental restoration with the 番茄社区. He is interested in the interactions between land-use, hydrology, and poverty in rural sub-Saharan Africa and will be returning to Zambia to help with The SAM Project’s rural water development programs. Taylor will be working alongside SAM, the local tribal leadership, various government offices, and rural communities to inspect the feasibility of diversifying Zambia’s rainwater harvesting strategies to improve food and water security in drought-prone areas. He is looking forward to strengthening old relationships and forming new ones, and he is extremely grateful to the CAPI program for the opportunity to do so.

Jemma Kosalko

Jemma Kosalko

  • Hometown: 
    Smithers, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Political Science, Intercultural Education (diploma)
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2019


Jemma is currently in her third year pursuing a BA in Political Science alongside a Diploma in Intercultural Education. She is interested in International Relations, specifically migration, sustainable development. In addition, the impacts of globalization - looking at social justice and the interactions amongst cultures through this. Jemma is thrilled to be working with the Centre for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) in Jarkarta, Indonesia and looks forward to collaborating with the team and understanding the effects of politics through policy and building on this through experiential learning. She is eager to explore the influence of political think-tanks in social and economic reform and grateful to CAPI and CIPS this opportunity and their support!

Olive Li

Olvie Li

  • Hometown: 
    Richmond Hill, Ontario
  • UVic department of study: 
    Master's student, Social Dimensions of Health
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2019


Olvie is currently working on her master’s thesis in the Social Dimensions of Health program at the 番茄社区. Her research interests are focused on the self-determination of Indigenous youth in sexuality and healthy relationships within the resurgence of traditional land, language, and nationhood. Professionally, she is a Community Health Nurse working primarily within remote Indigenous communities. Born and raised in Ontario with a love of food, culture, languages, travelling, and the outdoors (Vancouver Island is growing on her!), Olvie is excited to be a CAPI intern this year and join PRIA in learning more about community capacity building and participatory action research in health advocacy, education, and promotion. She thanks CAPI for this incredible opportunity and knows it will challenge and change her in ways unimaginable!

capstone project

What is sex and sexuality? And how do youth in India experience it in the context of their realities? Join Olvie Li, 2019 CAPI Intern, who spent 6 months in New Delhi at the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) helping the NGO develop sexual health curriculum to be delivered all over schools in India. In this six episode podcast series, Olvie (Registered Nurse and Sex Educator) interviews youth in New Delhi about their sexuality and views on sexual health education in India. Dhanyawad & shukriya for listening!

Listen to Olvie's on Soundcloud

Jess MacIver

Jess MacIver

  • Hometown: 
    North Vancouver, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Anthropology and Philosophy
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
    South Africa
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2019


Jess MacIver is a fifth-year student at UVic, getting her double major in Anthropology & Archaeology and Religious Philosophy. She has worked with children for 9 years, resulting in a focus on early childhood learning, collaborative learning, and empowerment through education. For her internship, she will be working with Ukulapha and be heading to Slangspruit, a small township in South Africa. Here she will be working in the elementary school, assisting in the classroom as well as leading summer camps for the young girls during school break. Jess is incredibly grateful to CAPI and QES for this chance to really engage with not only the youth, but the community as a whole, and to further her education in this amazing way.

capstone project

Throughout our time in South Africa, we witnessed the direct aftermath of Apartheid, in particular with the underfunding and lack of support from the government for the township schools. We witnessed resilience and passion within the children despite the academic, emotional, and socio-economic challenges that they were facing. We were inspired to create a capstone that would assist future interns in navigating their role at Slangspruit school, with Ukulpaha Project, and in South Africa. We hope that our handbook will assist interns in transitioning into their new role and most importantly, help them to be able to work in a way that puts the students first.

view the pdf:


Ariana Maragh

Ariana Maragh

  • Hometown: 
    Victoria, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Social Work
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
    South Africa
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2019


Ariana is a fourth year Social Work student with a focus on child welfare and child protection. She is thrilled and grateful to receive the opportunity to be working with Ukulapha Community Outreach Project in South Africa. Ariana currently works with children and teens of various demographics and is excited to translate this into her work at Slangspruit Primary School. She is passionate about social justice and advocating for marginalized demographics. She believes expanding your lens and recognizing your own positionality truly fosters empathy and growth. She is excited for this life experience that will point her in many unknown directions.

