
Beaudin Bennett

Beaudin  Bennett
CAPI Intern: November 2012 - June 2013

Beaudin Bennett completed his BA in political science and history at the end of 2012.  He has active interests in the rights of nomadic peoples and other marginalized groups, Canadian and comparative politics, and black market economies.  A lifelong interest in global cultural diversity has led to interactions, often as a motorcycle nomad, with people in North and South America and western and central Europe.As a Victoria taxicab driver he enjoys interacting with local south Asian communities.  These life experiences have resulted in a facility with languages; Beaudin is bilingual and has a working knowledge of several other languages.  When he is not crabbing, smoking salmon, making music, driving cab, or studying Beaudin is likely to be canoeing, running, working on habitat restoration, or exploring local natural history -activities useful to anyone interested in all that the world can offer.

Beaudin worked as a Program Assistant with  in Dhaka, Bangladesh.