
Alexandra Lloyd

Alexandra Lloyd

Alexandra (Alex) Lloyd is a Master’s student in the Department of Anthropology at the 番茄社区. Alex completed her undergraduate education at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, where she graduated with Bachelor’s Degrees in Anthropology and International Studies. As an undergraduate research assistant, Alex contributed to a project looking at the intergenerational effects of psychosocial maternal stress on intrauterine health and birth outcomes in American Samoan women. Alex is now working as a research assistant with Dr. Leslie Butt and Dr. Lisa Mitchell on their project Southeast Asian Women, Migration, and Family in the Global Era. As an extension, Alex’s graduate research will take her to Melbourne, Australia this summer to explore the impacts of transnational migration on the sexual subjectivities of an increasingly mobile generation of young Indonesian women studying overseas. Her research aims to highlight the voices and lived experiences of young women studying abroad, including their sense of belonging, social relationships, and interactions with reproductive health services.