capstone project

Throughout our time in South Africa, we witnessed the direct aftermath of Apartheid, in particular with the underfunding and lack of support from the government for the township schools. We witnessed resilience and passion within the children despite the academic, emotional, and socio-economic challenges that they were facing. We were inspired to create a capstone that would assist future interns in navigating their role at Slangspruit school, with Ukulpaha Project, and in South Africa. We hope that our handbook will assist interns in transitioning into their new role and most importantly, help them to be able to work in a way that puts the students first.

view the pdf:


Maeve Milligan

Maeve Milligan

  • Hometown: 
    Campbell River, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Pacific and Asian Studies
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2019


Maeve is in her fourth year of a degree in Pacific and Asian Studies at UVic. She is passionate about food and photography and is excited to start a six-month internship with CIPS (Center for Indonesian Policy Studies) in Jakarta, Indonesia. Maeve is interested in how policy affects local communities and is looking forward to exploring this relationship with CIPS. She is very grateful to CAPI for providing this great opportunity to broaden her horizons and hopes that her experience will put her in a good place to start a Masters in International Development.

capstone project

Food is our common ground, a universal experience. —James Beard

The Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) works to promote food security in Indonesia. To understand what food means to people in Indonesia it’s important to know where that food came from, what it cost, and what is done to prepare it for the dinner table. For my Capstone project fellow intern Jemma Kosalko and I decided to document all the steps we took to make a popular Indonesian dish called Gado-Gado. Through this experience we reflected on how food in Indonesia is experienced differently than in Canada. We learned about the importance of the traditional market in food preparation, and how complicated it can be to prepare the food we ate in roadside stalls every day.

Selina Powszedny

Selina Powszedny

  • Hometown: 
    Squamish, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Environmental Studies and Geography
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2019


Selina is studying Environmental Studies and Geography at the 番茄社区, and is excited to work with MSRI! Selina is interested in holistic sustainability, especially in urban settings. Her passion for sustainability, and therefore social justice, led her to becoming a CAPI intern, and she is looking forward to being an intern with MSRI in Kuala Lumpur. Additionally, Selina is excited to be able to experience living in a place that is drastically different geographically and culturally.

capstone project

A Different Kind of Progress, is a collaborative effort between some of the students who were in both the Sustainability Club and Art Club at the Malaysian Social Research Institute and I. We worked together to create an idea for a story, which the students had free reign to draw and paint pictures for. They each chose 3 to 4 statements they wanted to paint a picture of. Seeing the way each student interpreted each statement is fascinating. The story tries to highlight how all problems are interconnected and how these large global problems actually provide chances to create a greater future.

view the pdf:


Luisa Schwarz

Luisa Schwarz

  • Hometown: 
    Fredericton, NB
  • UVic department of study: 
    Geography and Enivronmental Studies
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    June-December 2019


Luisa is in her fourth year of Geography and Environmental Studies at Uvic. She is very interested in resource conservation and the rights of minorities. Throughout this internship Luisa will be working at the Karenni Social Development Centre in the North of Thailand. She is very excited to teach and learn from Karenni youth and learn more about Myanmar and Thailand. She is extremely grateful to both CAPI and the KSDC for this opportunity.

capstone project

My capstone project, “Karenni Traditional Storybook”, is a collection of stories and art work created and narrated by the students and teachers at the Karenni Social Development Center. The subjects for the book were chosen by the students as traditions and celebrations play an important role in their community. This project hopes to narrate the story of the Karenni people and show the importance of keeping traditional knowledge and practices alive in their culture. It also hopes to challenge the stigma often surrounding traditional rituals and bring awareness to the role that colonization has played in the loss of traditional practices over time.

view the pdf:


Erin Spence

Erin Spence

  • Hometown: 
    Qualicum Beach, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Political Science
  • Internship host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-August 2019


Erin is a 4th year Political Science student completing an Honours degree with a concentration in comparative politics and government. Her undergraduate research has focused on public policy, voter behaviour, and political participation in Europe and Japan. Her passion is making government services and aid accessible and responsive to the needs of their citizens. Outside of the university, she enjoys swimming, volunteering at the UVic Food Bank, and learning new languages. As a program assistant at CITYNET Yokohama Project Office, she is excited to study how the organisation encourages a higher quality of life in municipalities and urban areas across Asia. 

