
Takahiro Endo / 遠藤 貴宏 / エンドウ タカヒロ

Jarislowsky Japan Chair (2021 to present)

CAPI Jarislowsky Japan Chair Takahiro Endo
Dr. Takahiro Endo arrived in Victoria in mid-October 2021.

Dr. Takahiro Endo was born and raised in Hitachi city, Japan. He joined the 番茄社区 as Associate Professor at Peter B. Gustavson Business School and Jarislowsky CAPI Chair in East Asia (Japan) in 2021. Previously, he was Associate Professor at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, and Kobe University after completing a two-year postdoctoral research position at Cardiff. He obtained Ph.D. from Cardiff University, Wales, and MA and BA from Hitotsubashi University. He has been a research fellow at Kobe University, RIEB (Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration).

His scholarly interests lie in the translation of sustainability ideas and practice in business and management, legal structure and business organizations, commensuration processes and their impacts, and innovation and invention of tradition. As the principal investigator, he has conducted two JSPS (Japanese Society for Promoting Science) funded research projects examining corporate lobbying and its impacts in traditional and new economic sectors. Moreover, he has joined several inter-disciplinary and internationally funded projects examining the translation of renewable energy, commensuration in higher education, and gender issues in professional service firms. He has published academic as well as practitioner-oriented articles both in Japanese and English. He enjoys cooking, jogging, and hiking in his spare time.





  • Sydow, J., Schreyoegg, G., & Endo, T. (2021). Industry Dynamics and Path Dependencies: Wind Energy in Europe and Asia. In M. Kipping, T. Kurusawa, & E. Westney (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Industry Dynamics. Oxford University Press.

  • Endo, T., Fujiwara, M., & Tsuboyama, Y. (2021). Travelling Management Ideas: Agility in Japan. In The Agile Imperative (pp. 175-201). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 
  • Wood, G., Finnegan, J. J., Allen, M. L., Allen, M. M., Cumming, D., Johan, S., Nicklich, M., Endo, T., ... & Tanaka, S. (2020). The comparative institutional analysis of energy transitions. Socio-Economic Review, 18(1), 257-294. 

  • Delbridge, R., Endo, T., & Morris, J. (2019). Entrepreneurs or Employees? The Emergence of “Disciplining Entrepreneurialism” in Subsidiary Organizations at Cyberagent. In Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations: Process Views. Emerald Publishing Limited. 

  • Morris, J., Hassard, J., Delbridge, R., & Endo, T. (2019). Understanding managerial work in the modern Japanese firm: The influence of new organizational forms and changing human resource management practices. Economic and Industrial Democracy
  • Matsubara, S., & Endo, T. (2017). The change and continuity of accounting professionals in Japan: Interpretive policy analysis perspective. In Japanese Management in Evolution (pp. 278-292). Routledge.
  • Morris, J., Delbridge, R., & Endo, T. (2018). The layering of meso‐level institutional effects on employment systems in Japan. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 56(3), 603-630. 

  • Matsubara, S., & Endo, T. (2018). The role of local accounting standard setters in institutional complexity:“Explosion” of local standards in Japan. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 31(1), 96-111. 
  • Spence, C., Zhu, J., Endo, T., & Matsubara, S. (2017). Money, honour and duty: Global professional service firms in comparative perspective. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 62, 82-97. 
  • Endo, T. (2018). Legal structure, business organisations and lobbying: The Japanese publishing sector, 1990–2001. Business History, 60(4), 492-511.
  • Endo, T., Tsuboyama, Y., & Hara, Y. (2016). Beyond taxation: Discourse around energy policy in Japan. Energy Policy, 98, 412-419. 
  • Hara, Y., Endo, T., & Kobayashi, H. (2015). The hidden abode of network orchestration: The case of de-legitimated diesel cars in Japan. Industrial Marketing Management, 49, 15-21. 

  • Endo, T., Delbridge, R., & Morris, J. (2015). Does Japan Still Matter? Past Tendencies and Future Opportunities in the Study of Japanese Firms. International Journal of Management Reviews, 17(1), 101-123. 

  • Sato, I. & Endo, T. (2014). "RAE-able"から"REF-able"へ? : 研究評価をめぐる高等教育機関の反応的変容に関する試案的考察 / From the RAE-able to the REF-able?: A Note on Formative Reactivity in National Research Quality Assessment. 大学評価・学位研究 / University Evaluation and Degree Studies, 16, 83-104. 

  • Aoki, K., Delbridge, R., & Endo, T. (2014). ‘Japanese human resource management’ in post-bubble Japan. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(18), 2551-2572. 
  • Endo, T. (2012). Resistance to institutional change: the case of the Japanese publishing field (Doctoral dissertation, Cardiff University). 
  • Aoki, K., Delbridge, R., & Endo, T. (2011). Continuity and Change in Japan’s Automotive Industry,’. Ivey Business Journal, January–February, 1-11.
  • Yamauchi, Y. & Endo, T. (2010). Happen To Be Fashionable?: New Practice Creation Through The Sequence Of Multiple Actors. Center for Japanese Business Studies, Graduate School of Commerce and Management Hitotsubashi University, Working Paper Series 115. 
  • Endo, T. (2006). An institutional analysis of the resale price maintenance system for publications in Japan: The two-tier tug-of-war and the survival of the system. Center for Japanese Business Studies, Graduate School of Commerce and Management Hitotsubashi University
