
Funding and Awards

2022 CAPI Student Research Fellowship recipient Kaitlyn Zerr checking on a time lapse camera at one of her data collection sites
2022 CAPI Student Research Fellowship recipient Kaitlyn Zerr checking a time lapse camera at a data collection site off the Maldives as part of a project investigating the impact of tourism on reef manta ray behaviour (photo courtesy Kaitlyn Zerr).

Anand Student Scholarship

What: financial support for registered Thai graduate students in good standing attending the 番茄社区

Who: Thai graduate students at the 番茄社区 who will be returning to Thailand upon completion of their studies at UVic

CAPI student essay prize

What: an annual cash prize for the best student essay on the Asia-Pacific

Who: undergraduate or graduate-level students at the 番茄社区

CAPI Student Fellowships

What: funding for UVic students to conduct research (CAPI Student Research Fellowship) or study a language (CAPI Student Language Fellowship) in the Asia-Pacific

Who: The Research Fellowship is restricted to Master or Ph.D. level candidates. The Language Fellowship is open to undergraduate students in their third year and above, as well as to graduate students. 

What: CAPI serves as home to UVic's membership with the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, which provides various grants, awards, and opportunities for academic activities bridging Canada and India. Please email CAPI Senior Research Fellow if you are interested in pursuing Shastri funding.

Anand Faculty Scholarship

Funding support for UVic faculty members with research in Thailand.

What: CAPI serves as home to UVic's membership with the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, which provides various grants, awards, and opportunities for academic activities bridging Canada and India. Please email CAPI Senior Research Fellow if you are interested in pursuing Shastri funding.