capstone project

During my internship, my work with CityNet Yokohama Project Office focused on building strong, healthy, and resilient municipalities across the Asia-Pacific region. In both work and travel, I found that the theme of resilience and recovery was a crucial theme of my experiences in Japan. Throughout the summer, I used watercolour paintings and literature to document how I felt and reflect on my own character, my place in the world, and my contributions to the community. As such, I wanted my capstone to be something that I physically created, as an act of resilience and discipline in its own right. This capstone is a artistic and literary exploration of these themes in the medium of a "handbook" that examines the different ways in which resilience manifested in my placement.

view the pdf:


Christopher Tse

Christopher Tse

  • Hometown: 
    Vancouver, BC
  • UVic department of study: 
    Social Work (graduate student)
  • Country: 
    Malaysia and Thailand
  • Independent research project duration: 
    September-December 2019


Christopher Tse is a graduate student in critical social work at the 番茄社区, with a focus on transnational migration and decolonial theory. Before coming back to school, Chris' background in anti-oppressive facilitation, international development, and social justice education led him worldwide to work alongside communities in organizing for social change. With a bachelor's degree in human rights journalism, Chris is passionate about telling stories and perhaps more importantly, dismantling the barriers that prevent people from telling their own stories. He is excited to dig into an arts-based research project in Malaysia and Thailand this fall, and is grateful to CAPI for the opportunity. Chris was a CAPI intern in 2018.

Thank you to our sponsors

The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships (QES) program is managed through a unique partnership of Rideau Hall Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, and Universities Canada


The Canadian Retired Heads of Mission Association


The UVic President's Beyond Borders Fund


The CAPI Jarislowsky Chair in Japan/ East Asian Studies

CAPI 2018 student interns


Ainslee Arthurs

Ainslee Arthurs

  • UVic department of study: 
    4th year Child and Youth Care
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
    South Africa
  • Internship duration: 
    May-August 2018


Ainslee is a fourth-year Child and Youth Care Student at the 番茄社区, focusing her final practicum on international practice in South Africa. Bringing forth a holistic, strength-based perspective developed from her education, Ainslee is thrilled to be exploring her interest in social justice while working with Ukulapha, a collaborative grassroots organization that works with a township elementary school to improve learning and teaching conditions. She is so grateful for CAPI for providing her with this amazing opportunity to work with and learn from the people in Slangspruit.

capstone project

One of the most memorable days of my internship was June 16, South Africa’s national holiday, Youth Day. A day that came from tragedy but is now a commemoration that empowers youth of today. For my capstone project, I created a video that will walk you through Youth Day at Slangspruit Primary School. This included a march through the township, performances by the school’s dance team, and displays by an afterschool art program that I facilitated.  

Mikaela Chia

Mikaela Chia

  • UVic department of study: 
    4th year Biology & Psychology major
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2018


Mikaela is a 4th year Biology & Psychology major, minoring in statistics. She has a keen interest in social justice and sustainable development work through an interdisciplinary lens. Her passion lies in people. Mikaela is always learning both from, and with others and is so looking forward to doing so with PRIA in India. In her spare time, she loves to hike, explore, and work alongside youth. Mikaela is so incredibly grateful to be a CAPI Intern and to have this wonderful opportunity to gain a better understanding of the intricacies of development work and participatory research.

capstone project

My Capstone project, Finding Voice, is a collaborative zine which attempts to showcase and explore individual voice embedded within a collective voice. How do we celebrate and acknowledge our unique differences, as well our intersections? Finding Voice strives to connect people through a creative mean, which opens a platform for expression that celebrates unique lived experiences in a safe space, while also identifying themes of similarity and running themes which bind us all together, even if just a little bit of humanity. Through this zine, my hope is to indirectly touch upon us vs them narratives and recognize strength within both independence and interdependence. It features submissions from 17+ individuals across different geographical locations, languages, and beliefs responding to the question: “how do you find voice?”.

view the pdf:


Ainslee Arthurs

Emily Clare

  • UVic department of study: 
    4th year Child and Youth Care
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
    South Africa
  • Internship duration: 
    May-August 2018


Emily Clare is a fourth-year student in the Child and Youth Care program at the 番茄社区. In May, she is going to Pietermaritzburg, South Africa to work at Ukulapha. Ukulapha, which means “healing” in Zulu, is a community outreach organization that works with the Slangspruit Elementary school. Emily will assist in teaching English and leadership, and will facilitate day camps when school is out of session. She is looking forward to her internship as she is passionate about building positive, strength-based relationships with children and youth, and is excited about visiting the birth country of her parents.

capstone project

My capstone project is a video about the camps I facilitated for the girls of the township school in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. The camps were geared towards girls aged 9-13, and focused on building self-esteem and leadership, and learning about puberty. The camps were incredibly successful, and I could not have been happier with the results. The girls left camp feeling strong, independent, and beautiful, knowing that they were not alone in the challenges and changes they were experiencing. This video captures the impact of camp and the fun that we had together.

Jacob Derksen

Jacob Derksen

  • UVic department of study: 
    Anthropology undergraduate
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    June-December 2018


Jacob is an Anthropology student at the 番茄社区. Originally from Nanaimo BC, he loves Vancouver Island and is happy to be going to Indonesia, a country with many amazing islands to explore and learn about. He is interested in the relationship between culture and politics, as well as urban planning, and ethnographic research. Jacob is very excited about the opportunity to work with the Centre for Indonesian Policy Studies in Jakarta and looks forward to learning more about the process of policy making and analysis. He is very grateful to CAPI for making this opportunity possible and is doing his best to learn Indonesian!

capstone project

Apart from Bali, Indonesia is not a huge tourist destination, and it can be a tricky place to live and travel in some respects – especially when it comes to finding information in English. However, once you get past the chaos you realize just how amazing this part of the world is – and after 7 months of craziness I can definitely say Indonesia my favourite place on Earth. My Capstone is a ‘living in Jakarta’ guide, with information that I uncovered, anywhere from translating decade old websites to just chatting with the guy selling chicken at the end of my street. I know this guide will help interns to CIPS after me, who I hope will use this information to enjoy their placement as much as I did.

View the pdf:


Alanya Dhalla

Alanya Dhalla

  • UVic department of study: 
    3rd year Gender Studies and Environmental Studies
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2018


Alanya is a third-year student completing a double major in Gender Studies and Environmental Studies and a minor in Social Justice Studies. Through these interdisciplinary programs, she has developed a strong interest in the politics of migration, trafficking, and international human rights. In this internship, Alanya will be working with the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women at their International Secretariat located in Bangkok, Thailand. She is very excited for the opportunity to work with the GAATW team and is extremely thankful to both CAPI and GAATW for this unique opportunity to translate her passions into real world actions.  

capstone project

Throughout my time in Asia, I witnessed the importance of critical hope and the power of resilience. Working with topics such as climate change and human trafficking, it can be easy to get lost in negative narratives and forget all the positive initiatives occurring in the world. In order to transcend these common feelings of ‘doom’ and ‘helplessness’ that are active in today’s society, I wanted to use my capstone to highlight resilience and positive news. In order to accomplish this, I asked my cohort about their experiences of witnessing resilience as well as their personal strategies. I also complied positive news, quotes, pictures, etc. into a blog.

view the pdf:


Clara Harding

Clara Harding

  • UVic department of study: 
    4th year Anthropology
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2018


Clara is currently finishing up her BA in anthropology and she is very excited to be working with PRIA as a CAPI intern. Her interests are focused on medical anthropology and on understanding how structural forces shape people’s health and everyday realities, and she is keen to learn more about how participatory research methodologies are implemented from the ground up. Outside of school, Clara loves reading, cooking, swimming and being around animals. She is looking forward to discovering new interests while in India and can’t wait to start working with PRIA!

capstone project

For my capstone project, I put together a list of guidelines, based on my own experience, for doing research ethically as an international student or intern. Interns with PRIA have the opportunity to carry out our own research projects in India. As amazing as this was, I found myself constantly struggling with questions, hesitations and doubts about how to implement what I knew about research ethics in a completely different country and cultural context from which I had learned them. My hope for my capstone project is that it will help spark discussions around research ethics and guide future interns and students, in India and beyond, in doing research ethically.

view the pdf:


Nick Harrison

Nick Harrison

  • UVic department of study: 
    4th year Political Science
  • Host organization: 
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    June-December 2018


Nick is a 4th year Political Science student at UVic with an interest in comparative politics, authoritarianism, and civil resistance. He will be heading to the Mae Hong Son Province of Thailand for 6 months to work as an intern at the Karenni Social Development Centre (KSDC) along the Thai-Myanmar border. Check out Nick’s blog to read about his experiences and reflections at KSDC!

capstone project

My Capstone project is called "The situation, the school, and the people".

There are four things that I hope my capstone will accomplish:

  1. it will give people a general idea of what has happened/is happening in Karenni state that caused the Karenni people to flee
  2. it will help people understand why the KSDC is such a valuable asset to the Karenni population living in the refugee camps around Ban Nai Soi
  3. it will give people a glimpse of what the students are like at the SDC and what their goals and aspirations are
  4. it will help people understand the tight knit nature of the SDC.

Courtenay Jacklin

Courtenay Jacklin

  • UVic department of study: 
    2nd year UVic Law JD program
  • Host organization: 
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-August 2018


Courtenay is currently completing her second year of the JD program at the 番茄社区.  With an undergraduate degree in biology from Queen’s University, Courtenay hopes to explore questions of environmental law and policy during her legal studies.  As part of CAPI’s Crossing Borders Program, Courtenay will have the opportunity to work for The Other Media, an organization focused on environmental and social justice issues in Southeast India.  She is looking forward to engaging with their Community Environmental Monitoring Program, which uses environmental law to hold polluting companies responsible for any environmental degradation caused by their actions.

capstone project

Whenever I travel, I love to collect book recommendations. For my Capstone Project, I compiled a list of novels and short stories by Indian authors, as recommended by new friends, colleagues and neighbours in Chennai, India. For each story, I’ve included background information about the author, a short summary of the plot, and a bit of information about where the recommendation came from. I also canvassed the other CAPI interns in my cohort for recommendations, and received book suggestions from Malaysia, South Africa, Indonesia and Japan!

view the pdf:
cover page of Courtenay's capstone project

Rachel Lynch

Rachel Lynch

  • UVic department of study: 
    graduate student, Economics
  • Host organization: 
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2018


Rachel is graduate student in the Economics department at UVic. She has a particular interest in the impact of business and agricultural diversification on poverty reduction. In Southern Province, Zambia, Rachel works with SAM Project’s partner co-operative Lubemba. She assists farmers to begin and grow income-generating projects through a microfinancing program she co-founded in 2017. Rachel is also focused on improving the collection and use of data in program design, implementation, and evaluation of economic development projects.

capstone project

Knowledge is power. When it comes to diversifying income and trying to create a better life for one’s self, one’s children, and one’s community, education provides a foundation for lasting change. This workbook is an integral part of a workshop designed to teach about starting, running, and maintaining sustainable income-generating projects. The purpose of this specific course is to educate women on basic business and economic principles to improve the functionality and profitability of their group and individual businesses. The participatory, multi-lingual, and engaging nature of this course is meant to make it accessible to all women – regardless of level of formal education or experience in managing an enterprise. This workbook, along with an explanation and photographs of the workshop, make up my capstone project for my internship working with The SAM Project in Southern Province, Zambia.

view the pdf:

Liam Marshall

Liam Marshall

  • UVic department of study: 
    Philosophy undergraduate
  • Host organization: 
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-August 2018


Liam Marshall is working towards a BA in Philosophy, with a Minor in Computer Science.  He has lived on Vancouver Island his whole life and has been involved in local music events and organizations throughout the local community.  Liam is interested in humanitarian issues such as natural disaster prevention and sustainable development in developing countries, as well as topics such as the impact of language on philosophy and culture, and the cross-cultural comparison of philosophical trends.  He will be working as a program assistant for the CITYNET Yokohama Project Office, in in Yokohama, Japan.  Liam is very excited about this opportunity, and grateful to CAPI and CITYNET for making it possible.

Mackenzie Martin

Mackenzie Martin

  • UVic department of study: 
    4th year Anthropology
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2018


Mackenzie is thrilled to have the opportunity to be a CAPI intern at MSRI. Mackenzie is in her final year of a B.A. in Anthropology. Her academic interests center around medical anthropology, including migrant health, food security, and linguistic barriers to accessing health services. Her personal interests include cooking, environmental sustainability, and being in nature. Mackenzie is grateful for a placement at MSRI where she can learn about refugee support programs and forge new relationships. She is looking forward to exploring Malaysia and being challenged by a new work environment.

capstone project

My Capstone project is a blog that I built to showcase some of my work as an intern at MSRI (website design) and what I learned about food culture in Malaysia. My blog contains recipes and descriptions of traditional Malaysian dishes that I ate during my placement. Since I am plant-based I have adjusted the recipes to fit my preferences, while still highlighting the vibrant flavours and local produce that inspire each dish. My hope is that this blog encourages you to try Malaysian cuisine and inspires you to eat more plants!


Christopher Tse

Christopher Tse

  • UVic department of study: 
    graduate student, Social Work
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2018


Christopher Tse is a graduate student in critical social work at the 番茄社区, with a focus on transnational migration and citizenship theory. Before coming back to school, Chris' background in anti-oppressive facilitation, international development, and social justice education led him worldwide to work alongside communities in organizing for social change. With a bachelor's degree in human rights journalism, Chris is passionate about telling stories and perhaps more importantly, dismantling the barriers that prevent people from telling their own stories. He is excited to work with and learn from the the MSRI team and is grateful to CAPI for the opportunity.

capstone project

In the spirit of participatory action research led by and conducted for a community, my capstone project was a program evaluation of MSRI's Emergency Support Program, which offers emergency financial aid to refugees/asylum-seekers in dire situations. Through my case work and conversations with colleagues and more importantly, clients, it became clear there were areas of potential growth where the program could really improve. The goal of this program evaluation was to gauge the program's overall effectiveness, identify determinants of financial insecurity among refugee communities in Kuala Lumpur, and consider implications for change that will ensure the program continues growing towards providing effective and anti-oppressive support for refugees and asylum-seekers.

View the pdf:


Kanika Varma

Kanika Varma

  • UVic department of study: 
    3rd year Anthropology
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    September-December 2018


Kanika is a 3rd Anthropology major with a focus on Cultural and Visual Anthropology. Her topics of interest are family and migration, community, urban studies. She has attended two field schools in both of her focuses with a strong background in volunteer work in Victoria, India, and Uganda. She considers herself a traveler and is excited to have the opportunity to work with CITYNET in Yokohama. She will use her time in Japan to experience the culture and lifestyle of the city as well as develop an understanding of the Japanese workspace.

Charlotte Whyte

Charlotte Whyte

  • UVic department of study: 
    2nd year Anthropology
  • Host organization:
  • Country: 
  • Internship duration: 
    May-November 2018


Charlotte is a second year Anthropology Major and Geography Minor with a focus in migration issues around the world. She grew up in Seattle WA and The Cotswolds, UK and moved to Victoria two years ago for university.  She is interested in women’s lived experiences in migration as well as young women’s empowerment. She enjoys making music, playing frisbee and listening to people’s stories. With a great appreciation for the variety and differences of people’s lives around the globe, she is very excited to be living and working in part of the world where she has never been before.

Incoming Scholar


Lynn Ng Yu Ling

  • UVic department of study: 
    PhD student, Political Science
  • Home country:
  • Scholarship duration: 
    September 2018-April 2019


Lynn is a first year PhD student in the department of Political Science at the 番茄社区(UVic) in Canada. Previously she studied in England where she obtained a BA(Hons) in Geography and a MPhil in Development Studies.

Under the supervision of Dr Feng Xu, Lynn's research interest is in issues of Nationalism and migrant worker exclusion in the eldercare industry in Singapore, her home country. The eldercare industry in Canada, especially Vancouver, has a lot of similarities with that in Singapore. Most domestic and institutional care workers are foreign immigrants, especially from the Philippines, Indonesia, China and Myanmar among others. In Singapore, foreign workers face huge obstacles to social integration as they are not treated with mutual respect from wider society. State laws on immigration are also discriminatory in the way they imply national ownership over 'foreign' bodies, classifying and delineating immigrants in ways that do not do justice to human rights promises. My research endeavours to find a place for 'voices from the bottom', that is allowing care workers themselves to offer perspectives on what 'care' means, instead of the mainstream thinking of the '3Ds': dirty, dangerous, difficult. Participation would be a core aspect of interactions with my respondents, and I look forward to embarking on this self-reflective journey.

capstone project

My Capstone project Looking in from the Outside explores the experiences of international and indigenous students in Canadian society. Through mind-mapping and informal conversation, I gathered common themes in their experiences of marginalization and daily micro-aggressions. The original intention was to focus on the perspectives of international students, but in the course of this project the fee hikes for international students were approved. Considering that the UVic Board of Governors framed this move in a way that pitted indigenous and international students against each other, I felt it was important to also include indigenous voices to show that these two groups of students have more that they can mutually relate to than fight over. The way their contributions are presented reflect the preferences of my respondents. Overall, this project emphasises the theme of relationality and caring for others based on the simple fact that we exist as human beings, differences in habit and perception aside. As I hope to show, the maps drawn by my respondents reflect many concerns that are not as different as we might think.

View the pdf:

capstone project cover

group photo of 2017 CAPI interns
The 2017 CAPI interns during pre-departure orientation

QES Interns

Name Organization Location Blog
Rachel Barr Society for Participatory Research in Asia India
Marlin Beswetherick Malaysian Social Research Institute Malaysia
Chad Boissy African Institute of Mathematical Sciences School Enrichment Center  South Africa
Will Howling
Society for Participatory Research in Asia
Sasha Mosky Society for Participatory Research in Asia India
Luc Nadeau Malaysian Social Research Institute Malaysia
Seema Prasad Malaysian Social Research Institute Malaysia
Loreen Regnander Society for Participatory Research in Asia India

QES Scholars

Name Location Blog
Su Yen Chong Canada
Alexandra Lloyd Australia
Ngozi Nwoko Canada
Christina Service New Zealand

Japan Interns

Name Organization Location Blog
Rasheedah White CITYNET Yokohama Japan

President's Beyond Borders Fund Intern

Name Organization Location Blog
Duncan Chalmers Karenni Social Development Centre Thailand


International Youth Internship Program Interns

Name Organization Location Blog
Bangladeshi Ovhibashi Mohila Sramik Association (BOMSA)  Bangladesh
Bangladeshi Ovhibashi Mohila Sramik Association (BOMSA) Bangladesh
Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Pourakhi Nepal
Migrant Centre Nepal
Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Nepal Institute of Development Studies (NIDS) Nepal
Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) Bangladesh
Luke Yang Pravasi Nepali Coordination Committee Nepal

Crossing Borders Interns

Name Organization Location Blog
Zachary Brabazon Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit Bangladesh
Kenda Chang-Swanson Society for Participatory Research in Asia India
Kimberly Copeland Malaysian Social Research Malaysia
Emma DeVynck
Karenni Social Development Centre
Claire Horwood Malaysian Social Research Malaysia
Sidney Moss Society for Participatory Research in Asia India
Hannah Shin Network Activities Group Myanmar
Joel Toorenburgh Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit Bangladesh
Danae Zachari Malaysian Social Research Institute Malaysia

Crossing Borders Scholars

Name Location Blog
Taiwo Afolabi Canada
Jesse Baltutis South Africa
Janice Dowson South Africa
Bhiamie Eckford-Williamson Canada
Elena Lopez Malaysia
Charli Mohammed Singapore
Jeanique Tucker Canada

Japan Interns

Name Location Blog
Nicola Craig Hora Japan
Sophia Mayen Japan
Katt McGrath Japan


International Youth Internship Program Interns

Name Organization Location Blog
Shanzeh Ameen Pourakhi Nepal N/A
Chih Chen Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Harshada Deshpande Pravasi Nepali Coordination Committee Nepal
Shannon Doyle Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Brian Hutchinson Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Nadya Jamal Pourakhi Nepal
Dugal Monk Migrant Forum in Asia Philippines
Valérie Paradiso Migrant Forum in Asia Philippines
Leanne Perera Migrant Forum in Asia Philippines
Elizabeth Thipphawong Migrant Centre Nepal

Crossing Borders Interns

Name Organization Location Blog
Tabitha Black-Lock Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit Bangladesh
Siobhan Davis Malaysian Social Research Malaysia
Yasmine El-Hamamsy Malaysian Social Research Malaysia
Cam Gianotti BRAC Migration Program Bangladesh
Kip Jorgensen BRAC Migration Progam Bangladesh
Jordan Konyk Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit Bangladesh
Michelle Maillet Migrant Centre Nepal
Roxanne Power Society for Participatory Research in Asia India
Perry Watson Society for Participatory Research in Asia India
Bridget Woods Asia-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women Malaysia

Crossing Borders Scholars

Name Location Blog
Taiwo Afolabi Canada
Emily Aston Malawi
Alex Berry India
Sara Bourquin Botswana
Ben Lawrence Canada
Raviv Litman Singapore
Jennifer Mateer India


Name Organization Location
Elsie Daoust Migrant Forum in Asia Philippines
Harrison Ellis National Domestic Workers Movement India
Shannon Doyle Centre for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Alanah Nasadyk CITYNET Japan
Kip Jorgensen Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) Bangladesh
Sean Grisdale CITYNET Japan


Name Organization Location
Natalia Yang Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU)
Sonia Preisler Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)
Elena Lopez Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Christine Galipeau WARBE Development Foundation Bangladesh
Cory de Vries Migrant Forum in Asia Philippines
Jacquie Day Migrant Forum in India India


Name Organization Location
Harrison Ellis Migrant Forum in Asia Philippines
Beaudin Bennett WARBE Development Foundation Bangladesh
Jamie Myrah Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) India
Cassana Kelly Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Marguerite Heyns Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) Bangladesh
Victor Huynh Migrant Forum in India India
Adam Tran Migrant Forum in India India
George Benson-Patterson WARBE Development Foundation Bangladesh
Chandra Merry Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines
Catherine Lawrence Migrant Forum in Asia Philippines 


  • Haydn Shook was an intern for Mirgant Forum in Asia in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Kelly Lindsay was an intern for WARBE Development Foundation in Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Mikaela Robertson was an intern with the Centre for Migrant Advocacy in Quezon City, Philippines


  • Chany Chea was an intern with the Center for Migrant Advocacy in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Stephanie Ellis was an intern with the The WorldFish Center in Los Banos, Philippines
  • Matt Loewen was an intern with The WorldFish Center in Los Banos, Philippines
  • Sabrina Buzzalino was an intern with Isis International in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Andrew Kim was an intern with the Migrant Forum in Asia in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Leah Staples was an intern with Isis International in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Susie Miller was an intern with the Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development in Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Kathryn Aedy was an intern with Isis International in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Furqan Asif was an intern with The WorldFish Center in Los Banos, Philippines
  • Karen Campbell was an intern with the Migrant Forum in Asia in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Danielle Castellino was an intern with the Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development in Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Rudelle DeSouza was an intern with The Learning Institute in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Caitlin Devlin was an intern with the Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development in Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Katie Palmer was an intern with the Center for Migrant Advocacy in Quezon City, Philippines


  • Loubna Amarir was an intern with the Center for Migrant Advocacy in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Celeste Dempster was an intern with The WorldFish Center in Los Banos, Philippines 
  • Linley Faulkner was an intern with Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Saje FitzGerald was an intern with the Women and Gender Institute of Miriam College in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Cindy Jiang was an intern with Migrant Forum in Asia in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Justine Little was an intern with the Center for Migrant Advocacyin Quezon City, Philippines
  • Jessica Ly was an intern with the Women and Gender Institute of Miriam College in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Melanie Matining was an intern with Migrant Forum in Asia in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Anne Mitaru was an intern with Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Patrick O'Neill was an intern with Migrant Forum in Asia in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Dylan Sherlock was an intern with Future Generations/China in Beijing, China
  • Raya Yampolsky was an intern with Future Generations/China in Beijing, China
  • Jackie Ziegler was an intern with The WorldFish Center in Los Banos, Philippines


  • Hilary Gorman was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Sayuri Holman was an intern in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
  • Michelle Reid was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Lindsay Walton was an intern in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Helen Beynon was an intern in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
  • Kate-Lynn Duplessis was an intern in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Adam Houston was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Anjali Lowe was an intern in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Gabriel Rose was an intern in Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Celeste Shankland was an intern in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Morgan Slavkin was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Bridgitt Sloan-McMullin was an intern in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Thomas Sullivan was an intern in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Alison Scott was an intern in Tokyo, Japan
  • Heidi Wudrick was an intern in Tokyo, Japan


  • Kathleen Armstrong was an intern in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Emily Kydd was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Len Statz was an intern in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 
  • Sally McBride was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Adam Ross was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Simmi Dixit was an intern in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Stacey Lambert was an intern in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Peter Rosenbluth was an intern in Hanoi, Vietnam 


  • Chantal Beaubien was an intern in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Pia Bustos was an intern in Suva, Fiji and in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Yiching Chua was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Julie Ham was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Martin Laycock was an intern in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
  • Florine Lawrance was an intern in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Kierin Mackenzie was an intern in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
  • Laura McLennan was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Jeannie Patterson was an intern in Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Angus Wong was an intern in Koror, Palau


  • Zoe Bake-Paterson was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Katie Bisaro was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Devon Peavoy was an intern in Port Vila, Vanuatu and Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Michelle Rogers was an intern in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Rachel Rouhana was an intern in Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Carla Taylor was an intern in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
  • Larry van der Est was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand


  • Allison Eades was an intern in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
  • Nathan Elliot was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Meghann Gregg was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Zahra Ismail was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Lisa Okada was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand and Victoria, British Columbia
  • Rebecca Plucer was an intern in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Carla Schuk was an intern in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
  • Gwyn Robinson was an intern in Chiang Mai, Thailand


  • Shane Barter was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Kate Vallance was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Joanna Wong was an intern in Bangkok, Thailand